
xīn zhí mín zhǔ yì
  • neocolonialism;new colonialism
新殖民主义[xīn zhí mín zhǔ yì]
  1. 此外,虽然巴西当局认为,当一国统治者在背后支持针对本国人民的大规模暴行时,中止该国的主权是正确和适当的,但它同时也坚持认为,北约(NATO)在利比亚的所作所为有一丝新殖民主义的味道。

    And while Brasilia argues that it is right and proper to suspend a country 's sovereign rights when rulers sponsor mass atrocities against their own people , it also insists that Nato 's behaviour in Libya smacked of neocolonialism .

  2. 尽管中国国有媒体试图给他贴上“新殖民主义”代言人的标签,但骆家辉仍迅速在中国互联网上树立了良好声誉,这主要是因为他行事低调谦逊,而这正是一些中国官员所缺乏的。

    He quickly won over the Chinese Internet , despite state media efforts to brand him an agent of ' neo-colonialism , ' largely by conducting himself with a humility perceived to be lacking in China 's own officials .

  3. 新老殖民主义是一脉相传的。

    Colonialism and neocolonialism are in the same strain .

  4. 新殖民时期的东方主义

    Orientalism in the Neo-colonial Age