
  • Four Seasons;Four Season Hotel
  1. 而且我所认为的冒险旅行是去一个没有四季酒店(fourseasons)的地方。

    And my idea of adventure travel is anywhere without a Four Seasons hotel .

  2. 2012年底开业的四季酒店(FourSeasonsHotel)位于朝阳区的中心地带,有313间客房。

    The Four Seasons Hotel opened in late 2012 , a 313-room property in the central Chaoyang District .

  3. 克莱尔•拉索尔是四季酒店(网址:fourseasons.com)及ExeterInternational旅行社的客人。

    Claire Wrathall was a guest of Four Seasons ( fourseasons . com ) and Exeter International ( exeterinternational . co.uk ) .

  4. 我下榻上海四季酒店(ShanghaiFourSeasons),当晚在顶层的酒吧里喝了杯酒,一边俯看周围灯光绚丽多彩的摩天大楼,一边倾听一支中国摇滚翻唱乐队的演奏。

    I stayed at the Shanghai four seasons , where I had a drink that night in the top-floor bar overlooking colorfully lit skyscrapers and listening to a Chinese rock-and-roll cover band .

  5. 我在PointsHound网站搜出了200多家酒店,包括奥兰多华尔道夫-阿斯多利亚饭店(WaldorfAstoriaOrlando)、奥兰多沃特迪士尼世界度假村(WaltDisneyWorldResort)和迪士尼当代度假村(Disney’sContemporaryResort)的四季酒店(FourSeasonsOrlando)。

    PointsHound turned up more than 200 hotels , including the Waldorf Astoria Orlando , Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort and Disney 's Contemporary Resort .

  6. 两年前在上海,一名患有心脏缺陷的女婴被遗弃在豪华的四季酒店(FourSeasonsHotel)边,原因可能是她的农民工父母无力支付医药费。

    Two years ago in Shanghai , an infant girl with a heart defect was abandoned in the shadow of the luxurious Four Seasons hotel , possibly because her migrant worker parents could not afford her medical care .

  7. 昨晚我一个人坐在四季酒店的酒吧时,gina就已经去了。

    That 's where Gina was last night while I was sitting alone at the bar at the four seasons .

  8. 在佛罗里达迪斯尼世界(WaltDisneyWorldinFlorida)的四季酒店(与莫斯科酒店于同一个周末开张),450名员工中的一半从该连锁集团的其它91家酒店招募。

    At the Four Seasons at Walt Disney World in Florida , which opened the same weekend , half the 450 staff had been recruited from the brand 's other 91 hotels .

  9. 他说,我给在悉尼四季酒店(FourSeasonsSydney)做行政总厨的一个朋友拨了通电话,那个朋友找到他的熟人买到了斐济的芒果,还从夏威夷买到了草莓和覆盆子。

    ' I called a friend who was the executive chef at the Four Seasons Sydney , who got his contacts to buy mangoes in Fiji and strawberries and raspberries from Hawaii , ' he said .

  10. 当时酒店重建的监理方、如今的酒店经营方加拿大四季酒店集团(fourseasons,其酒店名字则用很小的罗马字母标示在柱廊门廊上方)历经千辛万苦才完成重建,诸位也就不难理解了。

    You can understand then that Four Seasons , the Canadian hotel management company that oversaw the rebuild and now operates the hotel ( and whose name appears in rather smaller Roman type above the colonnaded portico ), has had a tough time .

  11. 当时酒店重建的监理方、如今的酒店经营方加拿大四季酒店集团(FourSeasons,其酒店名字则用很小的罗马字母标示在柱廊门廊上方)历经千辛万苦才完成重建,诸位也就不难理解了。

    You can understand then that Four Seasons , the Canadian hotel management company that oversaw the rebuild and now operates the hotel ( and whose name appears in rather smaller Roman type above the colonnaded portico ) , has had a tough time .

  12. 在本人入住过的诸多四季酒店中,这是首家在客房里配备了Nespresso咖啡机与iPad的,而且还免费提供WiFi。

    Of the many Four Seasons I 've stayed in , this is the first where rooms are equipped with Nespresso makers and iPads , and where you don 't pay for the WiFi .

  13. 它持有沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)旗下伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)投资集团约4%的股份,拥有四季酒店(FourSeasons)47%的股份,以及分销与外包服务集团Bunzl约6%的股份。

    It holds around a 4 per cent stake in Warren Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway investment group , owns 47 per cent of the Four Seasons hotel company and about 6 per cent of Bunzl , the distribution and outsourcing group .

  14. 欢迎来到伦敦金丝雀码头四季酒店。

    Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel London at Canary Wharf .

  15. 欢迎来到伊斯坦布尔博斯普鲁斯海峡四季酒店。

    Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at the Bosphorus .

  16. 我们三点在四季酒店预约了午餐

    We have lunch reservations for five at Four Seasons at 3:00 .

  17. 欢迎光临英国汉普郡四季酒店。

    Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Hampshire , England .

  18. 之后我们呆在四季酒店的房间里

    We were staying at the Four Seasons afterwards .

  19. 晚上剧组下榻在四季酒店。

    The cast and crew spent their nights at a Four Seasons hotel .

  20. 四季酒店的大厅里都有古琦跟宝格丽的专卖店

    Every Four Seasons has a Gucci near the Bulgari store in the lobby .

  21. 欢迎光临新加坡四季酒店。

    Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Singapore .

  22. 欢迎入住四季酒店茂伊店

    Welcome to the Four Seasons Maui .

  23. 于是他选中了四季酒店。

    He picked the Four Seasons .

  24. 比如在圣芭芭拉,只要有一个养鹰人就会防止讨厌的海鸥侵扰“四季酒店”的游泳池。

    A falconer in SantaBarbara , for instance , keeps pesky seagulls from invading the FourSeasons'pool .

  25. 这不是四季酒店,但希望你们不会在这呆很久。

    It 's not the four seasons , but let 's hope you 're not here long .

  26. 如果她要藏身的话总不会藏在四季酒店里吧

    If she 's hiding out she 's not going to be doing it at the Four Seasons .

  27. 在雅加达的中央商务区的中心地带,四季酒店是一个宁静的热带花园内撤退。

    In the heart of Jakarta 's central business district , Four Seasons Hotel is a tranquil retreat within tropical gardens .

  28. 除了四季酒店,其他令人印象深刻的摩天大楼还包括:764英尺的美联金融中心,712英尺的900比斯坎湾酒店,以及679英尺的迈阿密侯爵酒店。

    Other impressive skyscrapers include the Wachovia Financial Center at 764 feet , 900 Biscayne Bay at 712 feet , and the Marquis at 679 feet .

  29. 这对幸福的新人2004年在《希望和信念》拍摄现场结识,上周在大岛上的四季酒店结婚。

    The couple , who met on the set of Hope And Faith back in2004 , married last week at the Four Seasons Hotel on the Big Island .

  30. 不过,两人在约翰先生下榻的华盛顿四季酒店的总统套房里见面后,却发现他们之间其实有许多的共同之处。

    Still , the two found much in common when they met in the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington , where Mr. John was staying .