
  1. E、R、G理论与三阶梯管理

    E.R.G Theory and the Three - step Management

  2. 三阶梯管理的辅助说明。

    The auxiliary Instructions of three & terraces management .

  3. 这一系统应是制度管理、情感管理、创新管理三阶梯管理的递进和融合。

    It is the improvement and combination of the three-step manage ment of system , emotion and innovation management .

  4. 马斯洛需要论丶恩格尔定律丶三阶梯管理丶企业管理研究史是一致的。

    Maslow need theory , Engel 's law , the three & terraces management and the history of study of the business administration are accordant .