
  • 网络Crime Research;Criminal Research
  1. 犯罪经济学的产生大大丰富了犯罪研究领域的内容,为犯罪研究提供了新的理论方法,对犯罪学的发展作出了积极的贡献。

    The emergence of criminal economics enriches the criminal research and provides a new theoretical way for the field .

  2. PHI测查剖析在变态人格犯罪研究中的应用

    Application of PHI Test in the Criminal Study of Aberrant Personality

  3. 当代中国拐卖人口犯罪研究

    Study on the Crime of Trafficking in People of Contemporary China

  4. 秦汉时期家族犯罪研究述评

    A Review of Family Crime in Qin and Han Dynasties

  5. 宋代司法官吏职务犯罪研究

    The Study on the Criminal Offence of Judicial Officials in Song Dynasty

  6. 流动人口犯罪研究综述

    The Summary Regarding the Research of Crimes with Floating Population

  7. 秦汉豪强地主犯罪研究

    The Study on Crime of Powerful Landlord During Qin-Han Dynasty

  8. 印章犯罪研究

    Study on the Split Seal Gland Unlubricated for Vessels On Seal Crime

  9. 刑事政策视野中的跨国洗钱犯罪研究

    On Transnational Money - Laundering Crime from the Perspective of Criminal Policy

  10. 论单位累犯印章犯罪研究

    Study on the Recidivism System of Units On Seal Crime

  11. 侵犯公民隐私权犯罪研究

    A Study on Crimes of Infringing the Right to Privacy

  12. 司法视野中的单位共同犯罪研究

    A Study on Joint Crime by Units in Judicial View

  13. 危害国际航空犯罪研究:立法现状与展望

    Offense against International Aviation Security : Current Legislation and Prospect

  14. 进城农民谋财型犯罪研究

    Study of the Property Crime Made by the Entering-cities-farmers

  15. 天津塘沽区的犯罪研究

    A Study on the Crime in Tanggu District Tianjin

  16. 侵犯国有资产犯罪研究

    The Research on Crime about Infringe Upon National Property

  17. 共同过失犯罪研究

    Research on the Issue of Joint Negligence Crime

  18. 职务过失犯罪研究无限方阵的秩

    On Official Negligent Crime Ranks of Infinite Matrices

  19. 犯罪研究必须以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导

    Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism as the Guide for Criminological Study Is a Must

  20. 青少年抢劫犯罪研究

    The Study of Juvenile Crimes of Theft

  21. 妨害司法若干犯罪研究

    Research on several crimes that impair judicature

  22. 刑事法律框架下中俄跨国知识产权犯罪研究

    Research on China and Russia Transnational Intellectual Property Rights Crime from the Criminal Law Framework

  23. 票据犯罪研究

    Research on the Crime of Financial Bills

  24. 经济犯罪研究

    The Study of the Economic Crime

  25. 价格违法犯罪研究

    Research on Price Irregularities and Crimes

  26. 贷款犯罪研究

    Studies on the Crime of Loaning

  27. 土地犯罪研究

    Research on the Crime of Land

  28. 中国白领犯罪研究

    Research on White-collar Crime in China

  29. 企业职务犯罪研究

    Studies on Duty Crimes in Enterprises

  30. 期货犯罪研究

    The Research of Futures Crime