
  • 网络Berlin Crisis;Berlin crises
  1. 美国总统约翰肯尼迪(JohnF.Kennedy)等了6个月,直到1961年的柏林危机(与突如其来的公众对于核战争的恐惧)才为他提供了发表首次炉边谈话的机会。

    President John F.Kennedy waited six months until the opportunity provided by the 1961 Berlin crisis ( and a sudden public fear of nuclear war ) for his first fireside chat .

  2. 因袭与微调:肯尼迪政府第二次柏林危机政策的形成

    The formation of Kennedy administration 's policy of the second Berlin crisis

  3. 论第二次柏林危机(1958&1963)

    The Second Berlin Crisis ( 1958-1963 )

  4. 第二章详细论述柏林危机对古巴导弹危机的影响。

    The second chapter discusses in detail the influence of the Berlin Crisis on the Cuban Missile Crisis .

  5. 第二次柏林危机期间,阿登纳政府与西方盟国特别是与美国和英国之间,在解决危机问题上出现了分歧。

    During the Berlin Crisis , the Adenauer Administration held different views over eliminating the crisis from Western Alliance , especially from US and UK .

  6. 肯尼迪政府对柏林危机的政策,受到肯尼迪总统个人对冷战、欧洲局势、德国问题和柏林问题的独特认识的深刻影响。

    The policy of Kennedy Administration to the Berlin crisis was influenced by Kennedy 's personal recognitions of the Cold War , European situations , and the German problem and the Berlin problem .

  7. 即使在1961至1962年柏林危机和古巴危机时刻,那时正是赫鲁晓夫时代俄国最后一次对西方团结进行重大考验的高潮,美国与西欧之间的心情也没有表现出如此巨大的差异。

    Not even the Berlin and Cuba crises of1961-62 & the high point of russia 's last great testing of Western solidarity , in khrushchev 's time found the American temper so different from the mood in Western europe .

  8. 然而在第二次柏林危机及古巴导弹危机后,美苏关系逐渐趋于缓和,联邦德国僵硬的东方政策在这一大背景下显得越发的孤立。

    But after the second Berlin Crisis and the Cuban missile crisis , the US gradually established a detente with the Soviet Union . In this background , the rigid eastern policies of the Federal Republic of Germany were becoming more and more isolated .

  9. 第一次柏林危机是战后国际关系史上的重大事件,是冷战爆发后美苏两国以军事力量为依托展开的首次面对面的对抗和较量。

    The First Berlin Crisis is an important event in the international relations history of the post-war . It is the first game of confrontation what rely on the military force between the United States and the Soviet Union after the outbreak of the Cold War .