
  • 网络Chen Yifei;layefe
  1. 是陈逸飞艺术风格的经典杰作。

    Is a typical example of Chen 's style .

  2. 大视觉中的影像世界&陈逸飞电影论

    The Image World of " Great Vision " : Chen Yifei 's Film Theory

  3. 陈逸飞曾说他的艺术灵感源自母亲。

    Chen Yifei once said that his mother was the source of his inspiration .

  4. 陈逸鸣1951年生于上海,自幼习画。中国已故著名画家陈逸飞的胞弟。

    Chen Yiming , born in Shanghai in1951 , studied painting from his boyhood upwards .

  5. 对陈逸飞而言,江南水乡更盛载他的少年回忆。

    To Chen , these villages by the water were filled with the memories of his youth .

  6. 陈逸飞的画作,不论是水乡风景,或音乐人物题材,均表现了艺术家对美的关注和追求,以至对不同文化的审美观的包容性。

    Chen Yifei 's pursuit of aesthetic and appreciation of diverse culture can easily be found in his works of water villages and musicians .

  7. 陈逸飞的音乐人物作品表现了艺术家追求事物之间的关联感,探求绘画与音乐之间内在的联系。

    Chen Yifei 's paintings of musicians express his search for the underlying relationships between things and his exploration of the connection between music and painting .

  8. 陈逸飞的电影创作是在其“大视觉”艺术理念的统领之下进行的。对视觉画面的偏执使陈氏电影产生了诗化电影的倾向;

    Chen Yifei carries out films under the guidance of the theory of " Great Vision ", making them characterized by the artistic style of poetic film .

  9. 上世纪八十年代以来,在学院派写实主义基础上,产生了新古典风油画,陈逸飞是其中重要代表。

    Since the eighties of last century , in the basis of academic realism , resulting in a neo-classical style painting , Chen Yifei is one of the important representatives .

  10. 陈逸飞曾接受苏联画派的教育,当时社会现实主义的主导题材限制了艺术家的创作突破。

    Chen received the Russian style of artistic education heavily dominated by social realism in subject matter , which had restrained many Chinese artists from making artistic breakthroughs at that time .

  11. 热爱音乐的陈逸飞闲时与妻子一起聆听贝多芬、柴可夫斯基、巴赫等西方古典音乐。醉人的谐曲启动了艺术家于80年代创作西方音乐人物题材。

    Later in lifelistening to Western composers such as Beethoven , Tchaikovsky , and Bach with his wife , he was inspired during the1980s to create a series of paintings featuring classical musicians .

  12. 可是,陈逸飞对艺术的热情及对美感的追求,促使他寻找突破,冲破既有的框框,创作出拥有中国精神导向的浪漫写实主义。

    And yet , his passion for art and aesthetic pursuit led him to break through the strain of traditions , thereby creating a unique brand of " Romantic Realism " infused with the Chinese spirit .