
  • 网络Zhang Limin;Liming Zhang
  1. 台湾地区糖尿病协会的主席张利民指出,应对这一状况应该采取相应措施:“预防比治疗更有效。既然知道体重过胖是导致儿童患糖尿病的一个危险因素,我们就应该严肃对待。

    Chairman Chuang Lee-ming of the Diabetes Association of the Republic of China says the time for action has come : " Prevention is more effective than treatment . Since we know that being overweight is one of the risk factors for diabetes in children , we should take the problem seriously . "

  2. 张利民是太湖水污染防治办公室的副主任。近期在接受《新华日报》采访时,他表示,太湖水质呈现稳中向好态势,但污染物排放总量仍然超过环境容量,为不会造成大多数水生物死亡的水平的三倍多。

    In a recent interview with Xinhua Daily , Zhang Limin , deputy director of the Lake Tai Water Pollution Prevention Office , said the flood of contaminants had begun to level off , although it is still more than three times as much as the lake can absorb without killing most aquatic life .