
  • Chen Qi;【人名】Kei Chan
  1. 蘑菇街CEO陈琪将出任新公司CEO一职。

    Mogujie founder Chen Qi will become the CEO of the merged company .

  2. 对陈琪在中国近代博览会史上的地位作出评价,说明陈琪为什么能担当近代中国博览会事业先驱者这个角色,又是怎么担当这个角色的,陈琪的局限又是什么。

    Modern fair undertaking , how he took on the role , what limitation of Chen Qi was .

  3. 阐述了近代中国国际博览会承办权的转移过程,指出陈琪在其中扮演的角色。

    Explains the transfer process of undertaking right for China 's modern international fair , and try to illustrate the important role that Chen Qi acted among them .

  4. 研究本课题,实际是以陈琪为主线,将近代中国博览会事业逐一叙述、展开、深挖,看其成就与局限,达到概述近代博览会事业的目的。

    In fact , the dissertation is to take Chen Qi as the thread , narrating , launching , deep-cutting the modern Chinese fair undertaking one by one to find out its achievements and limitations , to achieve the goal of summing up fair undertaking in modern times of china .