
  • 网络BMW;BMW AG;Bayerische Motoren Werk AG
  1. 宝马公司(BMW)收购了劳斯莱斯,大众(Volkswagen)收购了宾利。

    BMW wound up with rolls , and Volkswagen got Bentley .

  2. 众所周知,宝马公司(BMW)是豪华轿车制造商。

    You know BMW as a luxury automaker .

  3. 对于全球性的汽车公司来说,特别是宝马公司,您认为CSR扮演了什么样的角色?

    For global car company , especially BMW , what role do you think CSR play ?

  4. 通用汽车(GM)、福特汽车(Ford)、丰田(Toyota)和宝马公司(BMW)也在测试类似的车型。

    GM ( GM ) , Ford ( f ) , Toyota ( TM ) , and BMW are experimenting with similar models .

  5. 光是宝马公司(BMW)2015年就将推出5款新车或换代车型,其中包括两款首次推出的电动车型。

    BMW alone will bring out five new or redesigned models for 2015 , including its first two electrified cars .

  6. 微型Cooper现在由宝马公司制造,今年早些时候在欧洲推出,将于明年春季进军美国。

    The Mini , now manufactured by BMW , arrived in Europe earlier this year ; it hits America next spring .

  7. 宝马公司(BMW)昨日报告的一季度营业利润,超过了其2009年全年的利润。中国对豪华车激增的需求,提振了这家德国汽车制造商的销售。

    BMW yesterday reported a first-quarter operating profit that exceeded its 2009 full-year earnings as the German automaker 's sales were lifted by soaring demand for luxury cars in China .

  8. 中国豪车市场竞争激烈,奔驰汽车公司(Mercedes)刚刚宣布要花大力气赶上目前的市场领导者奥迪公司(Audi)和宝马公司(BMW)。

    The upscale car market in China is fiercely contested , and Mercedes has just announced a big push there to catch up with market leaders Audi and BMW .

  9. 宝马公司(BMWAG)周二公布,由于豪华轿车需求低迷,第二季度的利润下滑了76%。对于今年剩余时间的前景,这家汽车制造商也没有给出明确的预期。

    BMW AG on Tuesday posted a76 % slump in second-quarter profit as demand for luxury cars sagged , and the auto maker shied away from giving a concrete outlook for the remainder of the year .

  10. 与此同时,在南通东北一千多公里之外的沈阳,德国汽车制造商宝马公司(BMW)经营的一座汽车配件工厂,对自己的供应链采取了完全不同的做法。

    Meanwhile , hundreds of kilometres north-east of Nantong , a car component plant in Shenyang operated by BMW , the German car manufacturer , takes an entirely different approach to its supply chain .

  11. 但据说苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(TimothyD.Cook)去年曾拜访德国莱比锡市的一家工厂,那是宝马公司生产拥有碳纤维车身的全电动小轿车宝马i3的地方。

    But Timothy D. Cook , the Apple chief executive , reportedly visited a factory in Leipzig , Germany , last year where BMW manufactures the i3 , an all-electric sedan with a carbon fiber body .

  12. 宝马公司(BMW)昨天说,中国市场豪华轿车需求的激增,长期而言可能促使该公司将其在中国的产能提升7倍以上。

    BMW said yesterday that soaring demand for premium cars in China could prompt it to lift production capacity in the country by more than sevenfold in the long term , Daniel Sch ä fer reports from Hamburg .

  13. 据路透社报道,福特汽车公司首席汽车集团(PAG)周一表示,将行使其权利,从德国宝马公司购买罗孚品牌。

    Ford Motor Co will exercise its right to buy the Rover brand name from German premium carmaker BMW , a spokesman for Ford 's Premier Automotive Group ( PAG ) said on Monday .

  14. 为了巩固已然十分强大的品牌,宝马公司(BMW)决定为世界级赛事设计一款两人座的雪橇,将在一年后于俄罗斯索契举办的第22届冬奥会上大放异彩。

    BMW , in a bid to reinforce its already mighty brand , has decided to help design a two-man bobsled for world competition , culminating at the XXII winter Olympiad in Sochi , Russia a year from now .

  15. 去年在墨西哥阿纳瓦克大学(AnahuacUniversity)哈拉帕分校计算机专业毕业后,当时22岁的阿尔塔米拉诺女士前往德国,在汽车制造商宝马公司(BMW)参加实习。

    After studying at the Xalapa campus of the Anahuac University , in Mexico , Ms. Altamirano , 23 , a computer science graduate , traveled to Germany last year to take an internship with the automaker BMW .

  16. 根据行业分析师们的密切观察,宝马公司运营利润率为11.7%,要略高于奥迪(Audi)的10%和梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的7.9%。

    Its operating profit margin , closely watched by industry analysts , was as such a little higher at 11.7 % than that of its luxury rivals Audi and Mercedes-Benz , with 10 % and 7.9 % , respectively .

  17. 瑞士信贷引用了匡特家族的例子。上世纪90年代,这个家族阻止了宝马公司在汽车行业之外进行业务多元化。与之相反,戴姆勒克莱斯勒(DaimlerChrysler)却进入了国防和航空领域。

    Credit Suisse cites the example of the Quandt family which prevented BMW from diversifying outside the car business in the 1990s , in contrast to DaimlerChrysler which moved into defence and aeronautics .

  18. 比如宝马公司(BMW)今年一月宣布,该公司研制了一种新型手套,其主要功能是,在工人往车身框架的排水孔上塞橡胶塞(为了方便喷漆)时,可以减轻手指的压力。

    For example , BMW announced in January the creation of a new glove that takes the stress off of a single action - inserting a rubber plug in a car 's frame to close drain holes for the paint coat - for workers in its factories .

  19. 宝马公司主管营销的董事会成员伊恩•罗伯逊(IanRobertson)表示,每辆走下该公司产品线的汽车都装有无线网络,可以生成关于该车位置、速度、加速度、甚至车上乘客的信息。

    Ian Robertson , the German manufacturer 's board member for sales and marketing , said that every car rolling off its production lines had a wireless network that could yield information about location , speed , acceleration and even the occupants of the car .

  20. 丰田汽车与宝马公司在低碳科技领域展开了合作。

    Toyota and BMW are teaming up on low-carbon technologies .

  21. 宝马公司表示,其全球范围内的汽车生产都适用统一标准。

    BMW said it applies uniform standards to its auto production world-wide .

  22. 宝马公司还宣称要致力于绿色环保。

    The company also announced its commitment to build a greener earth .

  23. 在山景城的宝马公司,你可以见到高级技术工程师彼得•登普斯特。

    Meet Peter Dempster , an advanced technology engineer at BMW in mountain view .

  24. 迪莱对宝马公司依靠氢运行的新型轿车印象深刻。

    Delay has been impressed by BMW 's new car which runs on hydrogen .

  25. 到目前为止,宝马公司受芯片短缺的影响比其他公司要小。

    BMW , so far , has been less affected by the chip shortage than others .

  26. 为了保存液态气体,宝马公司研发了一种能将氢冷却到-250℃的容器。

    To keep the gas liquid , BMW has developed a tank that cools the hydrogen to-250 ℃ .

  27. 德国豪华汽车制造商宝马公司表示,如果法规按照当前形式执行,将会导致汽车市场畸形发展。

    German luxury car maker BMW said that in its current form the legislation would distort the market .

  28. 基于汽车产业的企业声誉在中德之间的对比研究&以宝马公司企业声誉的实证研究为例

    A Comparative Study of Corporate Reputation between Chinese and German Auto Industry & An Empirical Study of BMW

  29. 我们已通过外交部正式向德国宝马公司和他们的中国合资伙伴索赔。

    We are gonna file diplomatic suits with BMW in Germany and their Chinese partners for further compensation .

  30. 中国汽车市场已占到大众汽车全球销量的30%,是宝马公司全球第一大市场。

    The Chinese market accounts for 30 percent of Volkswagens global sales and is the largest market for BMW .