
  • 网络samsung;Samsung Group;Samsung Electronics
  1. 也不要问韩国三星集团的招聘官到底“山姆在唱什么歌”。(编者注:此指将三星集团的英文名称“Samsung”拆开变成了“Samsung(山姆唱歌)”)

    And don 't ask the recruiter at Samsung what exactly it was that Sam sung .

  2. 现在又浮现出另一件令人担忧的事情:整个三星集团(SamsungGroup)这家韩国最大的企业集团都陷入行贿和会计丑闻之中。

    Now , there is another looming concern : a potential bribery and accounting scandal involving the entire Samsung Group , the largest conglomerate in South Korea .

  3. 据路透社(Reuters)报道,已经在三星集团工作27年的权五铉将接替崔志成,成为三星新任CEO。

    According to Reuters , the new CEO is Kwon oh-hyun , a 27-year veteran of the Korean electronics giant .

  4. 韩国三星集团(Samsung)近年来已经给苹果造成了不小的麻烦。三星于2011年首次推出了一款巨屏手机。

    Samsung , the Korean company that has come to bedevil Apple in recent years , first released a larger-format phone in 2011 .

  5. 三星集团在其官网发布声明,要求全球用户立即返回其现有的GalaxyNote7手机,使用别的替代机型。

    In a statement posted on its website , Samsung asked users around the world to " immediately " return their existing Galaxy Note 7 and get a replacement .

  6. 据设计邦(DesignBoom)网的报道称,这款智能自行车由三星集团携手意大利车架设计专家GiovanniPelizzoli共同打造,车身总体采用曲管设计,以缓解都市路面的颠簸。

    Design Boom reports that Samsung teamed up with Italian frame-builder Giovanni Pelizzoli to build the Smart Bike , which sports a curved frame meant to reduce the roughness of riding on urban terrain .

  7. 我们是想解决移动过程中集中精力阅读的问题。三星集团(SamsungGroup)的新手机galaxys5和智能手表Gear2预装了Spritz应用。

    ' We want to work on focused reading on the go . ' Samsung Group 's new Galaxy S5 phone and Gear 2 smartwatch come with the Spritz app preloaded .

  8. 三星集团(Samsung)董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)在2010年曾警告说,这家韩国最著名的企业面临变成“街角小店”的风险。

    It was in 2010 that Lee Kun-hee , chairman of the Samsung group , warned that South Korea 's most famous company risked becoming a " corner shop . "

  9. 三星集团(SamsungGroup)前会长之子、长期被视为既定继承人的李在镕(LeeJae-yong),昨日从阴影中走出,在这家按销售额计算为全球第二大的科技公司出任要职。

    Lee Jae-yong , the son of Samsung Group 's disgraced former chairman and long seen as his heir apparent , emerged from the shadows yesterday to take a heavyweight job at the second-biggest technology company by sales .

  10. 三星集团董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)表示,他愿通过立即辞职,为上周因逃税及背信罪而被起诉一事承担全部责任。

    Lee Kun-hee , the group 's chairman , said he would take full responsibility for his indictment last week for tax evasion and breach of trust by resigning immediately .

  11. 三星集团仍由李氏家族控制,lg由具氏家族控制,现代集团由郑氏家族控制,sk集团由崔氏家族控制。

    The Samsung Group is still controlled by the Lee family , LG by the Koo family , the Hyundai Group by the Chung family , and the SK group by the CheY family .

  12. 韩国特别检察官办公室昨日表示,三星集团副董事长、推定继承人李在镕(LeeJae-yong)已被传唤,将于今日就涉嫌行贿一事接受讯问。

    Lee Jae-yong , vice-chairman and heir apparent of the Samsung group , has been summoned to appear for questioning today over suspicions of bribery , the special prosecutors " office said yesterday .

  13. 不过李在镕和三星集团都否认有任何不当行为。

    Mr Lee and the Samsung Group deny any wrongdoing .

  14. 韩国三星集团公司的市场策略

    Market Strategy of SAMSONG ( Group ) Corporation

  15. 三星集团表示,将组建一个投资协调机构,对旗下子公司的投资活动进行协调。

    Samsung Group said it will set up an investment-coordination body to fine-tune activities by its affiliated units .

  16. 三星集团的代表已发表了详细的反驳声明,并表示旗下各公司和管理层会配合调查人员的工作。

    Samsung Group representatives have issued detailed rebuttals and said its various companies and executives will cooperate with investigators .

  17. 韩国总统卢武铉否认2002年赢得大选后接受过三星集团公司的回扣。

    South Korea President Roh Moo-hyun denied the allegation that he received kickbacks from the Samsung Group after winning the2002 election .

  18. 比如三星集团两年前说,具有中文语言能力的求职者会得到额外的加分。

    Samsung Group , for example , said two years ago that job applicants with Chinese language skills would get bonus points .

  19. 三星集团是全球收入最多的集团公司,总部设在韩国首尔的三星镇。

    The Samsung Group is the world 's largest conglomerate by revenue , headquarted in Samsung Town , Seoul , South Korea .

  20. 2006年,如果排名的话,三星集团将会是排名全球第34位的经济体,比阿根廷的收入还要多。

    In2006 , Samsung Group would have been the34th largest economy in the world if ranked , larger than that of Argenti ­ na .

  21. 此外,据知情人士表示,南韩三星集团和中国中信集团也曾提出初步的探询。

    People close to the discussions said there had also been preliminary inquiries from Samsung of South Korea and Citic , the Chinese conglomerate .

  22. 在韩国的很多领域,三星集团都是单一市场的绝对主宰,它的财政收入甚至比某些国家的国民生产总额还要高。

    In many domestic industries , Samsung Group is the sole monopoly dominating a single market , its revenue as large as some countries'total GDP .

  23. 韩国的不少财富都集中在三星集团这样的少数几十家大企业集团手中。

    Much of South Korea 's wealth is concentrated in just a few dozen large conglomerates , known as chaebol , such as the Samsung group .

  24. 三星集团旗下的众多公司是韩国最大的“公司公民”,是民族的骄傲和人们羡慕的对象,也不可避免地容易受到比其他公司更为严格的监督。

    The Samsung companies are the country 's biggest corporate citizens , objects of pride and envy subjected to intense scrutiny that few other companies face .

  25. 网络中三星集团通过主动融入创新网络实现了技术水平不断提升,飞利浦公司通过采取多项措施,始终保持技术领先地位。

    Samsung Group achieves technical level rising through integrating into the innovation network actively . Philips Group keeps the leading position in technology by taking various measures .

  26. 三星集团的创始家族是韩国王室成员,并且韩国最高法院看起来不打算对其开刀。

    THE founding family of Samsung is royalty in South Korea , and the country 's Supreme Court , it turns out , is not inclined to regicide .

  27. 公司创立之初就沿袭着三星集团本部的生产运营模式。库存管理方面一直使用的是零库存管理模式。

    From its inception the company followed the Samsung Group headquarters on the production mode of operation , and has been using the " zero inventory " management .

  28. 目前三星集团在中国拥有13家公司39个法人,形成了生产、销售、服务一条龙产业。

    Samsung group now has 39 corporations subordinate to 13 companies founded in China , which form into a whole business line of production , sales and service .

  29. 该组织还指控三星集团旗下6家全资或大部分持股的工厂存在违法行为,包括工作时间严重超过法定上限。

    It also alleged illegal practices at six factories wholly or mostly owned by the South Korean group , including working hours far in excess of the legal limit .

  30. 三星集团涉及化学、建筑、保险、电子等多种产业,其中属三星电子最广为人知。

    Samsung group has engaged into many business area such as chemistry , construction , insurance and electronics etc. in which Samsung Electronics is the most well-known company branch .