
zhànɡ miàn jià zhí
  • book value
  1. 该飞机的投保价值高于它的实际账面价值。

    The insured value of the airplane was greater than its book value .

  2. 若按预期账面价值来计,承销商们为这家近在2007年还深陷负资产的银行赢得了相对于中国银行(bankofchina)的小幅溢价。

    Underwriters had won a small premium to Bank of China , on a forward book value basis , on behalf of a bank that was deep in negative equity as recently as 2007 .

  3. 本文对公司层次上的智力资本进行了界定,并介绍了三种评估智力资本的方法,即市场价值与账面价值比较法、托宾q法和智力资本报算法。

    The bearing of this paper is the measurement of intellectual capital .

  4. 在相同时期内,伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)的每股账面价值增长了135000%。

    Berkshire Hathaway has increased book value per share by 135,000 per cent over the same period .

  5. 国泰航空的股价不算高正如花旗集团(citigroup)所指出的,其股价为账面价值的1.2倍,略低于12年平均水平。

    The Hong Kong-based airline is trading inexpensively 1.2 times book value is just shy of its 12-year average , as Citigroup notes .

  6. 花旗集团(citigroup)和美国银行(bankofamerica)的股票市值仅分别为有形账面价值的一半和五分之三,清算花旗将让股东获得100%的收益。

    The stock market capitalisations of Citigroup and Bank of America languish at half and three fifths of tangible book value , respectively liquidating Citi could hand shareholders a gain of 100 per cent .

  7. 眼下,他认为市场对伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(berkshirehathaway)股票的估价比账面价值低17%是不合理的,于是决定回购。

    Now that the market has priced Berkshire Hathaway at what he considers an unreasonable 17 per cent discount to book , he is buying .

  8. 你必须寻觅满足以下条件的公司:(a)它正以低价被抛售,但是(b)它致力于创造价值,以超额现金开展某些活动,构建每股账面价值,并且取得良好的股本回报率。

    You have to look for companies that ( a ) are selling cheap but ( b ) are committed to value creation , to doing something with their excess cash , to building book value per share , and to getting a good return on equity .

  9. 它们的价格相对于每股账面价值的比率低于平均水平,衡量股价与大市联动程度的“beta系数”也低于平均水平。

    The ratios of their prices to per-share book values are below average , as are their ' betas ' -- a measure of the extent to which their prices move in lock step with the overall market .

  10. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)分析师在罗杰弗里曼(RogerFreeman)在一份简报中表示:不论来源如何,这一每股盈利水平都提高了高盛的账面价值,可能有助于其股票在短期内强于大盘。

    This earnings per share , regardless of its source , adds to book value and could help the shares outperform in the near term , Roger Freeman , analyst at Barclays Capital , wrote in a note .

  11. 例如,对冲基金经理戴维艾因霍恩(davideinhorn)指责雷曼兄弟在2008年公司倒闭前夕夸大其账面价值。

    Lehman Brothers , for example , was accused by David Einhorn , the hedge fund manager , of overstating the value of its balance sheet in the lead-up to its collapse in 2008 .

  12. 而且其账面价值的波动性也低于标准普尔500种股票指数(SP500)。

    And its book value has been less volatile than the SP 500 .

  13. 据瑞银(UBS)估计,即便计入东航的国有母公司6月份提供的10亿美元注资,合并后实体的账面价值中,商誉仍占到了70%以上。

    Even with a separate injection of $ 1bn in capital from CE 's state parent in June , goodwill will still account for more than 70 per cent of the combined entity 's book value , UBS estimates .

  14. 这是我们的实际成交价格,同时也是我们的税基,GAAP“成本”在几个个案中不同,这是由于提高账面价值或减记帐面价值的不同要求。

    This is our actual purchase price and also our tax basis ; GAAP " cost " differs in a few cases because of write-ups or write-downs that have been required .

  15. 2,公司净资产的市场价值与公司净资产的账面价值的比例(MBVE);

    The proportion between market value of net assets and book value of net assets .

  16. (美国T-Mobile的价格:400亿美元)。再或者,我们应该收购一家低于账面价值的美国银行,统治数字商业的未来。

    ( T-Mobile USA : $ 40bn . ) Or maybe we should buy one of the many US banks trading below book value and dominate the future of digital commerce .

  17. 去年,巴菲特执掌的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)账面价值升幅严重落后于标准普尔500指数,史上第一次出现五年涨幅落后于该大市指数的情况。

    Last year , the book value of Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway badly trailed the S & P 500 , increasing less than the broad market index over the past five years for the first time in history .

  18. 3,公司有形资产账面价值与公司总资产市场价值的比例(PPEMVA)。

    ( mbve ) 3 . The proportion between book value of tangible assets and market value of corporation assets ( ppemva ) .

  19. 该股当前股价仅为有形账面价值的0.6倍。

    The stock trades for just 0.6 times tangible book value .

  20. 因此,将账面价值与标普500指数作比较很有道理。

    That made book a rational comparative to the SP index .

  21. 农业企业生物资产账面价值的确定

    Sureness of the Book Value of Biological Assets in Agribusiness

  22. 通常,账面价值的计算只针对普通股。

    Book value is usually computed only for common stock .

  23. 到本周二,上海的股价已经翻倍,达到账面价值的3.78倍。

    By Tuesday , this had doubled to 3.78 times book value .

  24. 西方银行当前的市值大多远低于其账面价值。

    Most Western banks are trading at well below their book value .

  25. 然而,瑞银当前股价高达有形账面价值的1.3倍。

    But they now trade on a hefty 1.3 times tangible book value .

  26. 现在中国五大银行的市值仅略微超过其账面价值。

    Now the five biggest in China trade at just over book value .

  27. 普通股每股账面价值计算如下

    The calculation of book value per share of common stock is shown below

  28. 当然,许多资产的价值已低于账面价值。

    Of course , lots of assets are no longer worth book value .

  29. 中资银行和保险公司的股价是账面价值的很多倍。

    Chinese banks and insurers are selling for large multiples of book value .

  30. 但他发现,没有人愿意支付他想要的四倍于账面价值的溢价。

    But he found no one willing to pay the four-times-book-value premium he wanted .