
  • 网络fourth market
  1. 进入农村三、四级市场应该采用什么样的发展模式是本文所要研究的重点。

    What kind of operation pattern in the rural market is the key which this article needs to study .

  2. 长期而言,在消费升级和城市化的推动下,三、四级市场将成为新的增长点。

    In the long run , in the consumer upgrades and urbanization , pushed by three , four market will become the new growth point .

  3. 运用哈里斯托达罗模型及成本收益分析方法,可以考察我国二元四级市场上的劳动力流动状况及其就业效应。

    With Harris and Todaro model and cost-benefit analysis , labor migration in China 's dual-four-grade market as well as its employment effect can be examined .

  4. 随着中国空调和冰箱行业的发展,一、二级市场正逐渐接近饱和状态,三、四级市场成为各企业争夺的目标。

    With the development of the Air Conditioner industry and the Refrigerator industry in china , the first degree and the second degree markets are approaching saturated situation , and then each corporation turns the third degree and the fourth degree markets into the target which they are fighting for .

  5. 根据国内游客的不同旅游目的、出游方式以及国内游客的不同人口结构特征,将来鲁旅游的国内游客分为一级、二级、三级和四级国内旅游市场。

    According to the different travel purpose , travel way and population construction characteristics of domestic tourist , the domestic tourist arrived in Shandong are classified into grade one , grade two , grade three and grade four tourism markets .