
  1. 提出了一个安徽省新网工程物流管理系统的总体设计方案,并做了理论阐述和系统分析。

    The second part gives a general design plan for ' New Network Project ' supply chain management system in Anhui and makes a theoretical and systematic analysis . 3 .

  2. 为了解决这些问题,我国大力发展农村流通网络,启动了万村千乡工程及新网工程,建设农产品、再生资源、农业生产资料和日用消费品四大流通网络。

    To address these issues , the rural distribution network was vigorously developed in China , Market Project of Thousands of Villages and Townships project was launched , and started New countryside modern circulation network engineering , including agricultural products , renewable resources , agricultural and consumer goods networks .