
jiàn zhù shè jì
  • architectural design
  1. 理性与浪漫的交织&北京奥林匹克公园的建筑设计美学思想

    Rationality and romantic interweaving & Beijing Olympics Park 's architectural design of esthetical thought

  2. 建筑设计领域中数字技术的应用还存在诸多争论,探索与实践远未结束,需要以更加积极的态度来面对。

    Architectural design of digital technology , there are a lot of debate , explore and practice is far from over , the need for a more positive attitude to face .

  3. 在邀请国外著名建筑师领衔新中央电视塔、国家演艺中心等中国标志性建筑设计的同时,许多优秀的中国建筑师正在努力走上中心舞台。

    While famous foreign architects are invited to lead the designs of landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV tower and the National Center for the Performing Arts , many excellent Chinese architects are making great efforts to take the center stage .

  4. 叠叠乐游戏进行过程中积木塔的形态与当今许多建筑设计极为相似,叠叠乐式建筑一词由此而来。

    The Jenga tower 's mid-game resemblance to many of today 's building designs inspired the term Jengatecture .

  5. 彭敏旭告诉建筑设计杂志《Dezeen》说,他的“第三只眼”是首个试着想象未来“手机人类”面貌的项目。

    Paeng told Dezeen that his Third Eye is the first project that tries to imagine what the future generations of " phono sapiens " may end up looking like .

  6. 建筑设计界新近刮起一阵风,叫做“不友好建筑”,在选择某个特定建筑的形式和材料的时候,美学已不是唯一的决定因素。

    In a new wave of design , dubbed2 hostile architecture , aesthetics3 are not the only motivating factor when making choices about the form and fabric4 of particular constructions .

  7. 你是否曾经看到一个奇怪的建筑设计时感到疑惑,“建筑师当时在想啥呢”?或许你觉得“建筑师一定是眼瞎了”,这样想也情有可原。新的调查显示,其实你也许是对的……

    Have you ever looked at a bizarre building design and wondered , " What were the architects thinking ? " … You might be forgiven for thinking " these architects must be blind ! " New research shows that in a real sense , you might actually be right … .

  8. 鞍山道B地块规划建筑设计竞赛方案

    Program of Anshan Street Site B Planning and architecture design contest

  9. 面对WTO,中国建筑设计业的发展思考

    In the face of WTO , think about development of Chinese architectural design

  10. 利用AutoCAD实现建筑设计图库的开发

    Using Secondary Development Function of AutoCAD to Practice the Image-Library of the Building-Design

  11. MALL在中国的现状及其建筑设计要点

    Status of Mall in China and Emphases of its Architectural Design

  12. 建筑设计中PDM系统开发的关键问题及其实现技术

    Key Problems on Developing PDM System and Implement Technology

  13. 我国加入WTO以后,建筑设计市场与国际进一步接轨,建筑设计机构的体制改革势在必行。

    After China entered WTO , the architecture design market meets international standards , and our conventional system needs to be transformed .

  14. 使用Autocad辅助建筑设计及工程制图的技巧探讨

    Use the skill that Autocad assists architectural design and project to make maps to be probed into

  15. 美国HOOP建筑设计有限公司1995年成立于美国加州,是美国加州具有较大影响力的建筑设计咨询公司。

    HOOP ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONSULTANTS , INC , founded in California of USA in1995 , is a well influential architectural design consultant in California .

  16. 斯蒂文·霍尔(StevenHoll)是当今美国著名建筑师,是将现象学理论成功运用于建筑设计理论和设计实践中的代表人物。

    Steven Holl , famous contemporary American architect , is a representative of applying phenomenology successfully to architectural theory and practice .

  17. 最终找到具有真正意义的地域建筑设计策略。

    Finally found the true meaning of regional architectural design strategies .

  18. 建筑设计图:门编号、尺寸、类型、厚度

    Building Plan : Door Number , Size , Type , Thickness

  19. 我们的建筑设计教育缺乏设计前期工作的内容。

    Our architectural education pay little attention to the pre-design works .

  20. 建筑设计方案阶段的计算机应用

    The Computer Application at Stage of the Architectural Schematic Design Phase

  21. 新时代背景下的高校教学建筑设计

    Universities ' Educational Building Design under the New Era Background

  22. 建筑设计安全系统工程的初探

    Theory and method of systematic engineering on architectural safety design

  23. 建筑设计课教学方法研究

    On the teaching methods of the course of architectural design

  24. 关于《装配式大板居住建筑设计施工规程》中若干问题的说明

    Essentials on Design and Construction Specifications for Prefabricated Large Panel Residential Buildings

  25. 绿色建筑设计中生态环境建材比选的技术方法

    Ecological building materials selection techniques in the Green Building Design

  26. 科技建筑设计的探讨

    A Probe into the Architectural Design of Science and Technology

  27. 电厂集控室建筑设计浅析

    Primary Analysis of Buildings Design of Main Control Room in Power Plant

  28. 廊空间在南方建筑设计中的应用研究

    The Research on the Application of Gallery-Space in Architectural Design of South-china

  29. 点·符号·蒙太奇中国电影博物馆建筑设计解读

    Point · Symbol · Montage Reading China National Film Museum

  30. 可持续原则指导下的高层商住楼建筑设计初探

    The research of high-rise commercial housing design following the sustainable development principles