
  • Nestle;Nestlé;Nescafe
  1. 雀巢(Nestle)等瑞士大公司的股价暴跌。

    Shares of major Swiss companies like Nestle plummeted .

  2. 前三名分别是:雀巢普瑞纳宠物食品公司(NestlePurinaPetCare)、迈特公司(MITRE)和SAS研究所(SASInstitute)。

    The top three : Nestle Purina petcare , mitre , and SAS Institute .

  3. 目前还没有全球性的食品安全标准,但雀巢等一些公司已经开始执行国际标准化组织(ISO)标准。

    There are no global food safety standards , although some companies such as Nestl é have begun implementing ISO standards .

  4. 近期,美国境内多人食用雀巢TollHouse生曲奇后染病。雀巢美国分公司于上周五(6月19日)自动召回所有TollHouse冷冻曲奇产品。

    Nestle USA on Friday voluntarily recalled its Toll House refrigerated cookie dough products after a number of illnesses were reported by those who ate the dough raw .

  5. 雀巢公司表示,目前(美国)食品及药物管理局(FDA)和疾病控制中心(CDC)正在对此进行调查。有报告称食用TollHouse曲奇可能会导致感染大肠杆菌。

    The company said the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control are investigating reported E.coli illnesses that might be related eating the dough .

  6. 雀巢(Nestlé)大中华区的瑞士总裁狄可为(RolandDecorvet)汉语说得很流利。

    Roland Decorvet , the Swiss head of Nestl é in China , speaks fluent Mandarin .

  7. 虽说雀巢TollHouse生曲奇中的鸡蛋预先经过了高温杀菌,但其他材料同样有可能含有病原体或细菌。因此,公司在产品标签上也明文警告消费者不要直接生吃。

    The eggs in Nestle Toll House ` s dough are pasteurized . But other ingredients could contain pathogens or bacteria , and the company warns in product labels not to eat the dough raw .

  8. FDA建议消费者家里若有这些雀巢的预压缩冷冻家常小饼,都需要将其丢弃。

    The FDA advises that if consumers have any prepackaged , refrigerated Nestle Toll House cookie dough products in their home that they throw them away .

  9. 雀巢(Nestlé)董事长包必达(PeterBrabeck-Letmathe)警告,如果企业不能帮助被机器取代的工人找到新工作,一些国家将变得不稳定。

    Peter Brabeck-Letmathe , chairman at Nestl é , warned some countries would become unstable if businesses could not replace jobs taken by machines .

  10. 美国雀巢公司,生产和出售这些家用小饼,已经与FDA和CDC的调查密切配合起来。

    Nestle USA , which manufactures and markets the Toll House cookie dough , is fully cooperating with the ongoing investigation by the FDA and CDC .

  11. 近几个月来,从苹果(Apple)到雀巢(Nestlé),许多在华经营的外企都受到官方媒体以及监管机构的压力,要求它们降低价格或改进客户服务。

    Foreign companies from Apple to Nestl é have faced pressure in China from state media and regulators in recent months to cut prices or improve customer service .

  12. 长久以来,在预制曲奇饼市场,雀巢公司占据了41%的份额,仅在北卡罗来纳州边界一带就拥有550名员工。其中约半数负责生产TollHouse产品。

    Nestle holds a 41 percent share of the prepared cookie dough market . There are about 550 employees at the facility , just across the border with North Carolina , about half making Toll House products .

  13. 雀巢的大部分生产业务都是由自己直接完成的,这家瑞士食品集团也不直接从发运了沙门氏菌污染产品的美国花生有限公司(PeanutCorporationofAmerica)进口食品原料。

    Most of Nestl é 's manufacturing is done directly by the company and the Swiss food group does not source ingredients directly from Peanut Corporation of America , the US company that shipped products contaminated with salmonella .

  14. 新京报(BeijingTimes)报道称,雅培公司(AbbottLaboratories)、达能(Danone)、美赞臣(MeadJohnsonNutrition)以及雀巢旗下的惠氏(WyethNutrition)正受到调查。

    The Beijing Times reported that Abbott Laboratories , Danone and Mead Johnson Nutrition were also involved in the probe , along with Wyeth Nutrition , now owned by Nestl é .

  15. 该基金会促使包括好时及其竞争对手玛氏(Mars)、雀巢(Nestlé)和卡夫(Kraft)在内的大型巧克力公司与可可生产国的政府和农户携起手来。

    The WCF joined big chocolate companies including Hershey and its competitors Mars , Nestl é , and Kraft ( KFT ) with governments and farmers in cocoa-producing nations .

  16. 瑞士糖果制造商雀巢(Nestlé)发行的债券,最近在市场上的总值远远超过其实际价值。

    Bonds issued by the Swiss candy maker Nestl é recently traded in the market for more than they will ever be worth .

  17. 据悉,作为审批此类任命的银行监管机构,印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)在一个月前致函汇丰银行,对这项任命与她在雀巢公司担任的职务可能造成利益冲突感到不悦。

    However , the Reserve Bank of India , which as the banking regulator approves such appointments , is understood to have written to HSBC a month ago indicating that it was unhappy with the potential conflict of interests with her role at Nestl é .

  18. 今年2月,在日本经销这种糖果的雀巢公司(Nestlé)在情人节前及时推出了清酒口味。

    In February , Nestl é , which distributes the candy in Japan , released a sake flavor in time for Valentine 's Day .

  19. 鉴于以上情况,FDA建议消费者扔掉家中所有的雀巢TollHouse预制冷冻曲奇,并要求食品零售商、餐馆和其他食品经销部门不得出售上述产品。

    The FDA advised consumers to throw away any prepackaged , refrigerated Nestle Toll House cookie dough products in their homes . Retailers , restauranteurs and employees at other food-service operations should also not sell or serve any of the products .

  20. 彭安杰出生于印度,曾在花旗集团(Citigroup)、百事(Pepsi)和雀巢(Nestlé)任职,目前在纽约工作。

    Banga , an Indian-born executive who has worked at Citigroup ( c ) , Pepsi ( PEP ) , and Nestl é , is based in New York .

  21. canaccordgenuity分析师艾迪哈格里夫斯(eddyhargreaves)估计,上述增长目标表明,雀巢有机销售额的年复合增长率可能要达到11%。

    The growth targets imply a potential compound annual growth rate in organic sales of 11 per cent , calculates eddy Hargreaves , analyst at canaccordgenuity .

  22. 雀巢曾承诺rowntree可以保留约克郡一家具有战略意义的巧克力制造中心,但它没有信守承诺。

    Promises that Rowntree would remain a strategic chocolate centre , based in York , have not been kept .

  23. 然而,雀巢美国高级税务高管亚历克斯斯皮策(AlexSpitzer)表示,设计不佳的行政措施或法律可能让这家瑞士食品集团不敢在美国投资于工厂和工作岗位。

    However , Alex Spitzer , a senior tax executive at Nestl é in the US , said badly-designed executive action or legislation risked deterring investment by the Swiss food group in US factories and jobs .

  24. 然后,运用SWOT分析法总结出雀巢婴儿奶粉竞争的优势,劣势和面临的机会,威胁,并对雀巢婴儿奶粉营销现状做系统的分析,找出目前策略存在的问题。

    Thirdly , using of SWOT method , I summarized the competitive strengths and weaknesses and any other opportunities and threats of NESTLE in this industry , combined with systematic analysis of current market situation , to find out the problems of current policy .

  25. 比如说雀巢KitKat就拥有上百种不同种类规格的威化饼,从而使得这一牌子变得十分受欢迎,有奶油、红茶、玉米、草莓芝士等口味。

    Kit Kat , for example , has hundreds of different varieties of their standard chocolate bar , leading to the brand becoming incredibly popular . Flavors include soy sauce , royal tea , corn and strawberry cheesecake .

  26. 雀巢(Nestlé)执行董事会成员戴维弗利克(DavidFrick)说到了一项计划,即邀请大股东们与雀巢董事长在美国和欧洲的各个城市会面。

    David Frick , a member of the executive board of Nestl é, spoke of a programme to invite its largest shareholders to meet with the chairman in various cities in the US and Europe .

  27. 世界最大食品公司雀巢公司(Nestlé)承认在印度犯下战略性错误,忽略了更富有的消费者而把主要目标对准了那些购买较廉价糖果和面条的顾客。

    Nestl é , the world 's biggest food company , has admitted to making a strategic error in India by ignoring more affluent consumers and pursuing buyers of cheaper sweets and noodles .

  28. 雀巢表示,正在积极配合中国国家发改委(NDRC)发起的一项调查。中国国家发改委负责执行中国2008年《反垄断法》的条款。

    Nestl é said only that it was actively co-operating with an investigation by the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ), which is charged with enforcing provisions of China 's 2008 antitrust law .

  29. 原本为花钱谨慎的泰国人与俄罗斯人设计的小包装袋的雀巢(Nescafé)咖啡,正在步入紧缩时代的欧洲销售。

    Small packs of Nescaf é coffee designed for cash-conscious Thais and Russians are on sale in austerity-era Europe .

  30. 总部位于瑞士Paudex的雀巢NespressoSA公司最近宣布,他们名为“NesOA”的SOA项目只用了6个月就成功完成了第一阶段!

    Nestl é s Nespresso SA division , which is headquartered in Paudex , Switzerland , recently announced the successful completion the first phase of their SOA initiative'NesOA'in just six months !