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  • Plato
柏拉图 [bó lā tú]
  • [plato] (公元前427-公元前347) 古希腊客观唯心主义哲学家

柏拉图[bó lā tú]
  1. 亚里士多德证明了地球是圆的,柏拉图普及了这一概念。

    It was Aristotle who proved the world is round . Plato popularized the concept .

  2. 斯皮奥斯说,这条法则基于柏拉图的观点,即浑浑噩噩的生活不值得过。

    Soupios says that it is based on Plato 's observation that the unexamined life is not worth living .

  3. 她珍惜自己和克里斯之间长达10年的柏拉图式的友情。

    She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years .

  4. 但据亚里士多德——柏拉图的学生,亚历山大大帝的老师——所说,大多数的人际关系都算不上是真正的友谊。

    But according to Aristotle — a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great — most relationships don 't qualify as true friendships .

  5. 尽管杜威、蒙台梭利、柏拉图和亚里士多德以及美国思想家拉尔夫·爱默生很早以前都曾提岀过经验和自力更生的价值观念,但是在实践中学习的理念难以成为教育界的主流。

    Ideas about learning by doing have struggled to become mainstream educationally , despite being old concepts from Dewey and Montessori , Plato and Aristotle , and in the American Contcxt , Ralph Emerson , on the value of experience and self-reliance .

  6. 柏拉图式的爱情,在现实世界里到底可能吗?

    Can Platonic love really exist in real life ?

  7. 他们的友情是基于柏拉图式的爱情。

    Their friendship is based on platonic love .

  8. “朋友区间”指的是两个人之间的柏拉图式的友谊,其中一个人希望能和对方发展出浪漫恋情。

    Friend Zone is a platonic1 friendship between two people one of whom wants the relationship to be romantic .

  9. 但是新研究显示,约三分之二的夫妇或情侣是从朋友开始做起的,在碰撞出爱情火花之前维持了很长一段时间的柏拉图式的关系。

    But new research suggests roughly two-thirds of couples start out as friends and maintain a platonic2 relationship for long periods before sparking a romance .

  10. 斯廷森表示,柏拉图式的关系如何转变为爱情,以及朋友和恋人之间的分界线究竟在哪里,仍然是未解的难题。

    How does a platonic relationship turn romantic and what really is the distinction between friends and lovers is a question that is still being unpicked , Stinson said .

  11. 柏拉图Vs.荷马&西方文明史上哲学与文学的第一次激烈对抗与融合

    Plato Vs. Homer The First Confrontation Merging between Philosophy and Literature in the Western Civilization

  12. 太多这方面的论述,但在第,II,册,记得吗,他花了相当篇幅,评论柏拉图的《理想国》,因为后者对其公民。

    We didn 't really pause to talk much about this ? but in Book II you remember he criticizes at considerable length Plato 's Republic for the excessive unity it demands of its citizens .

  13. 将这论点放到书中,在柏拉图的《理想国》书中,that,Polemarchus,,from,Plato's,Republic,应会了解,友敌是政治生活的自然演变,与根深蒂固的类别。

    To put the argument in terms Polemarchus would have known , friend and enemy are natural and ineradicable categories of political life .

  14. 浙江省江苏大学伦理学研究生LVTiantian花了几年的时间阅读《亚里士多德》和《柏拉图》。

    LV Tiantian , a graduate student majoring in ethics at Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang , has spent years reading Aristotle and Plato .

  15. 本研究依据PaulErnest的观点将小学教师的数学观分为工具主义、柏拉图主义和问题解决三类。

    The primary teachers ' view of mathematics , according to the argument of Paul Ernest , was classified into three categories : the instrumentalist view , the Platonist view , and the problem solving view .

  16. 因为没有和柏拉图别的对话一样我们没有能得以目睹实际的询问,所以我们不应该拒绝认为(EA2)是一种在TheApology中苏格拉底对于智慧的观点的解释。

    Since we do not get to witness the actual questioning as we do in Plato 's other dialogues , we should not reject ( EA2 ) as an interpretation of Socrates'view of wisdom in The Apology .

  17. 词组短语becognizantof认识到…;知道…耶鲁公开课-死亡课程节选很多时候当你阅读柏拉图的对话录,不管是这篇还是其他篇,柏拉图似乎很清楚至少有一个留心的读者,会对早期的一些观点,提出反驳意见。

    Many times when you read the dialogue , this or other dialogues by Plato , it seems as though he 's fully cognizant of the objections that at least an attentive reader will raise about earlier stages of the argument .

  18. 记不记得柏拉图自己,曾多次旅行到西西里岛,从事国王顾问的工,Dionysius王,他所有的使命都未竟成功,并使他深深感到气馁。

    Plato himself , remember , made a number of trips to Sicily to serve as the advisor to a king there , Dionysius , and all of these missions failed and left him deeply dispirited .

  19. 形神问题探讨柏拉图的神

    Discussion on the relation between body and soul Plato 's God

  20. 柏拉图《理想国》的诗教思想研究

    Plato 's Idea of Poetry Education in His " Republic "

  21. 柏拉图从教生涯及教育思想述评

    Plato 's Teaching Career and a Review of his Educational Thought

  22. 柏拉图在病人满意度调查中的应用

    Application of Pareto Chart in survey of satisfaction degree of patients

  23. 普罗塔哥拉与柏拉图的政治哲学的阐释与比较

    Comparison and Interpretation of Philosophy of Politics Between Protagoras and Plato

  24. 在西方,它肇始于古代哲学僭主&柏拉图。

    In Western , it started from the ancient giant philosopher-Plato .

  25. 柏拉图的洞穴比喻:光,理念及其他

    Plato 's Cave : Light , Idea , and the Others

  26. 你相信男女之间能存在柏拉图式的爱情吗?

    Do you believe men and women can be platonic friends ?

  27. 我们正面临一种新的柏拉图所说的洞穴范畴吗?

    Are we facing a new category of Plato 's cave ?

  28. 柏拉图领导教育思想初探

    The Tentative Exploration of the Plato 's Ideology on Leadership Education

  29. 但柏拉图到底想要这场辩证,如何被理解呢?

    But how did Plato intend this dialogue to be understood ?

  30. 柏拉图:所有的大便都是理型大便的阴影。

    Plato all shit is a shadow of the ideal shit .