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  • 网络Sanlu;Three Deer
  1. 三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉事件中12320公共卫生公益电话的作用及其启示

    Inspiration of the role of 12320 hotline in events of Three Deer baby milk powder events

  2. 2008年发生的三鹿事件,不是一个孤立的现象,正是各种因素长期作用的结果。

    In 2008 , the " three deer " event is not an isolated phenomenon , as a result of kinds of factors ' long-term function .

  3. 群体性侵害事件的多元化解决&三鹿奶粉事件与日本C型肝炎诉讼案的比较研究

    Multi-ways to Groups Tort Incident : Comparison of Sanlu Milk Powder and Hapatitis C Litigation of Japan

  4. 从911、SARS、三鹿等事件可以看出,我国目前已进入了危机全面爆发的时代。

    From the 911 , SARS , Sanlu and other events can be seen , our country has entered a full-blown crisis era .

  5. 结论,三鹿降血脂奶粉对实验大鼠体重无影响,但可以显著降低TG并可显著升高HDL-C水平。

    Conclusion Sanlu lipid-reducing milk powder had no effect on rats ' weight , but can reduce TG and increase HDL-C level based on the trial results .

  6. 2008年,当中国奶制品生产商三鹿(Sanlu)被查出销售含有三聚氰胺的产品时,整个奶制品业都沾染了污名。

    When Chinese milk producer Sanlu was caught selling product doctored with melamine in 2008 , China 's entire dairy industry was tainted .

  7. 此前,对受污染奶粉的报道集中在三鹿(sanlu)身上,新西兰恒天然乳品集团(fonterra)持有这家中国乳品企业43%的股权。

    Previously , reports of tainted milk had focused on Sanlu , the Chinese dairy company that is 43 per cent owned by Fonterra dairy co-operative of New Zealand .

  8. 这种局面下最大的受益者就是新西兰。新西兰国家级乳品联营公司恒天然(Fonterra)曾与三鹿集团合作,还揭发过三鹿奶粉掺杂三聚氰胺的情况。

    One of the biggest beneficiaries has been New Zealand , whose national dairy co-operative Fonterra had partnered Sanlu and blew the whistle on the melamine adulteration .

  9. 上周四,三鹿集团被勒令停产,并发布了全面召回声明。调查人员此前发现,三鹿奶粉中含有的化学物质三聚氰胺(melamine)造成了婴儿患肾结石。三聚氰胺通常用于生产塑料、化肥和清洁产品。

    Sanlu was ordered to halt production and issue a general recall on Thursday after investigators found that the chemical melamine – which is normally used in plastics , fertilisers and cleaning products – in its milk powder was causing kidney stones in infants .

  10. 2008年,三元在检测中未发现带有三聚氰胺的产品,不过该公司后来收购了许多三鹿集团(Sanlu)的资产。三鹿集团是一家总部位于与河北省的国有婴儿奶粉生产商,该集团正是三聚氰胺丑闻的当事人。

    Sanyuan products tested free of melamine products in 2008 , but it subsequently bought many of the assets of state-owned formula maker Sanlu based in neighbouring Hebei province , which was at the centre of the scandal .

  11. 如汶川地震、甲型H1N1流感事件、三鹿毒奶粉事件都给我国的经济建设和社会稳定造成了严重影响,使我国政府面临着严峻的形势。

    Such as the Earthquake of Wenchuan , the Influenza A ( H1N1 ) events and the powder incident of Sanlu milk which gave a serious impact of Chinese economic construction and social stability , and more important , which provided difficult challenges to the crisis management of Chinese government .

  12. 从三鹿奶粉事件谈我国食品安全立法

    Discussing the Food Safety Legislation from the Sanlu Milk Powder Scandal

  13. 新闻专业主义与网络传播&以三鹿事件为例

    Journal Professionalism and Net Communication & Based on the Sanlu Case

  14. 三鹿降血脂奶粉调节血脂作用的研究

    Study on sanlu lipid-reducing milk powders ' regulation on blood lipids

  15. 三鹿奶粉事件引发的企业社会责任再思考

    The Re-Examination of Corporate Social Responsibility Triggered by Sanlu Milk Incident

  16. 从“三鹿奶粉”事件看企业危机营销

    Crisis sales viewed from incident of " sanlu powdered milk "

  17. 他一直忙于报道三鹿奶粉事件。

    He was occupied in reporting the Sanlu milk powder incident .

  18. 三鹿奶粉事件对我国乳品行业的影响

    Influence of Sanlu Baby Formula Scandal on Chinese Dairy Industry

  19. 恒天然公司对三鹿的投资就是一个较早的案例。

    Fonterra 's investment in Sanlu was an early example .

  20. 从三鹿奶粉事件探讨乳制品企业的社会责任

    Discussing Social Responsibility of Dairy Enterprises from the Milk Event

  21. 他将这批鲜奶卖给了三鹿和其他一些奶粉公司。

    He sold the milk to Sanlu and some other dairy companies .

  22. 陌生人社会的出路&三鹿毒奶粉事件引发的法律思考

    Outlet of Stranger Society & Reflections on Incident of Sanlu Poisonous Milk Powder

  23. 三鹿宣布破产,四名高管入狱。

    Sanlu was declared bankrupt , and four of its executives were imprisoned .

  24. 三鹿集团对此事件的反应更是使整个丑闻变的更加糟糕。

    The scandal was worsened by the way Sanlu reacted to the affair .

  25. 目前已经破产的三鹿集团董事长被判处无期徒刑。

    The chairwoman of the now bankrupt Sanlu dairy group was jailed for life .

  26. 三鹿的女董事长和总经理被撤职。

    Sanlu chairwoman and general manager also sacked .

  27. “三鹿事件”所爆发出来的是毁灭性的力量。

    What Sanlu exploded is the destroy power .

  28. 基于食品生产企业资源计划系统的三鹿事件分析

    Analysis of " Sanlu " Incident Based on ERP System of Food Manufacturing Enterprises

  29. 我国食品安全监管的制度困境&以三鹿奶粉事件为例

    Institutional dilemma in Chinese Food Safety Regulation : the Case of Sanlu Milk Powder Incident

  30. 高强说,三鹿集团应该要承担大部分的责任。

    " Sanlu Group should take a large part of the responsibility ," said Gao .