
  1. 笔者认为将NewLawMerchant界定为欧洲中世纪商人法基础上的新商人法,而不是跨国商法或商人习惯法。

    The author insists that New Law Merchant ought to be defined as New Law Merchant which originates from the European medieval law merchant rather than the transnational commercial law or lex mercatoria .

  2. 吸收当今新商人法法律体系中的有益成分来完善我国的国内商事法律体系的建构。

    China will absorb the excellent elements of New Law Merchant into the domestic commercial law .

  3. 它是独立于国内法体系的新商人法的一个重要渊源。

    The custom is an important source of " new businessman law " independent of domestic law system .

  4. 我国应当积极参与到新商人法的法典化进程中,确实融入到国际经济发展的大环境中去。

    China should take part in the codification of New Law Merchant actively and integrate into the international economic development .

  5. 新商人习惯法是在全球市场的大背景下产生,旨在克服传统冲突法制度在解决国际民商事纠纷的局限。

    Based on global market , the new Lex Mercatoria aims to overcome the limitation of traditional rules of conflicts .

  6. 本文认为编纂方法应当保证法律原则和规则事实上属于新商人习惯法,而不是停留在构成国际惯例或者贸易习惯的初级阶段。

    The methods should guarantee the legal principles and rules are part of the NLM factually , instead of dwelling on the primary stage of constituting international usages or customary .

  7. 德国由于采用新商人主义作为商事关系的确认标准,从而合理地解决了对商事关系的把握和商法的适用问题。

    Germany adopts new-merchant creed as the affirming standard of commercial relation , so , the problem of realization of commercial relation and the application of commercial law have been reasonably solved .

  8. 就司法实践领域而言,新商人法在司法实践中尤其是国际仲裁领域的适用越来广泛,同时其法律效力也不在不断增强。

    From the perspective of judicial practice , New Law Merchant gets more applicable in the international commercial practice especially in the international arbitration . At the same time , the legal validity of New Law Merchant is strengthening .

  9. 4关于资本经营的新国际商人习惯法。

    The new international businessman customs about capital management .

  10. 增加了新的商人。

    New vendors have been added .

  11. 我们将会在新独立商人特训会里教你如何开始从事你自己的事业,请快来报名,位子有限。

    We will teach you how to start your own business in our GSR workshop , please register now as limited seats available for each workshop .

  12. 一个新的商人会出现在达拉然的铭文商店,她将以一瓶海洋墨水的价格出售几乎所有的铭文墨水。

    Jessica Sellers , a new vendor in the Dalaran inscription shop , will sell most inscription inks for the cost of one Ink of the Sea .

  13. 这些年来,内特把他的少年背包和学院风校服换成了更加笔挺、专业的服装,成为了一个新媒体商人,但毫无疑问,他依然是我们从一开始便爱上的、看起来像橱窗模特一样的魅力男人。

    In the years since Gossip Girl first began , Nate has traded his boyish backpack and preppy school uniform for the more sleekand professional look of a new media businessman , but he 's still - without a doubt - the same Abercrombie model-lookalike charmer we 've been crushing on since the beginning 。

  14. 在经济萧条的日本,丧葬市场是极少数发展繁荣的市场之一。寺村的新企业只是商人们试图从中赢利的一个范例。

    Death is a rare booming market in stagnant Japan and Teramura 's new venture is just one example of how businessmen are trying to tap it .

  15. 1905年抵制美货运动的新视角&近代商人人格特点简析

    A New Angle of the Boycott of 1905 & An Analysis of the Personality of Merchants in Recent History

  16. 本文分析各个学者的观点,并在此基础之上根据现代商人法发展的新特点对现代商人法进行界定。

    This paper analyzes the various viewpoints of scholars , and define the concept with the new features of the Modern Lex Mercatoria .