
  • 网络Berlin
  1. 在德国,柏林市已经满目疮痍。

    Within Germany , the city of Berlin lay in ruins .

  2. 柏林市政府指望着奥运会能给这座城市省钱。

    The Berlin government is banking on the Olympics to save the city money

  3. 2014年2月,藏家马尔佐纳(他是GoingPublic项目的参与者之一)把自己收藏的372件20世纪先锋艺术品转让给了柏林市政府。2002年,他已经把自己收藏的很大一部分艺术品赠送给了柏林的多个博物馆。

    In February 2014 , Mr. Marzona , one of the participating collectors in " Going Public , " transferred ownership of 372 pieces of 20th-century avant-garde art to the city of Berlin , having already given a substantial proportion of his collection to the city 's museums in 2002 .

  4. 但他上是英国派驻柏林市的顶级间谍。

    But he was actually Britain 's top spy in the city .

  5. 布兰登在宾夕法尼亚州的柏林市开设了一家公司,专攻新型钻探技术。

    Brandon started a company in Berlin , Pennsylvania that specializes in a new kind of drilling technology .

  6. 德国城市土地利用总体规划体系及其特点&以柏林市土地利用总体规划为例

    System and characteristics of land use overall plan for urban in Germany & exampled as land use overall plan of Berlin

  7. 随着捐款越来越多,柏林市政府投入了150万欧元的修缮资金。

    Since then donations have flooded in , with the Berlin city government pledging 1.5 million euros to the repair fund .

  8. 在这个样例数据中,您将会发现到柏林和法兰克福市之间的线路,还会发现到法兰克福市和柏林之间的连接。

    Within this sample data you will detect there is not only a connection between Berlin and Frankfurt , but also between Frankfurt and Berlin .