
  • 网络the third market;opportunity markets
  1. 然而自上个世纪八十年代以来,国际化妆品巨头逐步抢滩中国日化市场,并以高价策略几乎占据了高端化妆品的全部市场份额,并通过收购、合资等方式逐步渗透到二、三级市场。

    However , since the 1980s , international cosmetic giants have gradually occupied the Chinese daily product market , capturing the whole market share top grade of cosmetic products through high-price policy and pervading the second and third market by buying companies and building joint ventures .

  2. 同时,进一步发展住房二级和三级市场。

    Meanwhile , further development of two and three housing market .

  3. 培育二、三级市场,完善房地产市场结构。

    Cultivating the second-class and third class markets and perfecting the market structure of real estate .

  4. 要做到这点,就要把三级市场的运行与二级市场结合起来,实现房地产二、三级市场联动。

    To accomplish this point , we have to combine the tertiary market with secondary market .

  5. 房地产市场通常划分为一、二、三级市场。

    Real estate market is divided into three markets : the primary market , the secondary market and the tertiary market .

  6. 我们不可能为了三级市场而把产品定位、价格和质量降低,我们要专注于我们的市场。

    We can not market their products to third position , lower price and quality , we need to concentrate on our market .

  7. 发达国家房地产市场的一个突出表现就是三级市场交易量远远高于二级市场交易量。

    One of the outstanding behaves of real estate in developed country is tertiary market trading volume higher than secondary market trading volume far .

  8. 目前,深圳的房地产三级市场交易活跃,表明深圳的房地产市场正在逐步走向成熟。

    At present , the tertiary market in Shenzhen is very active , indicating that the real estate market of Shenzhen is moving to maturity progressively .

  9. 再次,规划布局要合理,合理发展房地产一级市场(住房增量市场)、二级市场(二手房市场)和三级市场(租赁市场)。

    Third , the layout should be reasonable . Develop the three levels real estate market , housing incremental market , the secondary market and rental market .

  10. 凡房地产已办理二级市场产权登记并领取产权证后又发生转移的,称为三级市场转移登记。

    Every estate already dealt with what move produces again after property right of2 class market is registered and getting property right card , call move of3 class market to register .

  11. 因此,对广州市的房地产三级市场进行系统研究,对一些现存问题提出具有指导性和科学性的建议,具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    So it has theoretic value and realism sense to give the systemic research on the real estate third class market of Guangzhou and than give the directive and scientific suggestion to some existent problems .

  12. 进入二十一世纪以来,伴随着商品房市场的繁荣,住房三级市场正在加速发展,二手房超越新房交易规模已经成为现实。

    In the 21st century , with the prosperity of commercial housing market and rapid development of tertiary housing market , it has become the reality that the sales of second-hand houses surpasses that of the new houses .

  13. 作为我国房地产经济比较发达的沿海城市,广州的房地产三级市场虽然刚刚起步,但在全国而言,还是具有一定的代表性。

    In Guangzhou , a seaboard city standard city in which the real estate economy is more successful than other cities , though the third class market is at the beginning , it has the representation in our country .

  14. 在房地产三级市场体系中,通过对我国土地出让市场土地招标拍卖挂牌出让制度的博弈分析,分析得出土地价格的隐性自膨胀机制。

    Among the three-division market system of real estate , through the game analysis of the regulations for bid , auction , list and selling way of land in land - selling market of our country . , we can draw the recessive self-expansion mechanism of land price .

  15. 四是大力发展三级股票市场;

    The fourth is greatly developing the third stock market .

  16. 大院旅游的三级目标市场体系。

    The three level target market system .

  17. 进入农村三、四级市场应该采用什么样的发展模式是本文所要研究的重点。

    What kind of operation pattern in the rural market is the key which this article needs to study .

  18. 长期而言,在消费升级和城市化的推动下,三、四级市场将成为新的增长点。

    In the long run , in the consumer upgrades and urbanization , pushed by three , four market will become the new growth point .

  19. 随着中国空调和冰箱行业的发展,一、二级市场正逐渐接近饱和状态,三、四级市场成为各企业争夺的目标。

    With the development of the Air Conditioner industry and the Refrigerator industry in china , the first degree and the second degree markets are approaching saturated situation , and then each corporation turns the third degree and the fourth degree markets into the target which they are fighting for .

  20. 因此,为了达到全面系统考核绩效的目的,根据系统性、科学性等七条原则构建了3个二级指标、12个三级指标煤炭产业市场绩效评价的综合指标体系。

    Therefore , in order to achieve the purpose of various assessment performances , according to systematic and scientific etc. principles , the author sets 12 groups of coal industry market of performance evaluation of comprehensive index system . 3 .

  21. 最后从政府、期货交易所、期货行业协会三个监管层级构建了一个一元三级的股指期货市场监管法律体系。

    Finally , the three-hierarchical-layers legal supervision system of stock index futures market consisting of government , futures exchange and futures trade association is constructed .