
xún wèn bǐ lù
  • record of inquiries;transcript of questioning
  1. 询问笔录制作中被询问人心理模式分析及对策

    The tentative analysis and countermeasure on psychological rule of objects during inquiring records process

  2. 请看一下询问笔录。

    Please read this record of inquiry .

  3. 卫生监督询问笔录制作中,被询问人的心理行为是询问调查能否取得成功的关键因素之一。

    One of the key points of inquires success is the objects'psychological behavior during health inspection inquiring records process .

  4. 提高讯问、询问笔录的质量可以从实体、程序、管理三个方面入手,寻找有效的途径。

    The quality of interview and interrogation record can be improved from the following three aspects : substantiality , process and management .

  5. 询问笔录或检查笔录经被询问人、被检查人确认无误后,由被询问人、被检查人签名或盖章。

    The records of enquiry and examination shall be signed or sealed by the person being enquired or examined after that person confirms there is no mistake .

  6. 更糟糕的是,伦敦警察厅也被指责在过去的几年没能告知受害者可能被电话窃听的危险,以及没能追踪信息。最近很多指控的证据来自2006年对穆尔凯尔的询问笔录。

    Worse , the Met itself stands accused of failing for several years to notify potential victims of hacking and failing to pursue leads : the evidence for many recent allegations comes from notes seized from Mr Mulcaire in 2006 .

  7. 依法询问证人认真制作笔录

    Inquire Witnesses in Accordance with the Law , Make the Record of Words Earnestly

  8. 调查人员询问或检查,应当出示海事行政执法证件,并制作询问笔录或检查笔录。

    Investigators shall show their certificates of maritime administrative law enforcement when making enquiry or examination , and shall make the records of the enquiry or examination .