
  • 网络wyeth;whitworth;Wyeth S;wye
  1. FDA并没有要求惠氏进行任何新的临床研究,反而提出要与惠氏一路召开审查总结会,以解决上述遗留问题。

    The Agency did not request the initiation of any new studies and has suggested an end-of-review conference between Wyeth and the FDA to address the remaining issues .

  2. 截至2008年6月,SAC已将对Elan和惠氏的持仓规模分别扩大至3.28亿美元和3.63亿美元。

    By June 2008 , SAC had increased its positions in Elan and Wyeth shares to $ 328m and $ 363m respectively .

  3. FDA还发现了某些与数据收集和报告有关的问题,并要求惠氏附加原始文件。

    The Agency also identified certain issues concerning data collection and reporting and requested additional source documents .

  4. FDA已要求惠氏环绕脑卒中和静脉血栓事务风险水平作出进一步的剖析和谈判。

    The FDA has requested further analyses and discussion concerning the incidence of stroke and venous thrombotic events .

  5. 新京报(BeijingTimes)报道称,雅培公司(AbbottLaboratories)、达能(Danone)、美赞臣(MeadJohnsonNutrition)以及雀巢旗下的惠氏(WyethNutrition)正受到调查。

    The Beijing Times reported that Abbott Laboratories , Danone and Mead Johnson Nutrition were also involved in the probe , along with Wyeth Nutrition , now owned by Nestl é .

  6. 一段时间之后,药物试验的负面结果公布。受其影响Elan和惠氏的股价分别下跌了42%和12%。

    When the negative results were later announced , Elan stock fell 42 per cent and Wyeth dropped 12 per cent .

  7. 在惠氏的案子,这笔钱将与另一名举报人——劳伦·基夫(LaurenKieff)——分享,后者曾是辉瑞竞争对手阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)的销售代表。

    In the Wyeth case , this would be shared with another whistleblower , Lauren Kieff , a former sales representative for AstraZeneca , a rival of Pfizer 's.

  8. 三天后,马拓玛和科恩交谈了20分钟,并建议卖出elan和惠氏的股票。

    Three days later , Mr martoma spoke for 20 minutes with Mr Cohen and recommended selling the shares in ELAN and Wyeth .

  9. 辉瑞发言人JoanCampion说公司应该承诺保持信息公开以及并不认为惠氏是一个传统的“巨额交易”案,因为它的潜在风险不会太大。

    Pfizer spokeswoman Joan Campion says the company always said it would remain open and doesn 't consider Wyeth a traditional " megadeal " because it 's not all about one blockbuster .

  10. Medicaid是公共资助的医疗保险计划,面向低收入患者。对于其胃灼热药物Protonix,惠氏被指向非政府客户提供返点,却未向Medicaid提供返点,涉案金额达数亿美元。

    Wyeth was accused of illegally denying Medicaid , the public-funded health insurance scheme for low-income patients , hundreds of millions of dollars in rebates that were available to non-government customers for its Protonix heartburn drug .

  11. 在辉瑞以680亿美元收购惠氏(Wyeth)后,去年9月,中国商务部命令辉瑞剥离在中国内地的猪流感疫苗业务,以换取合并交易在当地获得通过。

    In exchange for local merger clearance , China 's commerce ministry last September instructed Pfizer to divest its swine flu vaccine on the mainland following its $ 68bn takeover of Wyeth .

  12. 在广告促销服务领域,常年服务于瑞士雀巢咖啡、美国惠氏、美国肯德基、德国WIBU公司。

    In the advertisement promotion service domain , year to year serves the Swiss Nestle coffee , American Hui , the American Kentuckey , German WIBU Corporation .

  13. 该控制系统在惠氏-百宫制药厂得到了成功应用。

    The system has been successfully operated in Wyeth-Whitehall Pharmaceutical Factory .

  14. 辉瑞还监督了一项揭发惠氏不法行为的调查。

    It also oversaw the process that uncovered the misbehaviour at Wyeth .

  15. 惠氏制药也有自己的问题。

    Wyeth has its own troubles .

  16. 三家外国乳制品公司—惠氏,贝因美和明治公司被免除处罚。

    Three foreign dairy producers , Wyeth , Beingmate and Meiji have been exempted from punishment .

  17. 惠氏的一位发言人称这是一项“有趣的临床前研究”,并表示该公司也是刚刚得知有关的研究发现。

    Wyeth spokesman called it an'interesting preclinical study'and said Wyeth just became aware of the finding Wednesday .

  18. 由惠氏公司出资对626名患者进行临床研究的结果周三发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上。

    Results from the company-sponsored study of626 patients were reported on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine .

  19. 这份裁决是该药制造商惠氏公司近期一系列受挫事件的最新事件。

    The ruling was the latest in a string of recent setbacks for the drug 's maker , Wyeth .

  20. 零售商也对雀巢的惠氏奶粉设置了销售上限,尽管雀巢公司声称不存在库存短缺的情况。

    Retailers were also capping sales of Nestle 's SMA milk , despite the company saying there were no stock shortages .

  21. 世界最大的制药商,辉瑞制药,意图收购对手惠氏制药以变得更大。

    Pfizer , the world 's biggest drugmaker , wants to get even bigger by taking over Wyeth , a rival .

  22. 我想你太多虑了,好象从没听说过喝惠氏的孩子龃齿多啊。

    I think you worry too much , and seemed to have never heard of Wyeth children drink more ah irregular teeth .

  23. 严格的质量控制和先进的生产工艺确保惠氏奶粉的产品质量万无一失。

    The strict quality control and the advanced technique of production guaranteed that Hui the powdered milk the product quality is absolutely safe .

  24. 惠氏制药也有许多强大的消费品牌,比如说维他命生产线,辉瑞制药可能深感后悔在2006年放弃了这个兴盛的业务。

    Wyeth also has strong consumer brands , such as its vitamin lines , a flourishing business that Pfizer may regret having dropped in2006 .

  25. 中国商务部还裁定,辉瑞和惠氏拟议中的合并,将限制中国市场上动物保健产品的竞争,特别是在猪支原体肺炎疫苗产品领域。

    MOFCOM also ruled that the proposed Pfizer-Wyeth combination would restrict competition in the local market for animal health products , in particular swine vaccines .

  26. 结论依旧不明了,但由惠氏制药公司资助的新研究发现,试图保护记忆力的妇女也许应该坚持猜纵横字谜。

    The results are still mixed , but a new study funded by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals finds women trying to preserve their memory may want to stick to crossword puzzles .

  27. 辉瑞公司进行此次和解将需要花费六千万美元左右,这笔费用还包括了对惠氏公司贿赂行为的罚款。惠氏制药公司于2009年被辉瑞公司收购,此前它也曾涉嫌海外贿赂。

    The settlement , which will cost it $ 60m or so , covers similar offences committed by Wyeth , another drug firm , before it was acquired by Pfizer in 2009 .

  28. 如果裁员继续,惠氏将有很多同伴。安进公司、强生公司、施贵宝、阿斯利康和诺华公司都已宣布在最近几个月内将进行裁员。

    If it does go ahead with layoffs , Wyeth will have plenty of company . Amgen , J & J , Bristol-Myers , AstraZeneca and Novartis have all announced job cuts in recent months .

  29. 接下来五年内,惠氏在美国、芬兰及委内瑞拉进行了大规模的临床试验,以证明轮盾的安全性、引发免疫保护的能力和效力的持久性。

    Over the next five years it launched large-scale clinical trials in the u.s. , Finland and venezuela , verifying rotashield 's safety , ability to induce a protective immune response , and lasting efficacy .