
jiàn zhù
  • build;construct;construction;structure;erect;edifice;bldg
建筑 [jiàn zhù]
  • [build;construct;erect] 指造房子,修路、架桥等

  • 建筑雕刻。--蔡元培《图画》

  • 既视建筑。

  • 画与建筑。

  • 或兼建筑。

  • 建筑一座高楼

  • 建筑桥梁

  • [building;construction;edifice;structure] 建筑物,如房屋、桥梁、水坝、隧道等

  • 古老的建筑

建筑[jiàn zhù]
  1. 一大群工人被招来建筑运动场。

    An army of workmen was brought in to build the stadium .

  2. 你不能把自己的幸福建筑在别人的痛苦上面。

    You shouldn 't build your happiness on the suffering of other people .

  3. 恶作剧的学生对学校的建筑造成相当大的损坏。

    Student pranksters have done considerable damage to the school buildings .

  4. 城边上横七竖八的建筑不再蔓延,田野展现出来。

    The town straggled to an end and the fields began .

  5. 所有的公共建筑都降半旗。

    Flags were flying at half mast on all public buildings .

  6. 这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的建筑。

    The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings .

  7. 开发商买下这块土地将其分为多块建筑用地。

    A developer bought the land and divided it into stands .

  8. 当地的公司被邀请投标承包建筑工程。

    Local firms were invited to tender for the building contract .

  9. 对建筑业的工人来说形势看来很不乐观。

    Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry .

  10. 这栋建筑的墙上随意涂了一层红色涂料。

    The walls of the building were daubed with red paint .

  11. 这座城市是新老建筑兼而有之。

    The city is a mixture of old and new buildings .

  12. 门廊是19世纪时模仿诺曼式建筑修建的。

    The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work .

  13. 这些政策使得建筑业的形势急转直下。

    These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive .

  14. 这座大楼是20世纪60年代的典型建筑。

    The building is a prime example of 1960s architecture .

  15. 他们看见了在天空的映衬下那座巨大建筑的轮廓。

    They saw the huge building outlined against the sky .

  16. 建筑工人挖地时发现了这具尸体。

    The body was discovered when builders excavated the area .

  17. 当地的公司支援了建筑材料和劳动力。

    Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour .

  18. 目前这家建筑商有几项工程在进行。

    The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment .

  19. 建筑施工不断制造噪音、灰尘和干扰。

    The building work is creating constant noise , dust and disturbance .

  20. 建筑规划包括紧缺的新办公用房在内。

    The building plans include much needed new office accommodation .

  21. 我们应该更加爱护有历史意义的建筑。

    We should take more care of our historic buildings .

  22. 全城到处可见这种风格的建筑。

    You 'll find this style of architecture all over the town .

  23. 召来建筑工加固这栋大楼。

    Builders were called in to make the building safe .

  24. 这个建筑项目将由政府出资。

    The building project will be financed by the government .

  25. 我还能远远地看到下方的机场建筑。

    I could still see the airport buildings far below .

  26. 这宫殿是城里最古老的建筑。

    The palace is the oldest building in the city .

  27. 这栋建筑每层楼都有个消防通道。

    There is a fire exit on each floor of the building .

  28. 那条小路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的附属建筑群。

    The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings .

  29. 这些建筑是我们民族遗产的一部分。

    These buildings are part of our national heritage .

  30. 这个建筑是我们民族遗产的一部分。

    The building is part of our national heritage .