
  • 网络bank of ireland;Anglo Irish;Bank of Ireland PLC
  1. 在金融业中,爱尔兰银行是你持有的跌幅最大的股票之一。

    Within the financials , Bank of Ireland has been one of your biggest losers .

  2. 爱尔兰银行将会成为第一个支柱,爱尔兰联合银行将与爱尔兰住房互助会合并,成为第二个支柱,而爱尔兰人寿银行将被分拆。

    Bank of Ireland will form the first , AIB will be merged with EBS to form the other , and Irish Life will be split up .

  3. 标准普尔作出上述决定前,近日有宣布称,国有化的盎格鲁-爱尔兰银行(angloirishbank)的亏损,处于预期区间的上限。

    S & P took its decision after the recent announcement that losses at the nationalised Anglo Irish Bank were at the upper end of its expectations .

  4. 根据我自己的粗略估算,如果你对坏帐冲销做出现实的假定,并对未来经济增长做出保守的预测,那么爱尔兰银行业的纾困成本可能会超过该国国内生产总值(gdp)的30%。

    On my own back-of-the-envelope calculations , the cost of a financial sector bail-out may exceed 30 per cent of Irish gross domestic product , if you make realistic assumptions about bad debt write-offs and apply a conservative trajectory for future economic growth .

  5. 爱尔兰银行业严重依赖欧洲央行提供的无限制贷款。

    Irish banks rely heavily on unlimited loans from the ECB .

  6. 爱尔兰银行所发生的一切,将令整个欧洲感到恐惧。

    What has happened at Irish banks will be viewed with horror across Europe .

  7. 离开这种支持,爱尔兰银行业可能会重新陷入财务困境。

    Without such support , it could plunge the Irish banks into fresh financial difficulties .

  8. 不幸的是,在处理雷曼和爱尔兰银行的问题上,这些举措似乎一样都没有用上。

    Tragically , with Lehman and the Irish banks , it seems none of this happened .

  9. 你可以去联合爱尔兰银行,因为那里离购物中心近。

    You need to go to the Allied Irish Bank which is near the local shopping centre .

  10. 爱尔兰银行不久前曾宣布,它未能与私人股本集团达成相关交易。

    The bank recently announced it had been unable to agree a deal with private equity groups .

  11. 该行已不再向希腊银行业放贷,同时将对西班牙和爱尔兰银行的贷款规模缩减了三分之二左右。

    It eliminated lending to Greek banks , and cut volumes in Spain and Ireland by about two-thirds .

  12. 以欧洲为后盾对爱尔兰银行实施救援,将降低银行间贷款折价蔓延的风险。

    A European-backed rescue of Irish banks will reduce the risk of contagion from haircuts on interbank loans .

  13. 该数字来自金融危机后对陷入困境的爱尔兰银行部门进行的压力测试。

    The figure emerged from stress tests carried out on the troubled Irish banking sector following the financial crisis .

  14. 如果这一切都得以实现,爱尔兰银行便有望能够发行私人部门长期债券。

    If all that happens , the hope is Irish banks will be able to raise long-term private sector debt .

  15. 据迈纳德估算,截至2月份,爱尔兰银行业的非居民存款已较上年同期锐减49%。

    Deposits held at Irish banks by nonresidents plunged 49 % from a year ago through February , minerd estimates .

  16. 例如,欧洲央行已有效地挽救了爱尔兰银行系统,而爱尔兰也成功地通过了《里斯本条约》。

    For instance , the European Central Bank has effectively bailed out the Irish banking system and Ireland has resoundingly endorsed Lisbon Treaty .

  17. 去年欧洲银行压力测试中,爱尔兰银行全部过关,但随后确需要被国有化,这样的测试如何令人信服?

    How does one believe a test when last year 's version passed all the Irish banks , which subsequently needed to be nationalized ?

  18. 第三,由于其他爱尔兰银行被认为是盎格鲁爱尔兰银行高等级债券的主要持有人,他们会因此遭受进一步的损失。

    Third , other Irish banks are thought to be big holders of Anglo Irish Bank senior bonds , so they would suffer further losses .

  19. 这对于市场人气至关重要,因为目前爱尔兰银行约有830亿欧元(占所有非存款资金的一半)的资金都来自欧洲央行。

    This is crucial for market sentiment since some € 83bn ( or half all non-deposit funding ) for Irish banks currently hails from the ECB .

  20. 第四,欧洲央行作为储备和抵押品持有的爱尔兰银行债券也将遭受损失。

    And fourth , the European Central Bank would take losses on its reserves of Irish Bank Bonds and those that it is holding as collateral .

  21. 尤其是爱尔兰银行通过了上轮测试,使其效力荡然无存。因为几个月后,爱尔兰便开始索要几十亿欧元的救助金。

    That effort foundered when Irish banks passed the test , only to require tens of billions of euros in new bailout money just months later .

  22. 恐慌的银行和政府,包括美联储,摩根大通,瑞银和爱尔兰银行,纷纷向贝莱德寻求帮助,以对那些缺乏流动性的投资组合进行估值。

    Panicked banks and governments , including the Federal Reserve , JPMorgan Chase , UBS and the Bank of Ireland , turned to the company for help in evaluating illiquid portfolios .

  23. 这次配股是对爱尔兰银行投下的一次信任票。该行是爱尔兰仅有的一家通过配股和资本重组摆脱政府多数控股的银行。

    The investment is a vote of confidence in Bank of Ireland , the only Irish bank that has fought off majority government control , through rights issues and capital restructurings .

  24. 正如我们近几周来所看到的,爱尔兰银行业已失去偿债能力,同时人们还怀疑爱尔兰政府是否有能力消化这些损失。

    As we have seen in recent weeks , the Irish banking sector is insolvent , and there are questions about the capacity of the Irish state to absorb those losses .

  25. 超过250家分支机构都被转换成商店,延长开放时间,而与爱尔兰银行的合作关系最近也将再延长三年。

    More than 250 branches have been converted into shops , with extended opening hours , while the partnership with the Bank of Ireland has recently been extended for a further three years .

  26. 即使房价从高点回落1年后,该国最保守的金融机构&爱尔兰银行仍声称,该行账上仅有不足1%的贷款为不良贷款。

    Even a year after the peak of property prices , Bank of Ireland , the most conservative institution , was still claiming that less than 1 per cent of its book was impaired .

  27. 破产清算(对雷曼的处理方式)几乎总是会抹去各个层面的价值;而空头支票式的纾困(比如对爱尔兰银行所做的那样),则纯属白白浪费无辜民众的血汗钱。

    Liquidations , as with Lehman , almost always obliterate value in every direction ; and blank cheque bail-outs , like the one to the Irish banks , are a stupid waste of innocents ' money .

  28. 阿根廷金融危机、联合爱尔兰银行外汇交易诈骗案、亚洲金融危机等的重要教训就是金融运行信息披露的透明度不够。

    The important lesson from Argentinian financial crisis , the fraud case of foreign exchange transaction in Allied Irish Banks , Asian financial crisis , etc. are about the transparency problem that the financial disclosure of information is not enough .

  29. 两年前,爱尔兰联合银行(alliedirishbank)出现了一个十分常见、成本又高的问题:员工总是忘记密码。

    Allied Irish Bank ( AIB ) had an all-too-familiar and costly problem two years ago : its employees kept forgetting their passwords .

  30. 巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)估计,爱尔兰优先银行债务占到国内生产总值(gdp)的38%,低于比利时、西班牙、英国与荷兰。

    Barclays Capital estimates Irish senior bank debt is 38 per cent of gross domestic product ; that is less than in Belgium , Spain , the UK and Holland .