
  • Sichuan Normal University
  1. 四川师范大学文理学院

    The arts and Science College of Sichuan Normal University

  2. 四川师范大学外国语学院

    The School of Foreign Languages of Sichuan Normal University

  3. 四川师范大学东校区欢迎您!

    Welcome to Sichuan Normal University Eastern campus !

  4. 教学评估与老馆改造&四川师范大学图书馆改革纪实

    A Study of Relations between Undergraduate Teaching Level Evaluation and Library Reform & A Record of the Reform in Sichuan Normal University Library

  5. 本工作室由四川师范大学美术学院一批拥有丰富教学经验及社会实践经验的专业教师组成。

    The studio consists of fine arts college of sichuan normal university has rich experience in teaching and social practice experience of professional teachers .

  6. 这款应用由成都大熊猫繁育研究基地、新加坡南洋理工大学和四川师范大学的研究人员共同开发。

    The app is developed by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding along with researchers in Singapore Nanyang Technological university and Sichuan Normal University .

  7. 毗邻5000亩四川师范大学新、老校区,人文气息浓郁,可谓城市中最具休闲气质和发展前景的区域地块,将打造为规划总建筑面积57万平方米的大型生态绿城。

    As a block with great development potential , it shall be developed into a large ecological city with a total planned construction area of570,000 square meters .

  8. 成都理工大学广播影视学院、四川师范大学新闻与传播学院等其他四个高校巡展活动分会场也同时组织开展了活动。

    At the same time , the show was also screened in4 schools including Sichuan University of science and engineering , News and Journalism college of Sichuan Normal University .

  9. 对西南财经大学大四50名学生,电子科技大学50名大学生以及四川师范大学的50名大学生进行了问卷调查。

    About the survey , it has surveyed 150 students in Sichuan Normal University , southwest University of Finance and Economics , University of Electronic Science and Technology in China .

  10. 该系统的实现,展现一个学校深厚的历史文化底蕴,树立良好的院校形象,提高校园的知名度,从而促进四川师范大学校园文化建设的发展。

    The implementation of the system show a profound historical and cultural heritage of a school , and establish a good school image , and improve the visibility of the campus , and promote the development of Sichuan Normal University Campus Culture .