
bāo xiāo
  • have exclusive selling rights;be the sole agent for a production unit or a firm;exclusive sales;underwrite;assume the responsibility for the sale
包销 [bāo xiāo]
  • (1) [assume the responsibility for the sale]

  • (2) 承揽货物,负责销售

  • (3) 包下全部产品的销售

包销[bāo xiāo]
  1. 请你把中国的包销协议再给我讲详细一点。

    Please tell me a bit more about exclusive sales arrangements in China .

  2. 证券承销业务采取代销或者包销方式。

    Securities sales business take the form of sale on a commission basis or exclusive sales .

  3. 国家银行能够合并自己的抵押贷款并以证券形式包销。

    National banks can package their own mortgages and underwrite them as securities .

  4. BuddhaSteel正在进行中的3800万美元的包销公开发售也不得不被叫停。

    Buddha Steel was in the process of doing a $ 38 million underwritten public offering that was pulled .

  5. 但是,路透社(Reuters)一语中的:为了实现上述目标,Zynga必须得放弃证券包销商通常向首次公开募股投资者提供的15%的折扣。

    But to do that , as Reuters pointed out , it chose to forego the 15 % discount that underwriters often give to IPO investors , a discount that virtually guarantees that first-day pop .

  6. 这些股票由英格兰银行包销。

    The shares were underwritten by the Bank of England .

  7. 这城镇的福特汽车包销商

    An exclusive agency for the sale of Ford cars in this town

  8. 银行又允许投资公司认购包销证券。

    They can again own investment companies that underwrite securities .

  9. 配股承销业务则主要有政策风险、包销风险和市场风险等。

    Right-issue underwriting risk includes policy risk , bought-deal risk and market risk .

  10. 三家包销公司承购了发行的股票。

    The issue is underwrite by three underwriting company .

  11. 1991年开始采用承购包销方式发行国债。

    Began to issue bonds by Syndicate underwriting in1991 .

  12. 第四章商品房包销实践中若干问题探析。

    Chapter 4 : Several practical issues of the exclusive selling of commercial housing .

  13. 国有军工企业不再是国家统购包销的加工车间。

    State-owned military enterprises are no longer the purchase processing workshops of the state .

  14. 一个由10家国际银行组成的银团将包销及出售这些债券。

    A group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds .

  15. 通过发行欧元债券来包销这些债务,可以打消金融市场的恐慌。

    Underwriting the debt by issuing Eurobonds would end the panic in financial markets .

  16. 代销、包销的付款方式及日期;

    The means and date of payment for sale by proxy or exclusive sale ;

  17. 票据的发行及循环式包销融通

    Note issuance and revolving underwriting facility

  18. 按98%的价格卖给证券包销商面值10美元,40年期的债券。

    Issued $ 10 face value 40-year bonds to an underwriter at a price of 98 .

  19. (五)代销、包销的费用和结算办法;

    The fees and settlement method for the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods ;

  20. 发行公司只记录从证券包销商处收到的现金净值。

    The corporation records the issuance of the bonds at the net amount received from the underwriter .

  21. 因此对商品房包销行为的研究具有现实的意义。

    And in this sense , the study of commercial property underwriting is necessary and of great significance .

  22. 独家经营/包销/代理协议独资经营一家便民商店

    Exclusivity agreement Run a convenience store with exclusive investment ; Be the sole owner of a convenience store

  23. 一家公司包销,并准备将这些档案文件,会计师和律师的帮助。

    A company 's underwriter will prepare and file these documents with the help of accountants and lawyers .

  24. 有些时候,会有一百家之多的银行组成一个辛迪加来共同包销一笔金额巨大的证券发行。

    Sometimes as many as a hundred investment bankers form a syndicate to handle a single large securities offering .

  25. 随着你们之间的互相熟悉,你可以往前走一步,达成包销或代理协议。

    As you become familiar with each other , you may proceed to an exclusive sales or agency arrangement .

  26. 回补条款:指证券包销协议中的一项条款,它限定向某一群体发售该证券。

    Clawback provision : Clause in an underwriting agreement for a security that restricts the issue to a certain group .

  27. 在发行债券时,发行公司通常利用称为证券包销商的投资银行机构提供的服务。

    When bonds are issued , the corporation usually utilizes the services of an investment banking firm , called an underwriter .

  28. 代销、包销的期限及起止日期;

    The duration , including the commencement date and deadline of the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods ;

  29. 在目前市场情况下,包销不仅需要资金投入,更意味着要冒巨大的“压货”风险。

    In the current market conditions , underwriting requires not only funds but also implies significant risk " unwanted " risk .

  30. (二)代销、包销证券的种类、数量、金额及发行价格;

    Types , quantity , monetary amount , and issue price of the stocks underwritten on the commission and sole agency methods ;