
  • 网络the university of iowa;Tippie
  1. 爱荷华大学副教授、该系列研究的带头人之一埃里卡•劳伦斯(ErikaLawrence)说:“在需要支持的时候,人们总处在一个很脆弱的位置。”

    It 's a vulnerable position to need support , ' says Erika Lawrence , one of the lead researchers on the studies and associate professor at the University of Iowa .

  2. 爱荷华大学(UniversityofIowa)研究秘密的传播学教授塔玛拉&12539;阿菲菲(TamaraAfifi)说:当我们有秘密并且反复想的时候,就会形成压力,身体就会不舒服。

    ' When we have a secret and mull it over , we develop stress and it makes our body sick , ' says Tamara Afifi , professor of communication studies at the University of Iowa , who studies secrets .

  3. 美国爱荷华大学CT/显微CT实验室科研成果与学术交流

    An Introduction to The CT / Micro-CT Laboratory under University of Iowa and Its Achievements

  4. 过去6个月,爱荷华大学(UniversityofIowa)、印第安纳州珀杜大学(PurdueUniversity)和俄亥俄州凯斯西储大学(CaseWesternReserveUniversity)等多所院校,都任命了女性为校长。

    In the past six months schools including the University of Iowa , Indiana 's Purdue University and Ohio 's Case Western Reserve University have all appointed heads who are women .

  5. 爱荷华大学的发现加强了三叉神经的CGRP受体在偏头痛中起关键作用的观点。

    The UI findings reinforce the emerging view that CGRP receptors in the trigeminal nerve play a key role in migraine headache .

  6. 爱荷华大学出版社(UniversityofIowa),平装,16美元。这本阴暗、丰富、短小,通过短篇故事呈现的小说表明方德斯是天才的道德家,有着近似俄罗斯作家的凶猛。

    ( University of Iowa , paper , $ 16 . ) This dark , rich little novel in stories shows Founds as a talented moralist of nearly Russian ferocity .

  7. 爱荷华大学Holden癌症研究中心是爱荷华州唯一的国家癌症研究院(NCI)-指定的癌症研究中心。

    Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center at the UI is Iowa 's only National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) - designated comprehensive cancer center .

  8. 爱荷华大学研究小组研究了负责为前脑传递几乎所有感知觉(包括痛觉和触觉)的三叉神经的CGRP受体。

    The UI team investigated CGRP receptors in the trigeminal nerve , which is responsible for relaying almost all sensory perception , including pain and touch , for the front of the head .

  9. 爱荷华大学副教授、该系列研究的带头人之一埃里卡•劳伦斯(ErikaLawrence)说:在需要支持的时候,人们总处在一个很脆弱的位置。

    ' It 's a vulnerable position to need support , ' says Erika Lawrence , one of the lead researchers on the studies and associate professor at the University of Iowa .

  10. 美国爱荷华大学表演艺术部门实习。

    The Universuty of iowa , division of performing arts .

  11. 爱荷华大学是全国首屈一指的创作中心。

    The University of Iowa is the nation 's premier center for creative writing .

  12. 今年25岁的艾瑞克•安德森2010年毕业于爱荷华大学。

    Eric Andersen , 25 , graduated from the University of Iowa in 2010 .

  13. 爱荷华大学实验学校

    Laboratory Schools of the University of Iowa

  14. 我的母亲在爱荷华大学研修哲学博士学位

    and my mother set to work on her PhD in philosophy at the University of Iowa

  15. 到好莱坞寻求演艺突破前,他曾在爱荷华大学就读一年。

    He attended the University of Iowa for a year before heading to Hollywood in search of his big break .

  16. 我是第六代爱荷华人,也是爱荷华大学电机系学生,我是由两位女性抚养长大的。

    I 'm a sixth-generation Iowan and an engineering student at the University of Iowa and I was raised by two women .

  17. 几年后,他到爱荷华大学的作家学习班学习,决心学习编舞。

    Only years later , while a student at the University of Iowa Writers " Workshop , did he decide to pursue choreography .

  18. 一位爱荷华大学的康复医生,尼尔·西格尔听说有些当地女人怀孕后不得不换上更大码的鞋子。

    Neil Segal , a rehab doc at the University of Iowa , heard that some local women had to don larger shoes after pregnancy .

  19. 身为爱荷华大学的学生,同性婚姻的话题在课堂讨论上常常被提起。

    Being a student at the University of Iowa , the topic of same sex marriage comes up quite frequently in classroom discussions * you know .

  20. 在学校我学到了书面和口语的语言技能。我推荐爱荷华大学的英语专业和工程专业。

    College helped tremendously in building my written and spoken language skills . I honestly can 't recommend IA for anyone other than an English major or Engineering major .

  21. 爱荷华大学的研究人员说在治疗方法被证明和广泛应用之前,还要经历许多年,即便它表现出了有效性。

    The UI researchers say it will take several years before the treatment could be approved and come into general use , even if it is shown to be effective .

  22. 希斯内罗丝上了大学,但不是去找丈夫,而是遇到一位老师,帮助她参加了著名的爱荷华大学国际协作计划。

    Cisneros did attend college , but instead of searching for a husband , she found a teacher who helped her join the famous graduate writing program at the University of Iowa .

  23. 正如爱荷华大学心理学家埃娃•科洛南2005年针对新婚夫妇的研究所发现的那样,不出所料,我们会被具有相似人生观和价值观的人所吸引。

    It probably comes as little surprise people are drawn to individuals with similar attitudes and values , as psychologist Eva Klohnen at the University of Iowa found in a2005 study of newlywed couples .

  24. 该研究的领头人、爱荷华大学的格雷格斯图瓦特教授说,握手评分较高的人被面试考官认为是最可录用的。

    Professor Greg Stewart , from the University of Iowa , who led the study , said those who scored highly with the handshake raters were also considered to be the most hireable by the interviewers .

  25. 想一想爱荷华大学劳伦斯所说的白金规则:己所不欲,勿施于人。换句话说,就是停下来,去倾听。

    Consider what Dr. Lawrence , of the University of Iowa , calls the Platinum Rule : ' Do unto others as they would have you do unto them . ' In other words , stop and listen .

  26. 该研究的领头人、爱荷华大学的格雷格•斯图瓦特教授说,握手评分较高的人被面试考官认为是最可录用的。

    Professor Greg Stewart , from the University of Iowa , who led the study , said those who scored highly with the handshake raters were also considered to be the most hireable by the interviewers . Students with ' wimpy ' shakes were judged to be more timid and less impressive .

  27. 而市场价格正飙升至异常强劲的水平,爱荷华州立大学(IowaStateUniversity)农业经济学家查德·哈特(ChadHart)表示。

    And the markets are surging to incredibly strong prices , Chad Hart , agricultural economist at Iowa State University , said .

  28. LeeAlekel博士(爱荷华州立大学营养学教授)在给路透社健康专栏的一封e-mail里这样写道。

    D.Lee Alekel , a professor of nutrition at Iowa State University in Ames , told Reuters Health in an email .

  29. 爱荷华州立大学的研究人员在《大学录取期刊》(JournalofCollegeAdmission)上发表的研究称,绝大多数在美国大学念本科的中国学生都求助于中介来指导他们完成申请程序。

    Most Chinese students who are enrolled at American colleges turn to intermediaries to shepherd them through the admissions process , according to a study by researchers at Iowa State University published in the Journal of College Admission .

  30. 爱荷华州立大学玉米研究员RogerElmore并没有参与该项目。他称赞该项目综合的解决方法和令人印象深刻的基金水平。

    Iowa State University maize researcher Roger Elmore , who is not involved in the project , praises its comprehensive approach and the level of funding .