
zhōng lì
  • neutrality;neutral;independent;standing in the middle;neither on one side nor the other
中立 [zhōng lì]
  • (1) [neutral]∶处于对立的双方之间,不倾向或偏袒一方

  • 严守中立

  • (2) [independent]∶独立

中立[zhōng lì]
  1. 我们力行中立的政策。

    We have tried to pursue a policy of neutrality .

  2. 他们在这场危机中丢弃了中立立场。

    They had thrown their neutrality overboard in the crisis .

  3. 作为主席,我必须保持中立。

    As chairman , I must remain impartial .

  4. 新闻工作者在政治上应持中立态度。

    Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral .

  5. 他们保持中立,拒绝表态。

    They are sitting on the fence and refusing to commit themselves

  6. 作为中立的观察员,我的分析应该客观。

    As an impartial observer my analysis is supposed to be objective

  7. 民主党成了中立的党派。

    The Democrats have become a party of the centre .

  8. 让敌对双方坐下来谈判时,你得保持中立。

    When you have two adversaries negotiating , you need to be on neutral territory

  9. 要求武装力量保持绝对中立的命令现在已经被一些事件打破了。

    The positive neutrality enjoined on the force has now been overtaken by events .

  10. 他抛开了自己准备好的、被认为是中立的证词。

    He had departed from his prepared testimony , which was considered to be neutral .

  11. 联合国眼下还在努力摆出一副中立的假面孔。

    The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality .

  12. 他们一直持中立态度。

    They have maintained a consistently neutral stance

  13. 我们在中立地区会面吧。

    Let 's meet on neutral territory

  14. 那些先前决定在争斗中保持中立的人现在发现他们需要表明立场了。

    Those who had decided to remain neutral in the struggle now found themselves required to take sides .

  15. 他们希望,为了国家的和谐,他会奉行中立、不偏不倚的政策。

    They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord .

  16. 除了81条正面评价之外,有26位学生的观点或中立,或褒贬参半,或负面,甚或跑了题。

    In addition to the 81 positive comments , 26 students had neutral , mixed , negative or off topic views .

  17. 有的国家宣布中立。

    Some of the nations declared neutrality .

  18. 一个中立国被请去帮助处理这个争端。

    A neutral country was asked to help settle the dispute .

  19. 我们在这场争辩中不能保持中立。

    We can 't remain indifferent in this dispute .

  20. 在那场战争中,英国不同任何一国结盟,保持中立。

    In that war England was not an ally ; she was neutral .

  21. 撇开自我不谈,第三个好处是,人们发现,冷漠关系的情感中立性可以增加人们评价的客观性,加强人对任务解决的关注,有助于人获得更多有价值的信息。

    Ego aside , a third advantage is that the emotional neutrality of indifferent relationships has been found to enhance critical evaluation , to strengthen one 's focus on task resolution , and to gain greater access to valuable information .

  22. 很难找到一个中立的人,或者对两种看法都不在乎的人。

    It would be hard to find a person who is neutral , or simply doesn 't care one way or the other .

  23. 放下你所有先入为主的固有成见,保持中立。

    Drop all of your preconceived fixed1 ideas and be neutral .

  24. 这些士兵被拘留在一个中立国,直到战争结束

    These soldiers were interned in a neutral country until the war was over .

  25. 每个孩子接受核磁共振成像扫描时,面前的电脑屏幕会播放演员做出的“恐惧”和“中立”表情。

    Each child lay in an MRI machine and watched a computer screen on which were displayed different images of actors making " fearful " and " neutral " faces .

  26. 中立型时滞大系统于C1空间中稳定的一种新的分解方法

    A new Decomposition Method of C_1-Stability of Large-Scale Neutral Type System with Time-Delay

  27. 具有H∞干扰抑制的中立型系统保成本控制

    Guaranteed Cost Control with H ∞ Disturbance Attenuation for Neutral Systems

  28. 方法:双下肢取中立位,行股骨横断面和全长CT扫描。

    Methods : Femur of healthy Chinese was scanned in standard neutral position by CT .

  29. 时滞2-D中立型离散状态模型正解的存在性

    Existence of positive solution of delay 2-D neutral discrete state model

  30. Java技术具有简单性、分布性、安全性、面向对象、体系结构中立、可移植性、多线程机制等一系列特性。

    Java has a series of characteristic such as simplicity 、 distribution 、 safety 、 object-oriented 、 neutral system construction 、 transplant 、 multi-thread .