
  • 网络Packaging advertising;package advertising
  1. 然而,需要指出的是,麦当劳依然采用西式的手法来包装广告,这一点相当重要。

    However , it should be noted that McDonald 's continues to Western approach to packaging advertising , which is important .

  2. 探讨了英语包装广告在语篇、句式与词汇层面的语言特点,这些特点的形成在很大程度上受到商品包装功能的影响。

    An analysis is devoted to the linguistic characteristics of English packaging advertisements at text , sentence and vocabulary levels . It is held that the functions of commodity packaging have a great influence on the forming of these linguistic characteristics .

  3. CIS系统论能够更好地对其办公系统、生产系统、管理系统,以及营销、包装、广告等系统形象形成规范化设计和规范化管理。

    CIS can form standard design and standard management of the office system , production system management system , marketing , packaging , and advertisement .

  4. 英国化妆品盥洗用品及香水协会(CTPA)的克里斯弗劳尔说:“制造商们措辞严谨,有时候可能在包装和广告上误导消费者。”

    Chris Flower , of the Cosmetics , Toiletry and Perfumery Association said : " Manufacturers are very careful about the exact wording of the claims they make , but here is a risk of customers forming the wrong impression from some packaging and advertising . "

  5. 大量的钱花在包装,广告和推销上。

    The big money goes for packaging , advertising , sales .

  6. 这种产品是因为包装、广告的呈现吸引人才畅销的。

    It 's this product 's attractive presentation that makes it sell so well .

  7. 产品包装在广告传播媒介里的角色演绎

    Role of Product Packaging in Advertising Media

  8. 同样,市场调研还对产品包装和广告具有指导作用。

    Similarly , market research also has the role of guiding packing and advertising to play .

  9. 被许可方可以在获特许的产品的包装,广告以及宣传材料上使用其自有的公司名称。

    The Licensee may use its own trade name on packaging , advertising and promotional materials for the Licensed Products .

  10. 统一后的“新百得”在品牌标识、产品包装、广告宣传有了焕然一新的专业形象。

    The integrated Pattex takes on an entirely new look and professional image of logo , packaging , and advertising communications .

  11. 本土企业越来越擅长品牌的包装和广告的强化记忆功能方面的技巧。

    The native business enterprise excels the packing of the brand more and more with advertise of enhance the technique that remember the function .

  12. 各式各样包装与广告设计传达出更多种类的信息,大大丰富了我们的物质文化生活和精神生活。

    Wide range of packaging and advertising convey a greater variety of information , greatly enriched the cultural life of our material and spiritual life .

  13. 因而,广告摄影现已被广泛运用于包装、广告、时装展览、报刊杂志等众多媒介。

    Advertising photography is now widely applied in commodity packaging , window advertising , fashion show , advertising column , and advertising in newspapers and periodicals .

  14. 家庭吸烟预防与烟草控制法(烟草控制法)规定,卷烟包装和广告有更大和更明显的图片健康警告。

    The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act ( Tobacco Control Act ) requires that cigarette packages and advertisements have larger and more visible graphic health warnings .

  15. 为了提升品牌形象,强调品牌产品的附加值,国内许多企业越来越依赖于品牌的包装和广告宣传两方面。

    In order to enhance the brand image , emphasize brand added value of products , many domestic enterprises rely more and more on brand the packaging and advertising of the two aspects .

  16. 大约20年前,图形设计这门学科还只是用于包装、广告和文档设计等,被这些印刷媒体所统治。

    Graphic design is a discipline that has , until the last 20 years or so , been dominated by the medium of printed ink , as applied to packaging , advertising , and environmental and document design .

  17. 商家必须使产品包装上的广告语名副其实,并且限制在具体的优点上,例如这个产品有多少部分是可以回收的。

    Marketers must qualify their claims on the product packaging and limit them to a specific benefit , such as how much of the product is recycled .

  18. 我们致力于企业形象策划、VI视觉导入、标志设计、画册设计、产品包装设计、广告设计、企业形象网站设计等服务。

    We are committed to corporate image planning , VI vision , logo design , pictorial design , packaging design , advertising design , corporate image website design services , etc.

  19. 如果将包装发挥POP广告功能,成为货架上的广告,变为促进销售的直接推动力量,将是个一举数得的方法。

    If the function of POP is developed on package , it will become the advertisement on the shelf and the direct pushing power to promote sales . It would be a method of achieving a lot at one stroke .

  20. 让包装发挥POP广告功能及作用,设计时可在下列三方面有所作为,即:视觉形象统一化、陈列效果醒目化与广告活动整合化。

    To endow package with the function of POP , three aspects could be attempted and accomplished in the period of designing as the follows : Unifying the visible image ; Displaying the effect strikingly ; Combining and melting with the advertising activity .

  21. 好包装要比广告还管用

    Good Package Is Better Than Advertisement

  22. 包装设计与广告

    Decoration Design and Advertisement

  23. 上海拓达工贸有限公司,专业生产吸塑包装、吸塑广告牌、折盒、圆桶、零部件托盘的民营企业。

    We are a privately owned company specializing in producing blister packaging , folding box , cylinder and parts salver .

  24. 这似乎是合理的,既然如此,在包装盒或广告上说明吸收率就非常令人误解了。

    It should seem reasonable , then , that stating an absorption rate on a package or in advertising is very misleading .

  25. 烟草公司利用包装和其它广告技术使烟草有吸引力,同时使消费者忽视烟草如何破坏健康的严酷现实。

    Tobacco companies use packaging and other advertising techniques to make tobacco appealing , while distracting consumers from the harsh reality of how tobacco destroys health .

  26. 这种个人特性,在辩论的争吵气氛中比事先包装的竞选广告或正式讲演更容易让选民做出评判。

    In the contentious atmosphere of a debate , such personal attributes are easier for voters to judge than in pre packaged campaign commercials or formal speeches .

  27. 从品牌设计的原则出发,拟定了品牌的设计程序,对品牌的形象整体设计、包装设计和广告创意设计等具体方案作了深入的分析和探讨。

    Based on the design principal , I introduce a design procedure and give a deep analysis of general VI design , Package Design and Advertisement Design .

  28. 本类机器适用于模板切割、包装印刷、广告模型、建筑装潢、亚克力板等非金属薄板的切割行业。

    This machine is suitable to professional user for cutting performance in template , package , printing , advertisement model , building upholster , acrylic etc. nonmetal sheet precision cutting and other industries .

  29. 组合构图和应用系统设计是围绕基础要素进行的,包括产品包装、媒体广告、家具产品展示等一系列应用设计。

    This article provides a feasible constructing routine for how to establishment the F-PIS of furniture , this including image localization , basic elements design , the combination composition design and the application system design .

  30. 与其它印刷方式相比,网版印刷有众多独特的优势,被广泛应用于电子工业、陶瓷贴花工业、包装装潢、广告等行业。

    Compared with other printing methods , screen printing has many own advantages , is used widely in electron industry 、 ceramic decals industry , packaging and decoration industry , advertisement industry and so on .