
  1. 账户质押和最高额质押是国内学者提出的解决目前融资融券交易担保法律制度困境的新学说。

    Account pledge and the pledge is the most high scholars of the solution of the new security doctrine .

  2. 我国学者提出的最高额质押、账户质押等化解冲突路径难经推敲。

    The scholars of our country have presented the standpoints of the maximum pledge and the pledge of accounts , but they are difficult to resolve the conflict .

  3. 法律应当认可账户质押的权利质押性质,明确账户质押的成立、生效等基本问题,在立法条件成熟之前,可先以部门规章及判例对账户质押进行规范和引导。

    Law should accept right pledge character of charge over project accounts , make dear many basic problems including establishment and effect of charge over project accounts , before the mature of legislation conditions , may rule and guide it with rule and guiding case .

  4. 近年来,随着银行业竞争的升级,各家银行不断开拓新的信贷市场,学校、医院等公益性事业单位用其收费权和账户为贷款作质押担保的情况时有发生。

    In recent years , with the upgrade of the competition among banks , each bank has been increasingly developing the credit market , and public service sectors such as schools and hospitals sometimes hypothecate the charges right and the accounts for loans .