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ài guó zhě
  • patriot
爱国者 [ài guó zhě]
  • 爱护国家的人士。如:“这种破坏国家形象的行为,令所有爱国者义愤填膺。”

爱国者[ài guó zhě]
  1. 他自认为是个爱国者。

    He regards himself as a patriot .

  2. 年少时,他是个狂热的爱国者。

    As a boy he was a fanatical patriot .

  3. 爱国者战线在政治上一直无足轻重。

    The Patriotic Front has been a political irrelevance .

  4. 他们是英国坚定的爱国者,并在公寓里挂着女王的肖像。

    They were staunch British patriots and had portraits of the Queen in their flat .

  5. 这些爱国者宁愿战斗到死,也不愿投降。

    These patriots would fight to death before they surrendered .

  6. 他表示,为了全面贯彻“爱国者治港”,公职人员有必要多了解祖国的最新发展。

    In a bid to comprehensively implement " patriots administering Hong Kong " , he added it 's necessary for people who hold public office to learn more about the latest development of the motherland .

  7. 爱国者队进攻核心汤姆·布拉迪在丹佛的SportsAuthorityField体育场很难得分,而野马队的四分卫佩顿·曼宁则取得了两位数的得分。

    Tom Brady in the Patriots ' offense struggled at Denver 's Sports Authority Field and Peyton Manning at Broncos won by double-digit .

  8. 爱国者列出了众多笔记本机型,声称这些机型的USB接口使用了它的技术。

    Aigo names a number of PC models whose USB ports it claims use its technology .

  9. 自1993年创立以来,爱国者从一家生产USB汇编程序发展到主要的家用电子产品公司之一。

    Since its founding in1993 , Aigo has evolved from a USB storage assembler to one of the leading consumer electronics companies .

  10. 全美篮球男子职业联赛(NBA)圣安东尼奥马刺队(SanAntonioSpurs)和美国橄榄球职业联盟(NFL)新英格兰爱国者队(NewEnglandPatriots)也拥有类似的竞赛运作模式。

    Similar sports models include the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA and the New England Patriots in the NFL .

  11. 这一周,全世界体育迷们的目光都投向了休斯顿,这里将举办爱国者VS猎鹰的超级碗决赛。

    The eyes of the sports world are on Houston this week as the Patriots and Falcons prepare for Super Bowl LI .

  12. 卡U:即卡片U盘,最早由爱国者开始,但是由于高昂的价格,很少有人买的起。

    Card U : that card U disk , first started by the Patriots , but because of high prices , few people bought from .

  13. 是他的儿子,一位爱国者,Polemarchus,,his,son,,a,solid,patriot,不只捍卫他父亲的荣誉,也扩及他的友人及同邦国民。

    Polemarchus who defends not only his father 's honor , but that of his friends and fellow citizens .

  14. 9·11事件后,这项提案赢得了更多的支持。司法部推动其成为《爱国者法案》(PatriotAct)的一部分。

    The proposal gained momentum after Sept. 11 , when the Justice Department pushed to make it part of the Patriot Act .

  15. 爱国者队依靠RobNinkovich而巨人对则指望着线卫ChaseBlackburn

    With the Patriots relying on Rob Ninkovich , and the Giants is looking at their linebacker Chase Blackburn .

  16. 据NPR新闻的艾莉森·凯斯报道,工会举行示威抗议爱国者煤炭公司。

    NPR 's Allison Keyes tells the union workers were demonstrating against Patriot Coal .

  17. RonKirby是北佛吉尼亚茶叶党和茶叶党爱国者的成员。

    Ron Kirby is a member of the Northern Virginia Tea Party and Tea Party Patriots .

  18. 这造就了爱国者庞杂的产品阵容,包括USB存储卡、数码相机、电视机、多媒体播放器、手机等。

    That has left Aigo with a sprawling product portfolio that encompasses products ranging from USB storage cards to digital cameras , television sets , media players and mobile phones .

  19. 9/11以后,乔治•W•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)推动通过了《爱国者法案》(PatriotAct),并几乎立即开始为18个月后的入侵伊拉克做准备。

    After 9 / 11 , George W. Bush pushed through the Patriot Act and almost immediately began preparations for the invasion of Iraq 18 months later .

  20. SDH通信网的时间同步,空中目标的探测和拦截(类似美国爱国者导弹系统),对时间同步精度要求达纳秒量级。

    The time synchronization with nanosecond level is required in Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH ) communication network and heading off to the objection in space .

  21. 不过,奈不仅是一位知名的学术分析家,也是一位爱国者和前五角大楼(Pentagon)高官。

    However , as well as being a leading academic analyst , Nye is also a patriot and a former senior official in the Pentagon .

  22. 目前他正计划到2012年让专注于存储产品的爱国者电子(aigoelectronics)在深交所上市。

    He is planning a listing for Aigo electronics , the unit focused on storage products , on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2012 .

  23. 爱国者还对戴尔(dell)、索尼和三星提出类似主张,但表示仍然希望这三家公司能够与之展开专利许可谈判。

    Aigo has also approached Dell , Sony and Samsung with the same claims , but says it still hopes those three could be open to licensing talks .

  24. 这种旨在拦截入侵弹道导弹的爱国者三型地对空导弹,是对日本宙斯盾(Aegis)导弹驱逐舰上的舰对空导弹的补充。

    The land-to-air missiles , designed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles , complement sea-to-air missiles being installed on Japanese Aegis destroyers .

  25. 美国国防部上周宣布,它已授予洛克希德马丁公司(lockheedmartin)一份合同,将向台湾出售先进的“爱国者”3型反导系统。

    Last week , the US Defence Department announced it had awarded a contract for advanced Patriot PAC-3 anti-missile equipment destined for Taiwan to Lockheed Martin .

  26. 但他们最终在第四节用杂耍般的表现赢得冠军,艾丽·曼宁用MVP的表现以后来居上的姿态赢了爱国者。

    They ended up winning with a circus catch in the fourth quarter , MVP performance by Eli Manning a come-from-behind win over the Patriots .

  27. 托尼的朋友“罗德上校”(Col.James“Rhodey”Rhodes)也有自己的“钢铁爱国者”(IronPatriot)战甲,它是一套更新换代并且新刷了涂料的“战争机器”(WarMachine)战衣。

    Tony 's friend Col. James ' Rhodey ' Rhodes ( Don Cheadle ) has his Iron Patriot suit , which is a War Machine suit with upgrades and fresh paint .

  28. 她不害怕穿出去她的爱国者球衣即使她周围都是巨人对球迷这就是无敌的Jill和Lennie

    and she is not afraid to wear her Patriots jersey out in public , even though she lives in Giants country.Give it up for Jill and Lennie .

  29. 这里还居住过大量名人,包括歌手吉米·巴菲特(JimmyBuffett)和瑞奇·马丁(RickyMartin),新英格兰爱国者队的四分卫汤姆·布雷迪(TomeBrady),以及脱口秀节目主持人凯莉·里帕(KellyRipa)。

    And it has been home to numerous celebrities , including the singers Jimmy Buffett and Ricky Martin , the New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and the talk show host Kelly Ripa .

  30. 应约旦的要求,一支由F16战斗机和爱国者导弹构成的分遣队正随时待命。

    A detachment of F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missiles are staying at the request of Jordan .