
  • 网络Ivy League
  1. 尽管已经入秋,美国常青藤盟校之一的布朗大学的学生们,不仅没有穿上毛衣、戴上围巾,反而把衣服都脱掉了。

    It may already be fall , but students at one Ivy League institution , Brown University , are peeling off their clothes instead of layering up with sweaters and scarves .

  2. 正如科技乐观主义者不断指出的,如今我们能免费下载整个美国国会图书馆(LibraryofCongress)的藏书和常青藤盟校(IvyLeague)的课堂授课。

    As the techno-optimists keep pointing out , we can now download the Library of Congress and Ivy League lectures for free .

  3. •从一所东海岸私立小常青藤盟校获得生物学和英语学士学位

    • Undergraduate degree in biology and English from a ' Baby Ivy east coast private college

  4. 但是本•尼尔森挑战的目标规模却更庞大、根基更深厚:它就是常青藤盟校。

    But Ben Nelson has a much larger , more entrenched target in his sights : the Ivy League .

  5. 我的其他家人都是挺无聊的学术型,他们为了拥有经典的大使牌汽车而忙于考取常青藤盟校。

    The rest of my family are boring academics , busy collecting Ivy League decals for our classic Ambassador car .

  6. 布鲁尼随后又谈到了白宫的历任主人,他们的名字通常都跟常青藤盟校联系在一起,尤其是耶鲁大学。

    Bruni 's tour then moves to occupants of the White House , names usually associated with the Ivies , especially Yale .

  7. 在美国,常青藤盟校包括哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿、哥伦比亚、布朗、达特茅斯、康奈尔和宾夕法尼亚。

    In the U.S. , the Ivy League consists of Harvard , Yale , Princeton , Columbia , Brown , Dartmouth , Cornell and Pennsylvania .

  8. 尽管这可能不是有些人想要从一位常青藤盟校毕业的律师口中听到的第一要事,但这是真实的我。

    And while that may not be the first thing that some folks want to hear from an Ivy-league educated lawyer , it is truly who I am .

  9. 常青藤盟校哈佛大学的一位官员于本周三称,他们将邀请访问学者讲授性课题,以及与少数“性”群体相关的课题,每人授课一个学期。

    The Ivy League school will invite visiting scholars to teach on sexuality and issues related to sexual minorities for one semester each , a Harvard official said on Wednesday .

  10. 但与普林斯顿大学、耶鲁大学和斯坦福大学等其他“常青藤”盟校不同,哈佛大学在过去二十多年中未对本科生进行过大规模扩招。

    But unlike Ivy League peers Princeton , Yale and Stanford , Harvard has not significantly expanded the size of a freshman undergraduate class in more than two decades .