
  • 网络building energy efficiency;building energy conservation;energy saving in buildings;CONSTRUCTION CONSERVES ENERGY;chec
  1. 介绍了建筑节能观念的演变、建筑节能工程的特点、建筑节能服务的社会属性和商品属性。

    Presents the development of building energy efficiency concepts , the features of building energy efficiency engineering and the society and commodity properties of building energy efficiency services .

  2. 建筑节能现场检测中需要注意的若干问题

    Discussion on issues needing attention in an in-situ inspection of building energy efficiency

  3. 重庆市海棠晓月B区建筑节能设计

    Building Energy Efficiency Design of " Haitangxiaoyue B Department " Engineering in Chongqing

  4. 硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料(PU)在建筑节能中的应用

    The application of rigid polyurethane foams in the energy saving of construction

  5. 建筑节能设计中外墙平均传热系数Km值影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Mean Thermal Transmittance ( Km ) of the External Walls in the Energy-saving Buildings

  6. 鲁北乡村住宅体形系数与建筑节能关系基于RS和GIS的吉林省城乡居民地区划特征分析

    Relations between rural residential buildings ' shape coefficient and energy efficiency of buildings in north Shandong The Study on Spatial Pattern of Urban and Rural Residential Landuse in Jilin

  7. ESCO(EnergyServiceCompany)是能源服务公司的简称,这类新型的节能服务公司在世界各地的建筑节能领域取得了相当巨大的成果。

    ESCO ( Energy Service Company ) is that the sources of energy service company shorter form . This kind of late-model energy conservation service company has got pretty gigantic achievement in world everywhere building energy conservation field .

  8. 建筑节能是当今世界建筑发展的大趋势,EPS外保温复合墙体是一种新型的节能墙体形式。

    Energy saving is the great development trend of the construction all over the world , today . EPS outer-insulating composite wall is a new type of energy saving wall .

  9. 着重阐述了建筑节能的意义和管理措施,以昆明世博园INTEGER智能生态建筑展览馆为例介绍了建筑节能的设计方法。

    This paper explained the significance and managing measures of energy-conserving of the building emphatically . It has taken ecological building exhibition hall of Kunming International horticultural exposition INTEGER intelligence as an example and introduced the energy-conserving design method of the building .

  10. 给出建筑节能生命周期成本分析的理论框架;探讨围护结构和HVAC对生命周期成本的影响,从而选择生命周期成本最小的节能方案。

    This paper describes the life cycle cost of building energy conservation analysis of the theoretical framework of the building envelope and HVAC life cycle costs , thereby choosing the minimum life cycle cost of energy saving programs .

  11. 分析了合同能源管理业务在我国建筑节能领域发展的主要障碍,提出了可以采取的措施,指出政府、ESCO及金融机构等部门在建筑节能领域的重要作用。

    This paper illustrates the main barriers and strategies of developing Energy Management Contract in our country ′ s building energy saving field .

  12. 同时,方案设计中注重建筑节能的问题,通过水源热泵、低辐射Low-e玻璃等节能技术的应用,降低建筑能耗。

    In the mean time , the design pays attention to saving energy . Energy saving devices like water source heat pump and low eradiating glasses are adopted to save energy .

  13. 针对DeST软件在高层建筑节能评估工程中计算时间长的缺点,文章结合实际建筑围护结构的热工参数,以传热学理论为基础,对实际高层建筑进行了简化。

    On the basis of the long-time calculation the DeST software costs in high-rise building energy saving evaluation , the hot working parameter of practical exterior-protected construction , and heat transfer theory , the actual high-rises have been simplified .

  14. 接着,以上述基本需求和工作流程为依据,建立了下一代建筑节能设计软件的总体框架模型,包括BIM数据管理平台和建筑节能设计功能模块两个分部模型。

    Thirdly , based on above basic requirements and workflow , the study established the framework model of next generation EEDB software , which includes two parts , i.e. the management platform of BIM data and the module of EEDB application functions .

  15. 简述了相应软件CHEC的开发原理、流程和背景,并以实际工程运用实例详细说明使用软件进行居住建筑节能设计的全过程。

    After simply explaining the development theory , workflow and background of the CHEC software , the author further elaborated on the whole course in the design of energy saving residential construction by the computer software under an example of an actual project .

  16. 城市供热系统节能是建筑节能的重要组成部分。

    Heating system energy-efficiency is an important part of building energy-efficiency .

  17. 空调系统的节能是建筑节能中一个迫切需要解决的问题。

    Energy saving of air conditioning system is a urgent problem .

  18. 建筑节能与采暖系统改造研究

    Research on the Building Energy - Saving and Heating System Improvement

  19. 建筑节能优化设计方法概述

    Research on optimizing design method for energy-saving buildings and case study

  20. 建筑节能效果的测试与分析

    Test and analysis of the effectiveness for energy efficiency in buildings

  21. 微胶囊相变材料在建筑节能领域的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Microencapsulated Phase Change Material in Energy-saving Building

  22. 施工阶段建筑节能的监理工作

    The Supervision Work of the Building Energy Efficiency in Construction Stage

  23. 建筑节能现场检验方法及其影响因素

    The Onsite Check Methods and Influential Factors of Constructional Energy Conservation

  24. 建筑节能之外墙保温方式探讨

    Discussion of the Building Energy-saving Outside the Wall Heat Preservation Method

  25. 我国民用建筑节能的现状与对策探讨

    Present Condition and Countermeasure Discussion About Building Energy Conservation of China

  26. 采暖居住建筑节能一体化设计模式

    Coordinated Design Model of Energy Conservation for Heating Residential Buildings

  27. 能量管理系统就是针对建筑节能开发的。

    The energy management system is designed based on building energy conservation .

  28. 住宅建筑节能综合检测技术研究

    Research on Comprehensive Test Technology for Residential Building Energy Saving

  29. 千禧家园住宅小区建筑节能技术

    Building Energy Conservation Technologies Adopted in Qianxi Home Residence Block

  30. 建筑节能数学模型及其计算方法

    A Mathematical Model of an Energy-Saving Building and Its Calculations