
  • 网络art;On Art
  1. 丁玲小说艺术论

    Modernism Arts in Dingling 's Novel

  2. 浅谈宗教艺术论宗教的道德价值

    Discusses the religious art shallowly On the Moral Value of Religion

  3. 生活艺术论”是林语堂文化观、人生观和审美观的集中体现

    It is a philosophy of life , promulgating numerous and complicated existence . “

  4. 毕飞宇前期小说语言艺术论

    Commentary on the Art of language in Bi Feiyu 's Early Novels

  5. 袁宏道《解脱集》散文艺术论

    Review on the Art of the Essay Disengagement Corpus by YUAN Hong-dao

  6. “网络三客”艺术论

    On art of the " three-ers on the net "

  7. 台湾现代派小说结构艺术论

    On the Construction Art of the Modern Novel in Taiwan

  8. 嵇康四言诗象征艺术论

    On Symbolic Technique of JI Kang 's Siyan Poems

  9. 论唐五代小说的叙事艺术论唐五代小说的叙事艺术

    On the Narrative Art of the Novels in the Tang and Five Dynasties

  10. 祝尧的古赋艺术论

    Zhu Yao 's Artistic Theory on Ancient Fu

  11. 陡转与诗化:微型小说结尾艺术论

    A Dissertation of Mini Stories ' Artistic Ending on Sharp-turn Ending & Poetic Ending

  12. 李贺诗歌艺术论

    On the Artistry of Li He 's POems

  13. 郝经诗歌艺术论

    On the Art of Hao Jing 's Poetry

  14. 本文分为思想内容论和小说艺术论两部分。

    This test is divided into two parts : thought theory and novel art theory .

  15. 戏曲电影艺术论

    On the Art of Chinese Opera Movies

  16. 电视公益广告传播艺术论

    Public Service Advertizing Dissemination Asks for Discusses

  17. 曹禺悲剧艺术论

    On Cao Yu 's Tragedy Art

  18. 《弗兰肯斯坦》叙事艺术论

    The Art of Narration in Frankenstein

  19. 课堂教学语言艺术论

    On Classroom Teaching Language Art

  20. 公文艺术论

    On Art of Official Documents

  21. 小说讽刺艺术论

    On Art of Fiction Satire

  22. 室内环境设计艺术论

    Theory of Interior Design Art

  23. 其艺术论认为:作品的本质是真理的发生;

    And on art it tells us : the occurrence of truth is the innate character of works ;

  24. 建筑非艺术论

    Architecture is not art

  25. 素描艺术论

    Discussion on Sketch Teaching

  26. 第四章从两个方面来阐释荀子文艺观的礼学重构意义。第一,结合性恶论,分析荀子艺术论的文化功能和意义。

    The fourth studies the significance of Xun Zi 's theory of literature and art to rebuilding the Courtesy .

  27. 化瞬间为永恒,融永恒入瞬间&一分钟影像艺术论析

    Melting the Instantaneous into the Eternal , Transforming the Eternal into the Instantaneous : On One Minute Video Art

  28. 生活艺术论展示了林语堂在特殊的现实语境中所具有的情感状态和人文精神。

    " The Art of Living " demonstrated Lin 's passionate state and humane spirit within his particular situation .

  29. “诗中有画”不是“艺术论的认识迷误”,而是艺术形态学的一个重要问题。

    The concept " painting-in-poetry " is not a misunderstanding of artistic theory , but an important fact of art morphology .

  30. 生活艺术论就是一种注重人生体验的生活态度,其核心在于以审美的眼光对待人生。

    " The Art of Living " neglects an attitude towards life and experience , its core being taking life aesthetically .