
  • 网络Construction Law;Building Act;Building Code
  1. 以WTO规则审视我国《建筑法》的调整对象

    Examining the Controlled Items of the " Construction Law " in Our Country by WTO Rules

  2. 对《建筑法》修订若干问题的探讨

    Discussions on Relevant Issues on Revision of Construction Law

  3. 提出用纳米建筑法(nanoarchitecture)设计胶体金修饰的电极并作为免疫传感器特异性识别表面分子的方法。

    The method of " nano architecture " ( NA ) was used to design colloid gold modified electrode . AFM was used to scan the shape of surface molecules and to measure the force of molecular recognition .

  4. SCLProtocol2002是英国建筑法协会2002年颁布的一份指导性文件,他针对工期延误和中断的一些问题给出了合理可行的解决方案。

    The SCL Protocol ( 2002 ) is a guidance document that proposes a " scheme for dealing with delay and disruption issues that is balanced and viable " .

  5. 对《建筑法》中有关监理内容的理解

    Comprehension of Law of Construction with Reference to Project Management in Several Aspects

  6. 对国内外建筑法调整范围的比较分析及修改建议

    Difference of Applicable Scope between Chinese and Foreign CONSTRUCTION LAW and Suggestion for Amendment

  7. 论《建筑法》的修订

    Discussion of the Amending of Construction Law

  8. 贯彻科学发展观加快修订《建筑法》

    Carrying on the Scientific Development View and Quickening the Revision of the Construction Law ;

  9. 双向预应力混凝土建筑法

    Two-way prestressed concrete construction

  10. 建议在《建筑法》修订时应妥善处理此问题。

    It is suggested that this problem should be dealt with in the emending of the Construction Law .

  11. 建筑法是法律体系中,处理有关的所有事项的建设进程。

    Construction law is the body of law that deals with all matters relating to the construction process .

  12. 基于此,国家有关部门已启动《建筑法》的修订工作。

    As a result , relevant departments concerned of the state have initiated the revision of the Construction Law .

  13. 建设工程质量法律制度,是指建筑法中关于建设工程质量的法律规范的总和。

    Legal system of construction quality is the sum of the legal norms on the quality of construction projects in the building act .

  14. 文章通过对《建筑法》和《合同法》中建筑工程质量责任设定的比较研究,指出两法在工程质量责任的设定上是各有特点、各有侧重的。

    This paper is a comparative analysis of the engineering defect liabilities enacted in " Construction Law " and " Contract Law " and elucidates their features and focuses .

  15. 严肃执行《建筑法》,规范管理工程造价加强执法力度不断规范电话计时计费装置的计费行为

    Carries out " Building ordinance " seriously , standard management engineering construction cost ; Strengthen the Law Enforcement Constantly Regulate Accounting Acts of Telephones ' Timing and Charging Mechanisms

  16. 修改《建筑法》应当考虑的八个问题:本论文发表在建设部机关刊物《建筑》杂志2004年第7期;

    " Eight points to take into consideration in amendment of Construction Law ", published in ( 2004 ) 7 , Construction , a periodical sponsored by the Ministry of Construction P.

  17. 本文在分析法院建筑法、理、情三种精神特质的基础上,通过具体的设计案例对作者的体会进行了设计上的落实。

    On the basis of analyzing the three spiritual trait of law court building-law , reason and emotion , this paper makes a representation of architectural comprehension of law court building by a particular case .

  18. 我国制定了《建筑法》、《招标投标法》、《合同法》等法律来规范我国的建设工程合同制度。

    Though China has formulated many laws to standardize the construction contract system , Such as " Construction Law "," Tendering and Bidding Law "," Contract Law " and so on , Tendering and Bidding Law formulate .

  19. 我国《建筑法》的调整范围仅限于房屋建筑工程,这与其立法宗旨相悖,不仅与其作为建筑业母法的地位不符,也与其他建设法规不协调。

    The applicable scope of Chinese CONSTRUCTION LAW is limited to House Construction , which is not consistent with its legislation tenet , with its position as the basic law of construction , or with other construction regulations .

  20. 建设工程质量管理条例的颁布实施是对中华人民共和国建筑法的补充与完善,分析了条例颁布实施的背景,条例体现的内容及重要意义。

    The promulgation and implement of Construction Engineering Quality Management Regulation is supplement and perfection for Building Law of People 's Republic of China . In this paper the background of implementing this regulation are introduced . The content and significance of this regulation are analyzed .

  21. 超高层建筑滑模法与爬模法施工技术

    Construction technology of slip-form and climbing shuttering method on super high building

  22. 论建筑管理法的对象和特征

    On the object and Characteristics of Construction Administrative Law

  23. 高层束筒建筑板块法理论

    On bundled tube buildings using orthotropic plate theory

  24. 验证改梁拱式拱上建筑加固法提高拱桥承载力的正确性和可行性。

    Validated the change girder-arch spandrel construction method to improve the structure bearing capacity was correct and feasible .

  25. 但锦江国际酒店首席执行官杨卫民表示,费尔蒙酒店必须遵守历史建筑保护法。

    But Yang Weimin , CEO of Jin Jiang International hotels , says the company must abide by historical preservation laws .

  26. 优秀历史建筑保护法中的专项资金制度中英大学生资助制度历史发展之比较研究

    On the Special Funds Institution in the Law on Protection of Outstanding Historical Buildings ; A Comparative Study between Chinese and English College Student Support Systems ' Developing History

  27. 噪声分析和预估,目前应用较为普遍的方法有4种:建筑声学法,模态分析法,统计能量分析法以及积分方程法。

    There are currently four methods used in the analysis and prediction of cab noise , namely : architectural sonics , model analysis , statistical energy analysis and integration analysis .

  28. 日本已开始实施建筑标准法修正案,规定室内不允许使用含甲醛系列防腐剂的脲醛树脂、三聚氰胺树脂和间苯二酚树脂等产品。

    In japan , an amendment law on construction standards has been implemented , which is stipulated that the products containing formaldehyde should not be used indoors , including urea-formaldehyde resin , melamine resin and resorcinol resin .

  29. 新大楼将达到香港建筑环境评审法的最高环保验证标准,即白金级别;

    Our new building will be certified with the highest platinum rating under the Building Environmental Assessment Method in Hong Kong .

  30. 以往建筑声学图解法,只能解决特殊位置反声板的声波反射问题。

    The former graphic method applied in architectural acoustics can only solve the problem of the reflecting sound wave with the sound reflecting board in special positions .