
  • 网络Berlin Conference
  1. 试论柏林会议的实质

    On the Berlin Conference

  2. 在4月份20国集团(G20)伦敦峰会前召开的柏林会议上,欧洲领导人呼吁采取制裁措施,惩罚不合作的避税天堂地区。与会各国计划在未来几周列出这些地区的名字。

    At a meeting in Berlin ahead of the Group of 20 summit of advanced and emerging economies in London in April , Europe 's leaders called for sanctions to punish unco-operative tax havens , which member states plan to name in the next few weeks .

  3. 这一预测是由参加伦敦金银市场协会(lbma)柏林会议的银行家、生产商以及分析师做出的,这是黄金行业规模最大的盛会。

    The prediction was made by bankers , producers and analysts attending the London Bullion Market Association Conference in Berlin the biggest gathering of the gold industry .

  4. 1878年柏林会议与俄国近东政策

    Russia 's Near Eastern Policy and Congress of Berlin in 1878

  5. 只消问问出席柏林会议的欧元区各国财长便知分晓。

    Ask any of those eurozone ministers gathered in Berlin .

  6. 柏林会议关于非洲的总议定书

    General Act of the Conference of Berlin regarding Africa

  7. 柏林会议通过了召开日内瓦会议的决议,各国开展与会的准备工作。

    The resolution reached on the Berlin Conference led the countries concerned to have a further preparation .

  8. 事实上,柏林会议的与会者把这场经济危机视为一个机会,停止长久以来未受审视的脱节的资助政策,并优化研究。

    Indeed , delegates to the Berlin meeting saw the economic crisis as an opportunity to stop long-unchecked disjointed funding policies and streamline research .

  9. 1878年柏林会议召开,俄国迫于列强的压力,将《圣斯特法诺条约》提交会议讨论。

    In 1878 the Congress of Berlin was held , Russia was compelled to submit the Treaty of San Stefano to a conference of the Great Powers .

  10. 来自8个国家的领导人在柏林会议上呼吁要强化对金融市场以及对冲基金的管理。对冲基金通常导致过于冒险的金融行为。

    At a meeting in Berlin , leaders from eight European countries called for regulating financial markets and hedge funds , investment funds that typically lead to aggressive financial strategies .

  11. 对于许多人而言,柏林会议是首次公开并诚恳地讨论了研究伙伴关系的不平等性以及如何解决它的会议。

    For many , the Berlin meeting was the first time that inequality in research partnerships and what can be done to address it had been openly and honestly discussed .

  12. 他表示,中国、印度、巴西、南非和墨西哥是下一代拥有巨大潜力的捐赠国。这些国家都出席了柏林会议,此次会议旨在为6月份的德国八国集团峰会做准备。

    China , India , Brazil , South Africa and Mexico – all represented at the Berlin meeting , aimed at preparing the German G8 summit in June – were the next generation of potentially large donor countries , he said .

  13. 轨道机车车辆运用强度检验的现代化方法&关于德国铁路股份公司(DBAG)2005年3月10日柏林学术会议的报告

    The Modern Method of Inspection on Operation Strength of Railway Locomotives and Rolling Stock & DB AG Report in Berlin Academic Symposium on March 10,2005

  14. 谷歌首席执行官埃里克施密特(ericschmidt)周三在柏林一个会议上发布“onepass”数字内容支付服务。

    Eric Schmidt , Google chief executive , launched the one pass service at a conference in Berlin on Wednesday .

  15. 在进入秋季之际,性能团队将出席柏林的Lotusphere会议。

    As we head into the fall , the Performance Team will also be a presence at Lotusphere Berlin .

  16. 她在柏林主持比利亚会议时发表了上述言论。

    She made the remarks when hosting the Libya Conference in Berlin .

  17. 近日在柏林举办的Chaos会议上,演讲者通过仿冒一份真实的证书演示了这一漏洞。

    This was demonstrated recently at the Chaos Conference in Berlin by spoofing a real certificate .

  18. 在今年柏林召开的IFA会议上,华为宣布其MateS系列手机也配备有内置压力垫。

    At this year 's IFA conference in Berlin , Huawei announced its Mate S handset also has pressure pads built into the screen .

  19. 星期天,布朗出席了柏林的一个会议。欧洲各国领导人设法为即将在伦敦举行的首脑会议达成欧洲的共识。

    On Sunday , Mr. Brown attended a gathering in Berlin where leaders worked on forging a European consensus before the upcoming London summit .

  20. 二月末,世界银行联手经济合作与发展组织和一些欧洲政府,在柏林召开一次会议,主题是如何提高女性的经济实力。

    Late in February , together with the OECD and several European governments , it convened a conference in Berlin on increasing the economic power of women .

  21. 北约各国外交部长在柏林开始两天会议之际淡化处理他们的分歧。会议将讨论这个军事同盟在利比亚开展行动的范围。

    NATO foreign ministers downplayed their differences as they began a two-day summit in Berlin to discuss the scope of the military alliance 's operations in Libya .

  22. 我非常怀疑美联储的行动范围,以及英格兰银行在欧洲留下自身印记的方式,默克尔在柏林的一次会议上表示。

    I am very sceptical about the extent of the Fed 's actions and the way the Bank of England has carved its own little line in Europe , she told a conference in Berlin .