
  • 网络the university of alabama;Alabama;UAB;Tuscaloosa
  1. 在亨廷登上了一年之后,她转去阿拉巴马大学(UniversityofAlabama)学习法律,主要是为了讨父亲欢心。

    After a year at Huntingdon , Lee transferred to the University of Alabama to study law , primarily to please her father .

  2. 伯明翰阿拉巴马大学的一个研究团队发现,脑电波耳机会(或称之为EEG、脑电图耳机)使用户处于巨大风险之中。

    A team at the University of Alabama at Birmingham found brainwave-sensing headsets , also known as EEG or electroencephalograph headsets , put users at risk .

  3. 纽约城市大学、罗格斯大学和印第安纳大学都遥不可及,密西西比州立大学和阿拉巴马大学也是如此,在这两所大学我还得交州外学费。

    City University of New York ( CUNY ) , Rutgers University , and Indiana University were out of reach as were Mississippi State and the University of Alabama , where I would have to pay out-of-state fees .

  4. 刚开始丹尼尔准备的的礼物是一顶黑色的软呢帽,这是模仿阿拉巴马大学久负盛名的CrimsonTide橄榄球队教练比尔·布赖恩特经常带的帽子,父亲唐看到就很高兴了。

    At first , Don was already psyched after unwrapping a black fedora , a replica of the hat that Crimson Tide coach Bear Bryant used to wear .

  5. 阿拉巴马大学(UniversityofAlabama)研究人员2012年的一项研究指出,来自能提供现实检验的同事的支持是战胜职场中冒名顶替者恐惧的最佳方法之一。

    Support from colleagues who can provide a reality check is one of the best ways to combat imposter fears at work , says a 2012 study by researchers at the University of Alabama .

  6. 美国阿拉巴马大学的JohnR.Christy同样支持允许任何作者对IPCC的出版物投稿,尽管他提出了一个更彻底的改革。

    John R.Christy , from the University of Alabama , United States , similarly supports allowing any author to contribute to IPCC publications , although he proposes more radical reform .

  7. 阿拉巴马大学(UniversityofAlabama)教授苏珊·佩斯·哈米尔(SusanPaceHamill)说,有限责任公司诞生伊始,并没有哪一点显示它将被用来购买个人房产。她上世纪90年代曾在美国国税局(InternalRevenueService)研究过有限责任公司的政策。

    Nothing in the genesis of limited liability companies suggested they would be used to purchase personal real estate , said Susan Pace Hamill , a University of Alabama professor who worked on L.L.C. policy while at the Internal Revenue Service in the 1990s .

  8. 抱着离开中国赴美的想法,李小加申请了几所美国大学的新闻专业,最终选择阿拉巴马大学(alabama),因为这所学校同时答应为他妻子提供教研助学金。

    Wanting to leave China for the US , Mr Li applied to study journalism at several US universities , ultimately choosing Alabama because it also accepted his wife for a teaching and research assistantship .

  9. 美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校的BeatriceHahn领导了这项研究。这组科学家发现了一种叫SIVcpzPtt的病毒存在于黑猩猩的一个亚种(Pantroglodytestroglodytes)中的证据。

    Researchers led by Beatrice Hahn of the University of Alabama at Birmingham , United States , found evidence of a virus called SIVcpzPtt in the chimpanzee subspecies Pan troglodytes troglodytes .

  10. 上周,他从阿拉巴马大学毕业。

    Last weekend , he graduated from the University of Alabama .

  11. 两个阿拉巴马大学的学生选修了化学课。

    Two guys were taking chemistry at the University of Alabama .

  12. 阿拉巴马大学亨滋维尔分校的大气学教授约翰·克里斯特博士说。

    John Christy , professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville .

  13. 阿拉巴马大学也在校园里两个黑奴的坟墓旁竖立纪念碑。

    The school also erected a marker near the graves of two slaves on campus .

  14. 阿拉巴马大学,亨茨维尔市

    University of Alabama in Huntsville

  15. 根据2014年伯明翰·阿拉巴马大学研究者的研究,这两种观点都不对。

    Both sides are wrong , according to a 2014 study by University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers .

  16. 阿拉巴马大学的研究人员认为这句古语也许比我们。

    And it may be more accurate than we think , according to the researchers at the University of Alabama .

  17. 排名第二的阿拉巴马大学红潮队正在争夺四年内的第三个冠军。

    The second ranked , Alabama Crimson Tide is on the hunt for a third national title in four years .

  18. 美利坚合众国伯明翰阿拉巴马大学约翰斯帕克曼全球卫生中心。

    B.John J Sparkman Center for Global Health , University of Alabama at Birmingham , Birmingham , United States of America .

  19. 1963年,乔治·华莱士站在阿拉巴马大学校舍门阻止非洲裔美国人入学。

    The same George Wallace who in 1963 stood in the schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama to block African Americans from enrolling .

  20. 我还在高中的时候,一些老师建议我报奥本大学,另一些却建议我报阿拉巴马大学。

    When I was in high school , some teachers advised me to attend Auburn . Other teachers advised me to attend the University of Alabama .

  21. 丹尼尔和父亲一样都是阿拉巴马大学橄榄球队的球迷,所以他能理解父亲一直都梦想去看冠军总决赛,但是门票非常昂贵,最便宜的票价也要975美元。

    An Alabama fan himself , Daniel understood that his dad also dreamed of going to the title game , although the cheapest ticket costs $ 975 .

  22. 这是非常感人暖心的家庭场景:这个叫丹尼尔的小伙子给了父亲唐一个圣诞惊喜,他给父亲送了阿拉巴马大学和圣母大学橄榄球队冠军争夺战比赛门票。

    It was a heartwarming moment at the house of Daniel Buckhannan when he surprised his father , Don , with tickets to the title game between Alabama and Notre Dame .

  23. 阿拉巴马大学新闻学教授威尔逊·劳里说,新技术应用于如此之多的领域,这类新闻报导也变得。

    As new technologies are put to use in so many areas , the need for this type of journalism is especially important , according to Wilson Lowrey , a University of Alabama journalism professor .

  24. 而在本月发表的另外一项调查中,来自伯明翰阿拉巴马大学的调查者把志愿者们分成三组:一组不吃早餐,一组经常吃早餐,最后一组遵循之前的饮食方式。

    In another study published this month , researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham divided vounteers into three groups . One skipped breakfast , others always ate it and a third continued with their current regime .

  25. 10岁时,他在南阿拉巴马大学取得人类学学士学位,14岁时取得生物化学硕士学位,17岁时就已在大学教书了。

    At age 10 he had earned his bachelor 's degree in anthropology from the University of South Alabama . His master 's degree in biochemistry was awarded when he was 14-years-old . Kearney was teaching college at only 17 .

  26. 阿拉巴马大学也注意到该校和奴隶制度的关系,去年教职员会议正式向在南北战争前在校园上工作或为教职员所拥有的黑奴的后代道歉。

    Other universities that have shed light on their historical ties to slavery include the University of alabama , where the faculty Senate last year apologized to the descendants of slaves who were owned by faculty members or who worked on campus in the years before the civil war .

  27. 1960年,阿拉巴马州立大学开除了六名参与公民权利示威的学生。

    In nineteen sixty , Alabama State College expelled six students who took part in a civil rights demonstration .

  28. 不过,尽管卡罗莱娜表示“很荣幸被耶鲁录取”,她最终还是选择了位于阿拉巴马州的奥本大学。

    But while Carolina was " honoured to have gotten into Yale , " she 's decided to instead attend Auburn University in Alabama .

  29. 2010年2月12日,阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔市阿拉巴马大学发生的这起枪击案导致三死三伤。

    At the University of Alabama in Huntsville ( UAH ) in Huntsville , Alabama , three people were killed and three others wounded in a shooting on February 12 , 2010 .

  30. 星期三,一场龙卷风摧毁了阿拉巴马州的塔斯卡卢萨,这里是美国阿拉巴马大学所在地。

    On Wednesday , a tornado devastated the city of Tuscaloosa , Alabama , home to the University of Alabama .