
  • 网络ALCON;Alcon Inc;Alcon Laboratories
  1. 《财富》:谷歌X实验室与爱尔康公司是如何达成合作的?

    How did the partnership between Google [ x ] and Alcon come about ?

  2. 方法用爱尔康公司Legacy20000珠峰系统超声乳化仪,将患者分为三组,分别采用爆破、脉冲和连续3种不同超声能量模式行超声乳化白内障吸除术。

    Metheds All patients having phacoemulsification with the Alcon Legacy 20000 Everest software were assigned to 1 of 3 groups ( the burst mode group , the pulse mode group and the continuous mode group ) .

  3. 今年5月1日,乔治升任爱尔康总裁,在他的协助下,两个半月前公司与谷歌X实验室达成合作。目前爱尔康公司正在筹划如何借助这一微型技术改善普通人的健康水平。

    George came on board to lead the contact-maker on May 1 , and already in his two and a half months on the job he 's helped to land the Google [ x ] partnership and is planning out how Alcon can leverage this miniature technology to transform everyday health .