
zhànɡ hù yú é
  • account balances
  1. 这个问题所涉及的范围,比金融援助和经常账户余额的具体问题更为广泛。

    The problem is wider than the specifics of financial rescues and current account balances .

  2. 其中可能包括赤字和债务指标、经常账户余额及信贷增长警示指标。

    These might include deficit and debt indicators , current account balances and credit growth alerts .

  3. 请查一下我的账户余额。

    I 'd like to check the balance in my account please .

  4. 总借记和总贷记的结算即账户余额。

    The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance .

  5. 有些银行对查询账户余额要收费。

    Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance .

  6. 经常账户余额在2008年第三季度为GDP的-15%,但是自2013年下半年以来出现了盈余。

    The current account balance was minus 15 per cent of GDP in the third quarter of 2008 , but has been in surplus since the second half of 2013 .

  7. 这是一个重要的动态,因为经常账户余额占gdp的百分比是评判某种货币的汇率是否公平的最常用标准之一。

    This is an important development since the current account balance as a percentage of GDP is one of the most widely used gauges of whether a currency is fairly valued .

  8. 警方称,卡佩莱斯在2013年2月曾非法进入MtGox计算机系统,将自己的账户余额增加了100万美元。

    They claim he made an illegal entry to the system in February 2013 and increased the balance of his account by $ 1m .

  9. 美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)提议为经常账户余额设定指标,这让我们回想起约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)在1944年7月的布雷顿森林会议上极力关注的事情。

    The proposal from Tim Geithner , the US Treasury Secretary , to target the current account takes us back to the preoccupations of John Maynard Keynes at the Bretton Woods conference of July 1944 .

  10. 最初,马克愠枫莱斯(MarkKarpelès)被指操纵MtGox电脑系统以及抬高其公司的账户余额。自8月初以来他一直被羁押在东京,尚未面临任何正式指控。

    Mark Karpel è s , initially accused of manipulating the Mt Gox computer system and inflating the size of his own company account , has been in detention in Tokyo without formal charges since the start of August .

  11. 政策的主要目标是提高当前账户余额的金额及每个月BOJ将买购买的日本政府债券(JGB)数量。

    The main policy target was the amount of current account balance and the higher amount of " Japanese government bonds "( JGB ) that BOJ would purchase outright each month .

  12. “最近,您可能需要等待一秒左右才能看到账户余额,”Olofson说,“过去来说还算很好,但是现在只能算一般。”

    " These days , you may have to wait a second or so to see your account balance ," says Olofson . " That used to be great ; now it 's average . "

  13. 我们得先核对一下贵公司的账户余额。

    We have to check the balance of your account first .

  14. 但账单必须要付,资金转账也还是要进行,账户余额还是要核对。

    But bills must be paid , funds transferred and balances checked .

  15. 我国基本养老保险体系中个人账户余额发放方式合理化探讨

    On Rationalization of Payment of Personal Account Balance in Endowment Insurance System

  16. 谷歌的成功不会让我的银行账户余额增加一分钱。

    My bank account does not benefit from its success .

  17. 系统显示账户余额。

    The system displays the account balance .

  18. 根据账户余额编制收益表和资产负债表。

    Preparing income statement and balance sheet based on the balance in the ledger account .

  19. 我们的电脑出故障了,所我们不能为你提供账户余额信息。

    Our computers are down right now so I can 't give you an account balance .

  20. 明细分类账是提供有关单个账户余额等辅助性细节的会计记录。

    A subsidiary ledger is a book ol accounts that provides sup-porting details on individual balances .

  21. 这里检查账户余额的服务不提供储蓄服务。

    There 's a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings .

  22. 亚洲的外汇储备和经常账户余额也有所增强,同时,负债率已经下降。

    Foreign exchange reserves and current account balances have also strengthened , while debt levels have fallen .

  23. 此外,他们拥有同样的实时账户余额和新订单详情查询。

    In addition , they have the same realtime account balance , and play-by-play view of incoming orders .

  24. 但是如果用户所支取额度超过账户余额,则要支付一部分费用。

    But users are charged if they try to spend more than the amount available in their account .

  25. 确定个人账户余额的关键问题是利益分配公式的设计。

    The key question of determining the balance of individual accounts is the design of benefit allocation formulas .

  26. 制造费用账户余额的处理方法有两种。

    There are two possibilities for disposing of the balance of factory overhead at the end of the year .

  27. 每天晚上都清除你在这一天没有花完的账户余额。

    Every evening , the bank deletes whatever remains of the sum that you failed to use during the day .

  28. 然而,他们补充称,花旗的存款、企业账户余额或大宗经纪帐户并没有出现异常变动。

    However , they added that Citi had not experienced unusual movements in deposits , corporate balances or prime brokerage accounts .

  29. 该应用软件使用户不论在世界任何地方都能转账、交易股票、付账及查询账户余额。

    The applications allow users to transfer money , trade stocks , pay bills and check balances anywhere in the world .

  30. 从长远的角度上看,购物后你的账户余额会减少,那时你可能会感到更难受。

    And it might make you feel worse in the long run if your shopping expedition makes a dent in your bank account .