
  1. 随着新三板市场各项制度的逐渐完善,其融资功能日益显现,交投活动也将日益活跃。

    With the improvement of its various systems , its financing function becomes increasingly apparent ; its trading will also become more active .

  2. 同时,对于从主板、创业板退市的公司,新三板市场可以提供一个股份转让交易的场所。

    Meanwhile , the new third market can provide a shares trading place for the delisting company from the main board and the growth enterprise board .

  3. 在《夏洛特烦恼》上映前一天,开心麻花已经在国家股票交易所发布招股说明书和报价,也被称为新三板市场。

    Mahua FunAge released its prospectus to the National Equities Exchange and Quotations , also known as the New Third Board , a day before Goodbye Mr. Loser was released .

  4. 总之,本文通过不同研究角度、全新的研究方法就个人投资者对新三板市场的交易行为的影响问题做出了研究,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    In summary , the author uses different angles , new research methods to research the impact of individual investors ' behavior on the three new board markets and has important theoretical and practical significance .

  5. 在中国,主板、创业板的推出和完善,以及新三板市场的扩容,高科技企业的直接融资渠道已日趋丰富和完善。

    Introduced and improved in China , the Main Board and GEM , as well as the expansion of three new board , direct financing channels for hi-tech enterprises has become increasingly rich and perfect .

  6. 新三板市场既能为无法在主板、创业板上市的中小企业提供股份转让、增发融资的平台,又能为中小企业提供辅导培育服务,促进其优化公司治理结构、完善信息披露制度。

    The new third market can not only provide a platform which can satisfy the need of transferring share and listing financing for the enterprise , but also supply training services and perfect corporate governance structure and strengthen the information disclosure system .

  7. 其次,在对新三板市场进行了详细认知的基础之上就新三板市场的法律地位、投资者准入、交易机制以及转板机制等法律制度的各种缺陷与不足进行深入分析。

    Secondly , on the basis of cognition in the new third board market in detail , the article analyze some defects and shortcomings of the legal system that the legal status of the new third board market , investors access , trading mechanism and turn board mechanism .

  8. 第五,应当构建适合我国新三板市场特点的定向增资制度和转板升级制度,充分发挥新三板市场的融资功能和培养上市公司的蓄水池作用。

    Finally , it should construct oriented-increase system and transfer-board system which are suitable for the characteristics of the New Third Board , so as to promote the New Third Board Market to completely play the financing function and the role as the " reservoir " of the public companies .

  9. 本文着眼于在此新形势下三板市场该如何发展的研究。

    This paper focus on the research on the development of the third market .

  10. 自从新三板挂牌企业范围扩大至全国高新区以来,各地中小企业为了发展积极响应;大小券商和风险投资机构也到处跑马圈地,欲在新三板市场中有所作为。

    Since the three new board listed companies to expand the scope of the national high-tech zones , throughout the SME gearing up to try ; size brokerage and venture capital firms are staking it everywhere , that want to make a difference in the new three-panel market .