
  • 网络midea;Midea Group
  1. 今年5月,中国家电业巨头美的集团宣布计划在年内推出近200款搭载鸿蒙系统的产品进入市场。

    In May , Midea Group , a leading Chinese home appliances maker , announced that it would roll out some 200 new products running on HarmonyOS by the end of this year .

  2. 而美的集团在未来的三年中,承诺每年增加10万美元赛事奖金的美意,亦将引来更多世界级球手的关注及成为新生代球手的代表性赛事。

    Midea has committed to stage this tournament for the next three years and will also raise the total prize money by US $ 100,000 every year , which is wonderful news for our talented players .

  3. 罗德尼-坎宁安一直在帮助美的集团志愿者三年。

    Rodney Cunningham has been helping the group Volunteers of America for three years .

  4. 本论文是基于美的集团研发的微波硫灯基础之上做的研究。

    This paper is based on the previous research of microwave sulfur lamp by Midea company .

  5. 广东美的集团对微波进行了自主研发,其生产的硫灯基本达到国际同等水平。

    Midea company has independently carried out the development of microwave sulfur lamp which has basically reached the International level .

  6. 民营企业管理机制运作实效研究&对美的集团管理机制的s调查案例

    An Empirical Research on the Operation of Management System in Nongovernmental Enterprises : A Case Study on the Management Mechanism of Meidi Group

  7. 产品己是国内许多知名企业的配套厂家,如美的集团、格兰仕、华淩等。

    Many products they are supporting manufacturers of well-known businesses such as the Group of the United States , Glanz , Hualing other .

  8. 在此基础上,进一步得出了美的集团的价值创造机理。

    On the basis of the study , the mechanism of value creation from M & A about the Midea Group has been concluded .

  9. 去年11月,小米付给家电厂商美的集团2亿美元,并称其将斥资10亿美元打造自己的电视生态系统。

    In November , Xiaomi paid $ 200 million for Midea Group , a maker of consumer electronics , and said it would spend $ 1 billion to build out its TV ecosystem .

  10. 美的集团在过去三十多年里,从一个以小家电起家的镇办企业,发展成为以白色家电制造业为核心,以小家电产品相配合的大型企业集团,就是依靠不断创新。

    In the past 30 years , Midea Group was developed into a large-sized group manufacturing white electrical appliances as core businesses and some other small electrical appliances as well from a small town enterprise .

  11. 该国经济部对中国美的集团收购库卡一事进行了调查,但最终断定交易未达到进行正式审核需满足的严格条件。美的现已拥有库卡95%的股份。

    The economics ministry examined the takeover of the company by Midea Group in China , which already owns 95 percent of Kuka shares , but eventually decided the deal did not meet the strict criteria for a formal review .

  12. 一名在英国最近推出是美的各种果汁饮料集团发起的丹尼尔斯今年早些时候在其约翰逊果汁品牌。

    A more recent launch in the UK is a range of beauty juice drinks launched earlier this year by Daniels Group under its Johnsons Juice brand .