
  • Bern;Berne;Switzerland
  1. 在近期由美国瑞士基金会(americanswissfoundation)主办的一次苏黎世-伯尔尼之旅中,我发现很多瑞士人仍对此愤恨不已。

    On a recent trip to Zurich and Bern hosted by the American Swiss Foundation , I found many Swiss still resentful .

  2. 1954年世界杯夺冠——被拍成电影《伯尔尼的奇迹》(TheMiracleofBern)——让德国人在1945年的战败和耻辱之后迎来了自豪和救赎的时刻。

    Victory in 1954 - captured in the film , The Miracle of Bern - allowed Germans a moment of pride and redemption after defeat and disgrace in 1945 .

  3. 很多国家都是《伯尔尼公约》的签署国。

    Many countries are signatories to / of the Berne Convention .

  4. 伯尔尼的女士们喜欢去联邦宫殿用茶点。

    The ladies of Berne liked to patronize the Palace for tea and little cakes .

  5. PACT工艺研究进展及应用中应注意的问题《伯尔尼公约》及其在我国的实施

    The progress of PACT ~ ( TM ) and problems in its application Berne Convention and Its Putting in Practice in China

  6. 两岸新著作权法均注意与TRIPS协议和《伯尔尼公约》接轨,不断规范合理使用制度,均已有较高的国际化水平;

    The new copyright laws across Taiwan Strait both try to standardize the system of " Fair Use " in line with the TRIPS and " Berne Convention " and are fairly internationalized .

  7. 这不是蒂姆·伯尔尼·李为科学家们分享研究成果所研发的那个因特网(15年前,类似现在的维基),也不是上世纪90代末那个大肆渲染的点COM。

    Not the Web that Tim Berners-Lee hacked together ( 15 years ago , according to Wikipedia ) as a way for scientists to share research . It 's not even the overhyped dotcom Web of the late1990s .

  8. 因为父亲患病,48岁的汤姆伯尔尼(tombirney)不得不辞去在硅谷的工作,搬回费城。

    Tom Birney , 48 , was forced to quit his job in Silicon Valley and move back to Philadelphia when his father fell ill .

  9. 论文介绍主要国际公约关于职务作品著作权制度的相关规定,如《伯尔尼公约》、《世界版权公约》及TRIPS协议关于职务作品著作权的规定。

    This paper introduces mainly the international convention on duty works copyright system of the relevant provisions , such as the Berne convention ", " world copyright convention and the TRIPS agreement the provisions on duty works copyright .

  10. 任何利用《伯尔尼公约》第6条或《罗马公约》第16条第1款(b)项规定的可能性的成员,均应按这些条款中所预想的那样,向TRIPS理事会做出通知。

    Any Member availing itself of the possibilities provided in Article 6 of the Berne Convention ( 1971 ) or paragraph 1 ( b ) of Article 16 of the Rome Convention shall make a notification as foreseen in those provisions to the Council for TRIPS .

  11. 相比之下《伯尔尼公约》和《TRIPs协定》的合理使用三步检验法优于美国合理使用经典四要素,更能够适应时代的发展。

    Compared with the " Three-step Test " of Fair Use in Berne Convention and TRIPs Agreement ," Four Classic Elements " of Fair Use in USA is superior , and it is more adapted to the development of times .

  12. 作者结合《伯尔尼公约》、trips协议等国际条约的有关规定,并与原著作权法相比,对其从七个方面进行了评论和分析。

    Combining some regulations of international treaty such as Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works and trips agreement , and compared with the old copyright law , author comments and analyzes the new copyright law from seven aspects .

  13. 只有把TRIPS中的规定和《巴黎公约》、《伯尔尼公约》、《罗马公约》、《关于集成电路的知识产权条约》的规定结合起来,才能更好地理解这一原则的含义。

    We will know the meaning of the principle of National Treatment better , if we understand the rules of TRIPS according with the rules of the Paris Convention , the Berne Convention , the Rome Convention and the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits .

  14. WCT和WPPT这两个新条约分别对《伯尔尼公约》和《罗马公约》进行补充和延伸,使之更适应新的技术环境下版权与邻接权保护的需要。

    To some extent , these two treaties act as the supplement and extension of 《 Berne Convention 》 and 《 Rome Convention 》, which make them more capable for the needs to protect copyrights and neighboring rights under the new technical circumstance .

  15. 1996年的今天,巴拿马成为伯尔尼公约版权条约的成员国。

    1996-Panama becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty .

  16. 信用保险业国际总会〔伯尔尼联盟〕

    International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers [ Berne Union ]

  17. 瑞士首都伯尔尼的天空。

    Lightning in the sky of Berne , capital of Switzerland .

  18. 伯尔尼,我要在那儿度假两周。

    Berne . I 'll stay there for two weeks on vacation .

  19. 在1528年,他的陪同下,后者的宗教争议在伯尔尼。

    In1528 he accompanied the latter to the religious disputation at Berne .

  20. 这场在伯尔尼举行的听证会预期是棘手但可管理的。

    The meeting in Bern was expected to be tough but manageable .

  21. 《伯尔尼的奇迹》:生活是值得期待的

    Das Wunder von Bern : the Life Is Worth Expecting

  22. 他是继前任普林斯顿经济部门的部长本。伯尔尼成功者!

    And was succeeded by former Princeton economics department chair Ben bernanke .

  23. 伯尔尼被选定为他的居住地。

    Berne was chosen as his place of residence .

  24. 从(瑞士首都)伯尔尼到北京,后一种选择的吸引力正不断增强。

    The appeal of the latter is increasing , from Bern to Beijing .

  25. 保罗·克利美术馆,伯尔尼,瑞士

    Paul Klee museum , bern , switzerland , 2005a

  26. 一年之后,她来伯尔尼两人住在了一块。

    After a year , she comes to live with him in Berne .

  27. 第二种是由埃里克·伯尔尼博士研究出来的。

    The second was developed by Dr. Eric Beme .

  28. 保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约

    Berne Convention for the Protection Literary and Artistic Works

  29. 埃欧雷克伯尔尼松:是的,我和这个孩子订下了一个契约。

    Iorek byrnison : yes . I have a contract with the child .

  30. 《伯尔尼公约》及其在我国的实施

    Berne Convention and Its Putting in Practice in China