
  • 网络mengniu dairy
  1. 中国蒙牛乳业有限公司(ChinaMengniuDairyCo.,简称:蒙牛乳业)说,该公司已经把持有的中国现代牧业控股有限公司(ChinaModernDairyHoldingsLtd.,简称:现代牧业)的股份从1%增加到了28%。

    Milk producer China Mengniu Dairy Co. , involved in a 2008 melamine scandal , said it had increased its stake in China Modern Dairy Holdings Ltd. from 1 % to 28 % .

  2. 外国乳品的最新举动来自于丹麦-瑞典合资乳品集团Arla,该公司于周五表示将通过私募股权基金厚朴,购买伊利的主要竞争对手蒙牛乳品公司6%的股份,价格为17亿丹麦克朗(2.89亿美元)。

    The latest foreign bet comes from Danish-Swedish dairy group Arla , which said on Friday it would buy what amounts to a 6 percent stake in Yili 's main competitor , China Mengniu Dairy Co , from private equity fund Hopu for 1.7 billion Danish crowns ( $ 289 million ) .

  3. 第二部分对蒙牛冰激凌在沈阳地区的销售情况作具体的SWOT分析。

    The second part of the ice cream in the Shenyang region Mengniu sales for specific SWOT analysis .

  4. 蒙牛公司称,OMP,又称造骨乳蛋白,能增强人体对钙的吸收,促进骨骼生长。

    Mengniu says OMP or osteoblast milk protein aides the absorption of calcium and promotes bone growth .

  5. 蒙牛总裁杨文俊表示,为了保证采奶质量达到标准,蒙牛准备在所有奶站安装摄像头,并在所有运输原奶的车辆上安装GPS全球定位系统。

    To ensure high standards for milk collection , Yang Wenjun , president of Mengniu , said Mengniu plans to install cameras at all stations , and place GPS devices on all vehicles transporting raw milk .

  6. 蒙牛公司还称,这种添加剂在其他国家也很常用,只是名称叫MBP(基本乳蛋白)。

    It is commonly used in other countries under the name " Milk Basic Protein " or MBP , Mengniu said .

  7. 在蒙牛的“特仑苏”牛奶中发现了一种名为“OMP”的添加剂。

    The additive called OMP , a milk protein , is found only in Mengniu 's Telunsu line .

  8. 蒙牛在声明中还称,“MBP的安全性已得到权威国际组织的认可”但并没有给出相关详细材料。

    " The safety of MBP has been recognized by authoritative international organizations ," a Mengniu statement said without giving more details .

  9. 未倒下的品牌之一——蒙牛(Mengniu)去年全年的业绩或许预示着未来。

    Full-year results from Mengniu , one of the last brand s standing , might finally point to the future .

  10. 达能也是蒙牛的股东之一,蒙牛由国有的粮食及食品巨擘中粮集团(Cofco)控股。

    Danone also is a shareholder in Mengniu , which is controlled by state-owned grains and food conglomerate Cofco .

  11. 她管理着诸如LVMH、惠普、蒙牛乳业、招商银行,诺基亚和索尼等大客户。

    Under her charge were major clients such as LVMH , HP , Mengniu Dairies , China Merchants Bank , Nokia and Sony .

  12. 持股蒙牛10%的法国达能(Danone)和持股5%的丹麦爱氏晨曦(Arla)带来的专业经验,对蒙牛的业绩提升也有帮助。

    Expertise from Danone of France ( with 10 per cent of Mengniu ) and Denmark 's Arla ( 5 per cent ) have helped .

  13. 蒙牛希望借助中粮集团的全国经销网络,利用这笔投资与达能(Danone)等外资公司在酸奶等利润率较高的产品上较量一番。

    China Mengniu hopes to utilise Cofco 's nationwide distribution network and to use the investment to take on foreign groups such as Danone in higher margin produce such as yoghurt .

  14. 丹麦的爱氏晨曦(ArlaFoods)去年6月收购了蒙牛乳业6%的股份,成为蒙牛乳业的第二大股东,外界当时预计,此举有助于改善蒙牛乳业的产品质量。

    In another move expected to help improve the quality of Mengniu 's products , Denmark 's Arla Foods bought a 6 % stake in the company in June , making it Mengniu 's second-largest shareholder .

  15. 中国实施了一系列政府主导下的复苏国内乳品产业的努力,包括规定奶制品供应商应投资建立自己的奶牛场,由国有农产品企业巨头中粮集团(COFCO)出面收购曾经的顶尖民企蒙牛(Mengniu)。

    State-led efforts to revive the domestic industry have included regulations that dairy product suppliers invest in their own dairy farms and the acquisition of formerly private market leader Mengniu by state agribusiness giant Cofco .

  16. 但今年7月初,牛根生将蒙牛20%的股权出售给了由中国最大的食品进出口公司、国有的中粮集团(COFCO)牵头的一个财团。

    But in early July , Mr Niu sold a 20 per cent stake to a consortium led by state-owned China National Oils , Foodstuffs and Cereals Corp , China 's largest importer and exporter of food .

  17. 2008年,Arla就已经同蒙牛合资建立了一个配方奶粉的合资企业,由于三聚氰胺丑闻,那个中国工厂被暂停生产,此后,Arla不得不向它的国际客户保证,不会向其它地区出售中国生产的产品。

    In 2008 Arla , which already has a formula joint venture with Mengniu , had to reassure its international customers that it did not sell Chinese-produced products elsewhere , after production at the Chinese plant was temporarily suspended due to the melamine scandal .

  18. 在中国食品公司中做一个小股东,不管你的合作伙伴是什么质量的,你都需要参与整个供应链,马洪中国投资管理公司的乳品顾问大卫·马洪在谈到Arla与蒙牛的交易时说。

    To be a minority shareholder in a food company in China , regardless of the quality of your partner , you 're still exposed to the supply chain , said dairy consultant David Mahon , head of Mahon China Investment Management , referring to the Arla / Mengnui deal .

  19. 蒙牛乳业已经采取一些措施重新赢得消费者的信任。

    The company has made steps to regain trust from consumers .

  20. 该交易使得蒙牛的股价周一上涨了7%。

    The deal lifted Mengniu shares by 7 percent on Monday .

  21. 蒙牛一直在整合其供应链以保证质量控制。

    Mengniu has been consolidating its supply chain to ensure quality control .

  22. 你为何不选择继续食用蒙牛的产品?

    Why have you decided not to continue consuming Meng Niu products ?

  23. 论文进一步分析了蒙牛集团的企业文化。

    In Mengniu Group , corporate culture is emphasized all the time .

  24. 周四,蒙牛股价上涨了10%。

    On Thursday , the stock rose 10 per cent .

  25. 其次对蒙牛和伊利的体育营销策略进行深入研究。

    Next to the MENGNIU and YILI sports marketing strategy for further research .

  26. 蒙牛创新型人才培训与企业文化建设剖析

    An Analysis of The Talents Training and Corporate Culture Construction of Mengniu Group

  27. 自事件发生以来,蒙牛和伊利的股票大幅下跌。

    Mengniu and Yili have seen their shares plummet since the incident broke .

  28. 蒙牛品牌成长过程中,特别重视品牌故事的讲述,以品牌叙事为纽带来建立品牌与消费者之间的关联,实现打造品牌的目的。

    Mengniu pays special attention to brand narrative in its process of growth .

  29. 伊利的竞争对手蒙牛表示,该公司签约农户数量是上述数字的两倍以上。

    Mengniu , its rival , says it has more than double that number .

  30. 眼下关于蒙牛和伊利之争的报道并不是什么出人意料的事。

    The revelation that Mengniu and Yili were fighting should come as no surprise .