
  • 网络university of bologna;Bologna University
  1. 他在博洛尼亚大学学习法律、学和天文学。

    At the University of Bologna he studied law , mathematics , and astronomy .

  2. 后来他到博洛尼亚大学教授哲学,后来又教授符号学。

    He went on to teach philosophy and then semiotics at the University of Bologna .

  3. 1193年突厥兵入侵,洗劫了那烂佗,并烧毁了它那著名的图书馆。而当时欧洲一些最古老的学府,如博洛尼亚大学(Bologna)和巴黎大学(Paris)等,才开始走向兴盛。

    It was sacked by invading Turkic forces , and its famous library burned down in 1193 , at a time when some of Europe 's oldest academic institutions , such as Bologna and Paris , were just beginning to flourish .

  4. 博洛尼亚大学位于意大利,博洛尼亚

    University of Bologna Bologna , Italy

  5. 其二:介绍博洛尼亚大学的起源、研究进程以及其组织的形成与发展。

    About Bologna University : the origin and process of study of Bologna ; the formation and development of its organizations .

  6. 来自美国达特茅斯学院和意大利博洛尼亚大学的研究人员认为有必要开发一款智能手机应用程序,让上述事情变得更为安全。

    Researchers at Dartmouth College in America and the University of Bologna in Italy thought it necessary to develop a smartphone app that can make those things safer .

  7. 萨利诺大学和博洛尼亚大学、蒙彼利埃大学的医科教育的发展在教学书籍和授课方法等为牛津大学和剑桥大学医学学科的建立提供了很多参考。

    The development of medical education in the Salerno University , the Bologna University and the Montpellier University provided the Oxford University and the Cambridge University with consultation on books and teaching ways .