
  • 网络building standardization;standardization in architectural design
  1. 模数协调与建筑标准化是现代主义盛期的重要日程之一。

    Modular coordination and building standardization was a part of the critical agenda of high modernism .

  2. 由地方传统建筑标准化引发的思考

    Pondering on the Standardization of Local Traditional Building

  3. 建筑机械标准化工作发展回顾

    Review the Development of construction Machinery Standardization

  4. 针对市规委的要求,市建筑设计标准化办公室制定了“凸窗、空调室外机置放”图集。

    City Planning Commission for the request , the city architectural office developed standardized " protrude windows , air-conditioning outdoor machines placed " The atlas .

  5. 我国城市地下民用建筑工程建设标准化浅析

    Elementary Analysis on Standardization of Underground Civil Building Construction in China ′ s Cities

  6. 19世纪50年代,国际风格被发展成为一种通用的建筑方法,标准化了世界城市新建筑的外观。

    By the1950s , the International Style had developed into a universal approach to building , which standardised the appearance of new buildings in cities across the world .

  7. 危险源辨识结果库是建筑公司建立标准化安全管理体系的重要组成部分,用来在施工方案设计时进行危险源辨识,作为标准化安全管理的依据。

    As an important part in standardized safe system for building corporation , risk sources identification database is used to identify risk source in construction plan , and is a basis of standardized safe management .

  8. 在计划初期,政府成立了大韩住宅公社与住宅问题研究所,由它们担任研究住房财政、住房结构及设备的改善、建筑材料的标准化等问题。

    In its initial phase the Government set up the Korea National Housing Corporation and Housing Studies , research from their housing finance , housing and equipment to improve the structure , the standardization of building materials and so on .

  9. AutoCAD在建筑制图中的标准化设置和使用技巧

    AutoCAD standardization setting and use skill in making construction charting

  10. 做好安全监管推进建筑施工安全质量标准化

    Doing well safety supervision and improving building construction safety quality standardization

  11. 应用系统化、规范化方法进行建筑物的沉降数据管理,更有利于对建筑物沉降过程的分析研究,是建筑安全监测的标准化方法。

    Application systematization and normalization method to carry out the building subsidence observation management is of more advantage to analyze and research for the building subsidence process , and is a normalization method of the building security monitoring .

  12. 青岛模式(连载之三)&来自青岛市建筑工程管理局推行建筑施工现场标准化管理的报告

    Qingdao Mode ( In series ) & Report on the Promotion of Standardization Management of Construction and Building Site by Qingdao Administration of Construction Engineering

  13. 从建筑沉降数据管理的角度出发,全面地归纳总结了建筑安全监测的基本要素,设计了1个建筑沉降数据的计算机管理模型,为建筑安全监测的标准化提供素材。

    This article summed up the basic essentials of security monitoring , and designs a computer management model of building subsidence monitoring which providing matter for the standardization of building security monitoring .