
zhàng běn
  • account book
账本 [zhàng běn]
  • [account book] 账簿

账本[zhàng běn]
  1. 我在造纸厂查了姜的账本。

    I looked in kang 's account book at the paper mill .

  2. 审计人员到公司来的时候,他们已经销毁了账本。

    When the auditors arrived at the company , they have already destroyed the account book .

  3. 分类账本和账簿都被销毁了

    The ledgers and account books had all been destroyed .

  4. 我们的会计被解雇了,因为他做了一些与账本有关的蠢事。

    Our accountant has been fired as there was some monkey business with the books .

  5. 了解到这一点,您的提高账本底线以及ROI的机会将显示出敏捷的优秀的运行效率。

    Knowing this , your opportunity for improving the bottom line and thus the ROI is to show the superior operational efficiency of Agile .

  6. 企业也累积起相当于国内生产总值(GDP)逾60%的自由现金流&账本的另一头是外界热议的政府债务存量。

    Companies have also generated cumulative free cash flow equivalent to more than 60 per cent of gross domestic product & the other side of the ledger to the much discussed stock of government debt .

  7. 如今,Udacity账本上的学者名单有三位数之多,其中许多都是计算机科学领域的退休教授。

    The list of academics on Udacity 's books is now in triple figures , many of whom are retired computer science professors .

  8. 脑力无法在账本上计算。

    Brain power can 't be tallied on a ledger sheet .

  9. 因为生命无时无刻不将我们的所作所为像账本一样一笔一笔记录下来。

    for , unceasingly , life keeps books on us all .

  10. 看了一眼账本,51卢比,101卢比。

    On the ledger , I saw rbs51 , rbs101 .

  11. 布伦特:财务账本放在什么地方呢?

    Brent : Where can I find the financial records ?

  12. 有人发现,会计篡改了账本。

    The accountant was found to have cooked the book .

  13. 公司的账本就是公司的财政记录。

    A company 's book is the financial record of the company .

  14. 阿珍:嗯,会不会是账本出错了?

    Jane : Well , could it be an error in the books ?

  15. 然后分几个账本入这档开支。

    And spread the cost throughout your inventory .

  16. 账本更换将自动记账。

    A replacement book will be reordered automatically .

  17. 小酒店通常聘一位外面的会计师定期核对账本。

    A small hotel usually employs an outside accountant to check its books periodically .

  18. 她拿到账本我们就会被迫停业的。

    She 'll put us right out of business if she has that book .

  19. 你的名字在我的账本里,你是一个欠我钱的人。

    You 're an entry in my book . a guy who owes me money .

  20. 我发现您的账本有个严重错误。

    I 've discovered a serious error .

  21. 区块链是系统中曾开展过的每笔数字化交易的账本。

    A blockchain is a ledger of every digital transaction ever made on the system .

  22. 基本原则没有改变,那些人只在算计自己的账本。

    The fundamentals are not justified , and those people are just talking their books .

  23. 把最新近的账目记在账本上。

    Bring the ledger up to date .

  24. 而是分散于全球的账本之中,使用最高级别的密码技术。

    but they 're distributed across a global ledger , using the highest level of cryptography .

  25. 每个月,曲星新(音译)的父母都要求他给出一份记录日常开销的账本。

    Qu Xingxin 's parents request an accounting record of daily expenditures from their son every month .

  26. 大量的,全球性的分散式的账本,可以在数千万台电脑上运转,每个人都有权访问。

    some kind of vast , global , distributed ledger running on millions of computers and available to everybody .

  27. 账本更换将自动记账。喏,给您。记账吗?

    A replacement Book will be reordered automatically . Here you are . Shall I add them to your bill ?

  28. 你看看账本就会明白他只是众多富家子弟中的一员。

    When you look at the books , you see he is just one of a hundred students or whatever .

  29. 因为交易和交易说明是同一种行为,它只是在账本中有所不同。

    because the payment and the settlement is the same activity , it 's just a change in the ledger .

  30. 法特赫的父母试图阻止他朝艺术发展,并把他送到商学院去念书,在那里他研究账本。

    Fath 's parents tried to curb his artistic leanings and sent him to business school , where he studied bookkeeping .