
  • 网络Ericsson;Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson;Ericsson AB;LM Ericsson
  1. 在本文的案例中,对笔者工作所在的爱立信公司OEM供应商开发和管理作了介绍。

    In the following part of this dissertation , there is a practical case of Ericsson OEM supplier development and management .

  2. 复用驱动的软件工程业务(RSEB)是经过瑞典爱立信公司的AXE项目实践检验的。

    The Reuse-Driven Software Engineering Business ( RSEB ) has been practiced in AXE , Ericsson , Sweden .

  3. 第三章详细介绍了爱立信公司ENGINE解决方案的具体内容、基本单元、信令标准、方案优点及其在世界范围的应用。

    Charter 3 introduces the detailed content , basic components , signaling standard , solution advantage of ENGINE , and its marketing situation .

  4. 蓝牙(Bluetooth)是一种低功率短距离的无线连接技术规范,蓝牙技术的概念是爱立信公司于1995年提出的,这一概念很快便被业界普遍接受。

    The Bluetooth is the specification of low power and short distance wireless connection technology .

  5. 文章通过介绍三家著名的跨国公司&日本索尼公司、美国IBM公司、瑞典爱立信公司的企业社会责任理念及其具体做法,指出我国企业建立企业社会责任制度的重要性。

    In this article , by introducing the three famous multinational corporation & Sony , Ericsson and IBM , their detailed operation of CSR , to point out the essential of our business built the CSR .

  6. 根据该数据,华为和瑞典爱立信公司(Ericsson)成为世界最大的基站及移动通信网络运营所需的其他设备的供应商。

    Depending on the measure , it ranks with Sweden 's Ericsson as the world 's largest supplier of the base stations and other equipment that make mobile telecom networks run .

  7. 现在为了适应更快的数据传输速度,各家公司都在不断更新移动应用程序。爱立信公司决意与互联网企业携手,保障4G网络尚未覆盖的新兴市场客户也能使用这些应用程序。

    As companies continue to update their mobile applications for faster data speeds , Ericsson has decided to partner with Internet companies to help applications stay accessible for non-4G speed customers in emerging markets .

  8. 今年2月,索尼从瑞典爱立信公司(TelefonABL.M.Ericsson)手中收购了合资公司的全部股权,对处于亏损状态的智能手机业务有了绝对的控制权。

    In February , Sony bought out its joint-venture partner , Sweden 's Telefon AB L.M. Ericsson , giving the Japanese company full control over its money-losing smartphone business .

  9. 最后爱立信公司还表示,随着下一代移动网络标准&5G网络的商用,到2020年,移动用户的增长速度还会更快,就像4G用户的增长速度要明显超过3G一样。

    Finally , with the commercial deployment of 5G the next generation of mobile standards by 2020 , subscriptions are bound to increase even faster , just as 4G caused a greater spike in subscriptions than 3G , Ericsson said .

  10. 瑞典通讯业巨头爱立信公司(Ericsson)近日发布了一份移动业报告称,到2020年,全球不低于6岁的人口中,90%都将拥有移动电话。

    The Swedish communications giant Ericsson has released a new mobility report claiming that , by the year 2020 , 90 percent of the world 's population aged 6 years and over will have mobile phones .

  11. 最后爱立信公司还表示,随着下一代移动网络标准——5G网络的商用,到2020年,移动用户的增长速度还会更快,就像4G用户的增长速度要明显超过3G一样。

    Finally , with the commercial deployment of 5G - the next generation of mobile standards - by 2020 , subscriptions are bound to increase even faster , just as 4G caused a greater spike in subscriptions than 3G , Ericsson said .

  12. 本文从技术和对运营部门及最终用户利益这两个角度,介绍了爱立信公司推出的无源光纤网、无线本地环路、DECT商用无绳电话系统和综合接入系统等各种用户接入产品。

    From the perspectives of technologies and benefits to network operators and end users , described are the variety of Ericsson 's access products such as PON , RLL , DECT business systems and integrated access systems .

  13. 据Hellstrom先生称,爱立信公司将使用增股方式来继续加强其财务状况,并确保在市场行情好转时公司有足够的流动资金。

    Mr Hellstrom said Ericsson would use the rights issue proceeds to strengthen its balance sheet and ensure adequate working capital for when market conditions improved .

  14. 爱立信公司正在研制一种小羽毛笔。

    Ericsson is researching a " smart quill " pen .

  15. 爱立信公司研发的资源配置与流程管理研究

    Research about R & D Resource Allocation and Process Management of Ericsson Company

  16. 爱立信公司指出,智能手机新用户增长最快的地区是印度和中国。

    The fastest areas of growth for new mobile subscriptions , Ericsson said , are India and China .

  17. 我们将研究指定我公司为爱立信公司在中国市场的独家代理的问题。

    We will discuss the appointment of our firm as the sole agent for Ericsson in the Chinese market .

  18. 2000年,徐飞杰先生受爱立信公司委派,回国负责移动互联网应用技术在中国的市场推广。

    In2000 , Mr Xu returned to China upon assignment by Ericsson , in charge of marketing and promotion of mobile Internet enabling technologies .

  19. 接下来的六名优胜者将会获得现金奖.最具创造力的选手获得由爱立信公司赞助的特别奖.

    The next six among the rest will get the cash prize.The contestant who demonstrates the most creativity will receive a special prize sponsored by Ercsson Company .

  20. 但欧洲电信业的股价则受其业绩不佳消息的拖累大幅下跌,其中债务缠身的电信设备运营商爱立信公司股价跌幅最大,达13.5%。

    However , stocks of European telecom industries fell dramatically due to poor earnings , with stocks of the debt-ridden telecom equipment operator Ericsson seeing the biggest slump of13.5 % .

  21. 本文介绍爱立信公司以无源光网技术为基础的光纤用户环路产品,全面考虑用户业务需求、经济性和灵活性,为运营者提供了多种宽带接入方案。

    The PON-based products for subscriber optical loops described in this paper take full consideration the user service requirements , cost-effectiveness and flexibility , providing operators with many broadband access options .

  22. 本文首先介绍了爱立信公司研发机构目前的管控和运营模式以及相应的绩效管理体系,同时运用相应的管理理论做了解释。

    This thesis briefly introduced Ericsson R & D entities first , including the organization , operation and performance management . Some existing theories were also applied to explain the above aspects .

  23. 在接受了几宗电话维修业务后,爱立信公司掌握了制造电话的方法,并于1878年开始面向瑞典民众销售自己生产的电话。

    After being sent some of these new-fangled devices to repair , the company worked out how to make them , and by1878 was selling its own phones to the Swedish public .

  24. 蓝牙技术是由爱立信公司于1994年最先倡导的一种短距离无线通信技术,其初衷是为了实现电缆替代,实现通信技术与计算机技术的统一与融合。

    Bluetooth is first put forward by Ericsson in 1994 as a short range radio communication technology . The initial aim of it is to realize the replacement of cable and to merge the communication and computer technology .

  25. 最后,文章分析了爱立信公司在研发资源配置和流程管理上的成功经验对于我国企业的借鉴意义,从三个方面探讨了我国企业需要改进和提高之处。

    Finally , this article analyzed how our country company can refer to Ericsson successful experience on R & D resource allocation and process management , and gave the suggestions about several aspects which our country companies need to improve and change .

  26. 爱立信有限公司总裁柯德川的观点则在国际投资商中颇具代表性。

    The view of the president of Ericsson Co. Ltd. represents those of many international investors .

  27. 微软、惠普、摩托罗拉和爱立信等公司都在爱特信网页上刊登广告。爱特信公司的网页已成为中国最受欢迎的网页之一,每日访问者达28万人次。

    Microsoft , Hewlett-Packard , Motorola , and Ericsson , for instance , all advertise on ITC 's Web site , one of the most popular in China with 280000 hits per day .

  28. 华为总部设在深圳,是世界最大的远程通信公司之一。除却智能机,其在基本配件方面(如手机支架),和瑞典爱立信之类的公司形成竞争关系。

    Aside from smartphones , the Shenzhen-based firm is one of the world 's largest telecommunications companies , competing with the likes of Sweden 's Ericsson on infrastructure such as mobile phone masts .

  29. 现在有数十万家公司使用这一服务,其客户中有音乐在线播放公司spotify这样的新兴企业,也包括瑞典电信巨擘爱立信这样的老牌公司。

    It is now used by hundreds of thousands of firms , ranging from start-ups such as spotify , a music-streaming service , to established companies like Ericsson , a Swedish telecoms giant .

  30. 甚至连网购业巨头亚马逊也迫不及待地想进来,它可能会收购索尼爱立信,这家公司与摩托罗拉一样,已经萎缩到无法支撑下去。

    Even Amazon , an online shopping giant , may feel the urge to splash out and buy , perhaps , Sony-Ericsson , which like Motorola seems too small to make it on its own .