
fàn zuì qínɡ jié
  • circumstances of crime
  1. 单位缓刑的裁量应以单位的犯罪情节和悔罪表现为依据,不得以责任人员纯个人的行为为根据。

    The discretion of probation for unit should also be based on the circumstances of crime and its manifestation of repentance instead of being based on the performance of persons responsible for the crime .

  2. 区分情节犯中的定罪情节和一般的犯罪情节,及如何区分情节犯和一般犯显得相当重要。

    It is extremely important how to differentiate the circumstances for conviction involved in circumstances offense from ordinary circumstances of crime and how to distinguish circumstances offense from ordinary offense .

  3. 由于犯罪情节较轻,他有可能被判缓刑

    He might be respited by the adjudication in respect of the relatively slender criminal context .

  4. 再犯而判定有罪的罪犯犯罪情节对定罪和量刑具有重要的意义和作用。

    Criminal has important meaning and function to decide and measure penalty .

  5. 网络经济犯罪情节认定中疑难争议问题浅析

    Analyze Difficult and Disputed Problem in Plot of Making Economic Crime on Internet

  6. (正式用语)拘留那些犯罪情节较轻的人的地方。

    ( formerly ) a place of detention for persons convicted of minor offences .

  7. 量刑情节与定罪情节相对应,属于一种犯罪情节,是指影响量刑结果的主客观事实情况,主要功能是可以决定宣告刑。

    Circumstances in discretion of punishment refers to the facts which can influence the result of punishment .

  8. 如果犯罪情节轻微不需要判处刑罚,那该怎么办呢?

    What if the circumstances of a person 's crime are minor and do not require punishment ?

  9. 第五十二条判处罚金,应当根据犯罪情节决定罚金数额。

    Article 52 The amount of any fine imposed shall be determined according to the circumstances of the crime .

  10. 有时,根据犯罪情节不同,同样的罪名可能判重刑也可能轻判。

    Occasionally , the same offense may be either a misdemeanor or a felony , depending on its degree .

  11. 因财起意的犯罪情节由轻到重分为一般民事类型和严重的人身伤害的刑事类型。

    Due to the financial circumstances of the crime of the spur of the moment type of criminal is divided into general civil type and serious injury from light to heavy .

  12. 在认定倒卖车票的犯罪情节时应当以票面数额、加价数额和倒卖车票的具体张数为主要依据。

    The determination of the circumstances of the crime should mainly accord to the par amount of train tickets , the surcharge of train tickets and the number of the tickets .

  13. 量刑即刑罚的裁量,是法官根据被告人的有关犯罪情节对其依法裁量并决定刑罚的活动。

    Sentencing is penalty discretion , is a judge according to the defendant about the circumstances of the crime to its discretion to determine the punishment according to law and the activities .

  14. 那些对法律一窍不通、对犯罪情节毫不在意的北方佬军官门,只需草草经过举行一次审判的动议,便可以把绞索套到南方人的脖子上了。

    Yankee officers who knew nothing of law and cared less the circumstances the crime could go through the motions of holding a trial and put a rope around a southerner 's neck .

  15. 笔者认为罪与非罪的界限应从受贿数额和犯罪情节考虑;构成共同犯罪时应该强调具有收受贿赂的通谋。

    I believe that the boundaries of Crime and non Crime the amount and circumstances of the crime of bribery should be considered ; constitute the crime should be emphasized that conspires with bribes .

  16. 犯罪情节较轻,有悔罪表现,没有再犯罪的危险,宣告缓刑对所居住社区没有重大不良影响,依法可以宣告缓刑。

    Less serious crime , there is repentance , there is no danger of re-offending , live in the community on probation without significant adverse effects , according to the law may be declared suspended .

  17. 掌握这些逻辑思维方式对于正确开展侦查工作,确定侦查方向和范围,以及推定犯罪情节和过程,提高破案率等都具有非常重要的意义。

    So grasping these modes of thinking has very important meanings to launching the work of investigating correctly , confirming investigation direction and range , inferring crime plot and course , and raising the case-solving rate etc.

  18. 犯罪情节特别严重,而且案发后在羁押场所拉拢、腐蚀看守所人员帮助她多次与他人串供,应依法予以严惩。

    Her crimes & especially that she seduced the warden at the detention center who helped her to collude with others to provide false testimony are indeed serious and justify severe punishment according to the law .

  19. 但对于犯罪情节严重,犯罪性质恶劣的案件,事实清楚、证据确实、充分的案件以及受害人不同意交易的案件不宜或不得适用。

    But for serious crime , criminal nature of bad cases , the facts are clear , the evidence is reliable and sufficient trading cases and the cases do not agree with the victim should not be or shall not apply .

  20. 对于犯罪情节轻微,依照刑法规定不需要判处刑罚或者免除刑罚的,人民检察院可以作出不起诉决定。

    With respect to a case that is minor and the offender need not be given criminal punishment or need be exempted from it according to the criminal law , the people 's Procuratorate may decide not to initiate a prosecution .

  21. 从犯罪情节、主观和客观条件的特定标准出发,正确适用相对不起诉,有利于未成年犯的成长发展和教育改造,也有利于社会的和谐稳定。

    Procuratorate should appliance the relative non-prosecution correctly , and obey the special standards of the crime plot and the subjective and objective conditions . It is not only good for the development of the minor , but also for the stabilization of the society .

  22. 小说中充满了各类金融犯罪的情节

    The financial crimes dominantly the themes of the novels then .

  23. 犯罪题材情节系列剧一直是哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的立命之本,《海军罪案调查处》、《犯罪现场调查》、《犯罪心理》等“长寿剧”均出自CBS之手。

    Procedural crime dramas are CBS 's bread and butter . The network is responsible for developing long-running series like Naval Criminal Investigative Service , Crime Scene Investigation and Criminal Minds .

  24. 涉林犯罪的情节犯可分四类。

    The forest-related offense by circumstances can be classified into four .

  25. 该罪参与的人数众多,犯罪的情节、手段均十分恶劣,严重扰乱了社会公共秩序,在社会上造成了极坏的影响。

    A lot of people are involved and the circumstances are serious in this crime , which disrupts public order and leads to an extremely bad effect in the society .

  26. 这种行为的实质是向他人传授犯罪方法,情节严重的应构成传授犯罪方法罪。

    Such behavior is substantially an offense to impart criminal methods and may constitute the crime named thereof .

  27. 最后,综合整个犯罪事实和情节,进行综合评价,得出一个最终影响刑罚幅度变化的结论。

    Synthesize the whole crime fact , finally , carry on a comprehensive evaluation , get is an end influence penalty range variety of conclusion .

  28. 笔者希望将激情犯罪由酌定情节上升为法定量刑情节以弥补我国的立法空缺。

    The author hopes to rise crime of passion to the statutory sentencing plot to make up the legislative vacancy in this respect of our country .

  29. 但是实践中,交通肇事罪基本犯是否适用自首一直存在较大的理论争议,司法机关对交通肇事案件的犯罪嫌疑人自首情节的认定,存在着认识不统一,导致在交通肇事案件办理上存在差异。

    However , in practice , the Crime of the applicability of the basic offense has surrendered the theory there is a big controversy , Traffic Accident judiciary criminal suspects voluntarily surrendered themselves to the identification , understanding there is not uniform , resulting in Traffic Accident on handling differences .

  30. 刑罚配置包括动态的司法方面,即法官以法定刑为基础,根据犯罪人的量刑情节,人身危害性,再犯可能性等确定裁判刑。

    The configuration includes dynamic justice , judge the legally-prescribed punishment as the foundation , the crime according to the circumstances of sentencing , bodily harm , make the possibility of a sentence is determined .