
  1. 百度希望在IPO后通过双股权制继续控股爱奇艺。

    Baidu wants to continue holding a controlling stake in iQiyi upon the IPO via dual-class shares .

  2. 百度与普罗维登斯投资(ProvidenceEquityPartners)在2010年共同投资创办了视频网站奇艺,后更名为爱奇艺。

    Qiyi , now known as iQiyi , started in 2010 with investments from Baidu and Providence Equity Partners .

  3. 爱奇艺CEO龚宇今年6月曾表示,爱奇艺付费用户已突破2000万。

    Gong Yu , CEO of iQiyi , said earlier that the company had 20 million paying subscribers in June .

  4. 爱奇艺也已经与英国广播公司(BBC)、派拉蒙影业、狮门影业以及其他公司达成了协议。

    IQIYI already has agreements with the BBC , Paramount Pictures and Lionsgate , among others .

  5. 而作为中国最大的视频网站爱奇艺的创始人和CEO,龚宇认为,在制作独家节目时,移动设备会是影响影片制作的一大因素。

    Gong Yu , founder and CEO of iqiyi.com , one of China 's biggest video stream website , thinks mobile devices influence filmmaking when they create their exclusive shows .

  6. AcaciaPartner持有260万股百度股票,他引用一家独立研究机构的报告称,流媒体视频平台爱奇艺的估值为58亿美元。

    The hedge fund , which has 2.6 million Baidu shares , cited an independent research report that said the video-streaming business was worth $ 5.8 billion .

  7. 今年2月,百度CEO李彦宏和爱奇艺CEO龚宇领导的投资集团计划收购百度持有的爱奇艺80.5%的股份,估值为28亿美元。

    An investor group led by Baidu CEO Robin Li and iQiyi CEO Gong Yu offered in February to acquire Baidu 's 80.5 percent stake in a deal that valued at $ 2.8 billion .

  8. TheHCollective电影公司表示,将与多家投资伙伴一起为《极限特工4》融资,投资伙伴包括SparkleRollMedia、爱奇艺、大地华瑞等。影片计划于2019年投产。

    The H Collective said that it will finance " xXx 4 " alongside several investment partners , including Sparkle Roll Media , iQiyi Pictures , Dadi Huarui , and so on is slated to begin in 2019 .

  9. 爱奇艺100亿美元的估值虽然仅相当于Netflix的一小部分,但该数字将超过乐视网信息技术公司。

    At $ 10 billion , iQiyi will be valued at a fraction of Netflix 's but surpass listed Chinese rival Leshi Internet Information And Technology Corp.

  10. 该剧目前正在中国的在线视频播放平台爱奇艺上播出,现在购买VIP套餐的观众就能优先查看最新剧集。

    The drama is now airing on China 's online video platform iQiyi , and audiences are now paying for VIP packages to get priority viewing of the latest episodes .

  11. 爱奇艺曾在今年6月份表示,他们正在与包括Alphabet谷歌在内的合作伙伴就分享更多数据和收益进行探讨,以推动该平台。

    IQiyi said in June it 's in talks to share more data and revenue with partners , including Alphabet Inc 's Google , to bolster its platform .

  12. 百度在周五表示收到一份收购其流媒体视频网站爱奇艺(Qiyi.com)多数股份的非约束性提议,对公司估值约为28亿美元。百度在中国的地位相当于谷歌(Google)。

    Baidu , China 's equivalent of Google , said Friday that it had received a nonbinding proposal to acquire its majority stake in the Chinese video streaming website Qiyi.com , valuing the business at about $ 2.8 billion .

  13. 2017年4月,爱奇艺与Netflix签署了一项授权协议,以播出美国提供商的部分原创内容,包括《怪奇物语》和《黑镜》。

    In April 2017 , iQiyi signed a licensing agreement with Netflix to steam some of the US provider 's original content including Stranger Things and Black Mirror .

  14. 在该电视剧四月中旬播放结束之前,订阅增长的准确数字还无法得出。但是爱奇艺方面预计现在至少有300万名新VIP用户已经报名观看。

    The exact increase in subscriptions is not yet available until the drama concludes at the middle of April , but iQiyi estimates that at least 3 million new VIP users have signed up to watch .

  15. 据两位知情人士透露,百度旗下视频网站爱奇艺计划最早于2018年在美国首次公开募股(IPO),这可能会使这个目前中国最受欢迎的流媒体视频服务网站届时估值超过80亿美元。

    Baidu Inc 's iQiyi is targeting a US initial public offering as soon as in 2018 that could value China 's most popular streaming video service at more than $ 8 billion , two people familiar with the matter say .

  16. 作为目前中国唯一一家获得Netflix内容授权的视频网站,爱奇艺需要像其竞争对手--阿里巴巴和腾讯的平台一样,打造自己的战争基金。

    IQiyi , the only Chinese service that licenses shows from Netflix Inc , needs to build up its war chest as it battles rival platforms run by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Tencent Holdings Ltd.

  17. 该电视剧于7月在中国的Netflix类网站“爱奇艺”首播,播放量已超过150亿次,之后在国内电视频道和70多个海外市场播放。

    The series has been streamed more than 15 billion times on iQiyi , China 's Netflix-like site where the show premiered in July before it reached domestic TV channels and more than 70 markets abroad .

  18. 《龙珠Z》(1989-2006)完结已近10年,悟空归来——《龙珠超》设定的剧情长度为100集,近日在日本富士电视台和中国的爱奇艺视频网站上首映。

    Almost a decade after Dragon Ball Z ( 1989-2006 ) ended , Goku is back again . Dragon Ball Super , a new series that is set to run 100 episodes , recently premiered on Fuji TV in Japan and on Chinese streaming video website iQiyi .

  19. 这部由宋钟基和宋慧乔主演的电视剧,每周三和周四的下午9点在爱奇艺播出,而韩国的KBS2TV也在同步播出。

    Starring Song Joong-ki and Song Hye-kyo , the show is now airing on iQiyi.com at 9 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday , the same time as on South Korean KBS 2TV .

  20. 百度与阿里巴巴、腾讯及其他中国公司开展竞争,制作或购买国内外电影及电视节目,供中国观众通过智能手机、平板电脑及电脑观看。爱奇艺拥有很多节目,从中国古装剧到《国土安全》(Homeland)等美剧。

    Baidu competes with Alibaba , Tencent and other Chinese companies to create or buy movies and television shows - both foreign and domestic , with iQiyi showing a range of programs from Chinese costume dramas to American shows like " Homeland " - that Chinese viewers stream through their smartphones , tablets and computers .

  21. 百度公司上周一表示,双方在几轮讨论之后仍未达成协议,之后致信百度董事会撤回私有化要约。百度股东、纽约对冲基金AcaciaPartners批评爱奇艺的出售价格“过低”。

    The pair informed the board that they had withdrawn the offer after failing to strike a deal despite several rounds of discussions , Baidu said last Monday . The withdrawal came days after New York hedge fund Acacia Partners criticized the online search giant for considering selling iQiyi at a price that is " far too low . "

  22. 2月,李彦宏发出对爱奇艺的非约束性要约。

    In February , Mr Li made a non-binding offer for iQiyi .

  23. 与爱奇艺的交易就是第一个这样的协议。

    The iQIYI deal is the first such agreement .

  24. 这样一来,之前外聘编剧的传统就逐渐被诸如爱奇艺这类公司的内部团队操作所取代。

    The tradition of outsourcing scriptwriting has been replaced by internal teams at such companies .

  25. 爱奇艺出品的众多剧集中,五分之一都是奇幻剧题材。

    One-fifth of all dramas under production at iQiyi , for instance , are from this genre .

  26. 该电视剧在中国视频媒体平台爱奇艺网站第一天开播,便收获了三千万的浏览量。

    The show received more than 30 million views during its first day on streaming platform iQiyi .

  27. 据爱奇艺的统计数据显示,该动画第一集浏览量超过了7亿。

    According to the statistics on iQIYI , the first season was viewed more than 700 million times .

  28. 国内领先的在线影视门户网站爱奇艺的人力资源经理梁跃贤(音译)对此表示赞同。

    Liang Yuexian , human resources manager at iQiYi , China 's leading online television and movie portal , agrees .

  29. 仅仅在爱奇艺一家网站上,2002年出品的《憨豆先生动画版》的26集节目就有33.9亿的浏览量。

    On Iquiyi alone , the 26 episodes of the 2002 Mr. Bean animated series received 3390 million viewing times .

  30. 此次行动是由国内最大的三家在线流媒体平台爱奇艺、优酷和腾讯共同发起的。

    The campaign was led by China 's three largest online media streaming platforms : iQiyi , Youku , and Tencent .