
  • 网络Bocconi University;Università Bocconi
  1. 米兰博科尼大学(bocconiuniversity)战略管理学教授罗伯特格兰特(robertgrant)质疑,当涉及到以盈利为目的企业时,“利益相关者(stakeholder)”这一替代理论是否真能有所帮助?

    Robert Grant , Professor of strategic management at Bocconi University in Milan , questioned whether the alternative " stakeholder " approach could really be helpful when it came to the business of making money .

  2. 于是她报名参加了芝加哥商学院的国际mba学习,其部分课程在意大利的博科尼(bocconi)大学和西班牙的iese商学院完成。

    So she signed up for the International MBA at Chicago Booth , which involved study at both Bocconi in Italy and IESE business school in Spain .